•2- Can I?•

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"Can you believe it?" Greta said, waving her permission slip around in the air while me and Darian sat on the bed, shaking our heads. "Why the hell would they do this?" she asks, bringing the paper close to her face and sniffing it.

I rolled my eyes, "Who knows, our Alpha was acting kind of funny," I say, rereading the slip. I hope my parents would sign it, what a sight it'd be to see the most known killer ever known. Something to impress my grandkids one day.

Darian turns to me, looking confused, "What do you mean?" he asks me.

"Yeah, what's that smart brain of yours come up with?" Greta tags along with what Darian said.

I shrug, "The Alpha was being very upright, as if he was doing something he didn't want to," I say. It was true, like Ive said before, he's usually very relaxed. When he was in the video, that was not relaxed and it rose my suspicious of the unknown.

They turn to each other, nodding. "If we all can go we can stalk around," Greta recommends.

I look at her wide-eyes. "You must be crazy, it's the most secure prison ever in history. How could a could kids stalk around?" I ask. It was on the brink of impossible. Greta must be going nuts over my theory.

"Yeah, but we can still try and listen over our Alpha and such. Just don't get caught," she winks, holding up her index finger.

I sigh, mumbling, "Oh god we are going to die next week." It's true, if we were caught, we might get killed because one, it's the top prison and two, we aren't going to be on our own territory.

Greta crosses her arms, "Whatever, anyways, I've got to get going home. C'mon Darian, I'll walk you," she says, grabbing his hand and dragging him out of my room.

"See you tomorrow!" Darian shouted from the end of the hallway. I shook my head and laughed, she was persistent to leave.

Anyways, now it was time to ask my parents if I could visit this prison. A once in the lifetime chance. All I had to do was be convincing, saying it's going to be on a test or whatever.

As I finish that thought front door opens and slams shut, dad! I run downstairs, making sure to bring the papers and a full pen. I was going, no matter what I tell you!

"Hey dad!" I smile, peaking around the corner of the wall.

He looks up at me with a tired face then smiles back, "Good evening dear, what's that in your hand?" he asks.

I bite my lip, I need to start out simple. "A permission slip." I hope that was vague enough for him. But I knew he'd eventually push me to tell him, or he would just take the paper and read it. Not everybody has time for my shit. Learned that lesson long ago.

He raises an eyebrow, "So what are out hiding from me?" he asks like I'm an open book.

I groan, he knew me too well for any of my pathetic tactics to work, damnit. "The Alpha gave everybody at the high school a permission slip to go to the top security prison.. to see the worst criminals in werewolf history that are alive," I tell him, being completely honest. Sometimes that worked, it just mattered what mood he was in at the moment.

His face goes straight, "Oh yes, I got an automatic phone call from his office. Would you like to go? I know our family has had extremely bad history with those killers and their mates, but I won't let that persuade me on this trip. Your choice," he breathes out. I knew my dad well enough that he didn't want me to go, but he respected that I was almost an adult and I could make my own choices in life.

"I want to,"I simply say, hanging him the pen and paper. He nodded, sitting on the couch to fill out the papers as excitement built inside of me.

I was actually going to do this.

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