•29- Crazed•

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Ace's Pov.

I yawned, getting out of the messy bed as I woke up. Last night was amazing, I had to admit. That gullible mate of mine did a good job being a submissive. If only she was really like this with me.

The doctor, the other day, told me that how Lillian is acting with me now, is how she would have acted if I wasn't a crazed killer. I guess that sucks for her. But he did tell me I should keep it a secret. I frowned upon that idea until he told me that she wouldn't fall for me if she knew, like before she lost her memories.

I was also warned that if there's enough things to remind her, she could remember everything. That could include me being a killer, or Darian. Next time I see that shrimp I'm going to dance in his carcass. The only reason I left him alone was for Lillian, so she wouldn't throw a hissy fit.

God, girls are sucks a pain in the ass, but this one is doing good so far. I just have to prevent her from remembering anything and we are good. I get to be stronger and kill more, while she gets a mate. Fair trade to me, not that I care though. My wolf is the one that did though.

I turned around when I heard shifting on the bed, my little mate was waking up. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, without noticing that she was completely naked. I raised an eyebrow, and she quickly noticed, covering herself with the blanket while getting flustered.

I walk over and sit at the edge of the bed, "Morning my little mate," I smirk.

She takes a moment to process what I'm saying, probably still half asleep. It was cute, "Oh- yeah. Morning!" she said enthusiastically. She wouldn't be so happy if she just wasn't oblivious, but I'm liking it this way. I feel like I have more control, actually, I do. She's been listening to me, like a good girl.

"How was last night?" I ask her, bringing up the kinkiness that went down. I knew she would get embarrassed talking about it, but that's the fun part.

Lillian's face turned extremely red as she stuttered her answer, "F-fun, and um yeah." She covered her head with the blanket after that. I laugh and take the blanket off of her. She looks up at me with her big eyes, "And you?" she asks back quietly.

I pet her messy hair, "Lets just say I want to rip this blanket off you and go for another round," I smirk, tugging her hair a bit. Last night I found out that she really liked hair pulling, and she knew that I knew. She bit her lip, hiding half of her face.

"That's nice," she comments, not knowing what to say. Even after all that, I still think she's so innocent. Like a butterfly, I can't damage her too much.

I nod, rolling my eyes a bit, "Well Lillian, I'm going out for a bit," I say, turning around, but she stops me before I could get out the door.

"Why do you keep calling me Lillian?" she asks me, I could hear a hint of sadness in her voice.

I turn around, "Because, it reminds me of lilies every time I say your name," I tell her. She nods, looking at her hands. I grab my coat and walk out the door, locking it behind me. Not to keep people out, but to keep somebody in.

As I walk in the woods, I think about what I told Lillian. It wasn't true, I don't even like flowers, well, except the dead ones. They show that the world the cold, hard truth, shit dies. I do that too, but I'm not going to be around forever.

The real reason why I call Lillian by her name is because of my wolf. My wolf likes that she has amnesia, but doesn't at the same time. It's not the same girl he saw at the prison and he refuses to use mate. I knew she would say something at some point, so I came up with that cheesy line to distract her.

My feet come to a halt when I see the small house I was targeting. It was trashy, and ugly. A familiar scent of blood even lingered around here. Oh Edward, hope you have a nice family reunion.

I shifted into my wolf, taking off my cloths prior. He was a dark mix of grey and black, with a white tip on the tail. Looks didn't matter too much to me, just size and strength, which I had now.

Lillian is falling for me, and that's going almost perfectly well for my plan.

I trot down the hill and see the silver chain that I wrapped her in for the first time. She was crazy to escape from me, but she even tried to kill herself, I know she was willing to go the distance. If she dies, I have a high chance of dying or getting frail.

My wolf growls when I knock down the front door, to see an empty living room. I ran and looked in each room, the final one being the pot of gold. Darian was sleeping soundly like the stupid teenager he was.

I growl at him, he snaps awake and looks at me with wide eyes, recognizing me. "A-Ace," he stutters frantically. I nod, approaching him bed, my paws making no noise as they hit the ground.

He backs into the corner of the room, tears flowing down his cheek. What an emo kid, no kidding. "I'm sorry," he slides down the wall, "I'm sorry for whatever I did! Please, just don't kill me!" he shouts, sobbing at this point.

I roll my eyes, licking my lips. The only apology I'll accept is his dead body. His words mean nothing, but that mark on Lillian did. The only thing this stupid mutt did right was return her to me.

I see him pull hair as his eyes bulged out of his head. Pathetic, weak, simple, was all I could think of as I slowly stepped closer to him. That's how all these people are, puppets. All towns are, but mine. Mine is full of killers, if only the government knew. Sadly, they don't, but if they did, all hell would break loose.

At this point, I was only inches away from the whimpering Darian. I looked down at my claws, making sure they're sharp before throwing the first blow to his face. His right eye was no more as he screamed.

No, this wasn't going to be quick. I wanted him to suffer, he touched my mate. I then clawed his throat, so he couldn't scream anymore. It was starting to get annoying.

I could hear his pulse slowing as I threw my final blow, at his heart. He fell down on his side, dead. It wasn't as bloody as I hoped it'd be, but that's alright. He's dead now, and I can dance on his soon to be rotting body.


YUP, that just happened. BWAHAHA.

Tuesday) Tacky tourist day for school spirit week! I'm a russian tourist with a shirt that says I like vodka. (Sorry it's blurry).

 (Sorry it's blurry)

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