•23- Worse Than Him•

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"Wake up god damnit!" My eyes shoot open when I feel a pain in my left side. I look over and see a man in a prison guard's uniform. I look away, knowing what was going to happen to me, for the rest of however long I live. I'd love to say there's a way to escape, but this is the highest security prison that even Ace couldn't escape for four years.

"Fucking finally," the guard hunts, leaving the room. I take a moment and inspect everything around me. It is a grey room with dark bloodstains everywhere, even the ceiling. There are shelves of tools, from sexual to a drill. I choked back my tears, I had to admit, I'd rather be with Ace. He wouldn't kill me, but these guys would love to, and are going to when they're done and have captured Ace.

Ace was right, something was wrong, and he knew it. Now, if he gets me out of here alive, then I owe him something. I have no clue what he wants though, probably to abuse me more. Let's just hope it's better than this. Maybe if I apologize he won't be as harsh, I can only try.

The heavy steel door opens again and the warden along with the same guard that kicked me entered. I frowned, giving the blankest look I could muster. It was easy to tell when somebody was lying, but I wasn't going to make it that easy for them.

"Well, well, who knew my plan would actually work?" snickers the Warden as he sits down in an old, wooden chair. The guard stood besides him, completely silent. "Anyways, do you know what I'm going to do to you?" he asks me. I don't respond, keeping the same face and posture. He frowns, "Of course, you're smart enough to know that you're going to go to hell and back till your mate is captured. Then, after that, what happens to you is whether or not you cooperate."

I was curious, all the previous girls were murdered, but it sounded as if he had another option. "Kill me, right?" I straight up ask him.

He shrugs, smirking, "Or you could go free. Our researchers have actually been making a serum that breaks the mate bond with no pain, you could live a free life," the warden says joyously. My mouth widens a bit, I could be free? Free of Ace?

But was he lying about all of this? No, he showed no signs of lying, but he also knew I knew some tricks up my sleeve. So he could've gotten better. He's a wise man, I'll give him that much.

"Anyways, Jack, could you lie the table down horizontally?" the warden asks. The guard, Jack, nods and walks over to the table I was spread out on and spins a lever. The table goes horizontal and I'm lying down, thinking what was going to happen to me next.

The warden walks over and takes the hair out of my face, smiling. "It gets worse till he comes, and I know he's a stubborn on," he chuckles, suddenly slapping my face. I growl, biting his hand, hard. He pulls his bow bloody hand away and flips me off, mumbling foul words. "Slice her!"

I flinch, oh god, they were going to cut me. Bad move Lillian, bad move!

Jake smirks and turns around to a rolling cart that held knives of all different shapes and sizes. "Please don't!" I cried out hopelessly. I knew, deep down, that anything I did would be useless. I'm not strong enough. My only hope is the person I hate second to most right now.

Jake hands the Warden a bread cutting knife with serrated edges. My heart pumped fast as I felt myself panicking. My wolf was pacing around in my head, trying to reach Ace, but couldn't since we haven't... fucked, yet. Which will be never, I might add.

The Warden walks over to my left side, around the part when I got brutally kicked, and sticks the knife straight in. I scream loudly, tears flowing down my red cheeks. If he does this enough times in a row I could die, I don't heal fast enough myself.

He shrugs and wiggles the knife as I continued to shriek and scream for help, as if to believe myself it was actually coming.

"Stop!" shouts a voice from the steel door. I don't bother looking up, I was too tired and about to pass out from the pain. I hear footsteps come near me, I look up and see a tall man with blond hair and glowing green eyes. "That's enough Warden, there's other plans for her," he says, taking out a key and undoing the metal straps that held me down to the table.

I fell face flat into the floor when they were all off. The knife was still in, but I didn't want to take it out in fear of loosing too much blood. The blond boy laughs and picks me up gently, making sure to go nowhere near the knife in my side.

"Be careful, she's a smart one," the warden warns, rubbing his hand. You deserved that bite and a thousand more, bitch. 

"Smart, eh?" the guy asks me. I don't respond, and I think he got the memo. "Well, let's just see who's smarter," he said, I could practically hear him smirking. I look at him, trying to see if there was anything about him that I could figure out.

Nothing. His eyes shined brightly, but they were practically empty of all emotion. Even mine still held a glint of hope, Ace held blood lust on his, and the list goes on. But this guy, there's nothing, as if he's a robot.

"I bet you're curious why you got out of that," he smiles, closing his eyes for a moment. I stare at him, longing him to tell me what's going on. "Well, it's one thing to just cut you up and make you bleed to hurt your mate, but there's other ways," he pauses for a brief moment to stop walking, "hope your ready to have a little fun kitten," he winks, continuing to walk again.

I felt utterly confused, until I saw our final destination. The room was a light green colour, very soothing, sure as hell not right now though.

He set me on the bed, that's inside the room, and sits next to me, wrapping an arm around me.

"We are trying something new and you're going to be our test subject, kitty," I look straight at his and see a hint of happiness in his eyes. "They chose me since I lost my mate, but- you're going to be my new mate."

I hop off the bed, cringing when I forgot I still had the knife in my side. "No!" I shout. My wolf growled at him, he should respect his dead mate and not try and white around with me.

He shrugs, "Too bad kitty," he gets up and corners me. He easily towered me, even taller than Ace. He leans down so our eyes met at the same level, "You're mine now." He leans in and kisses me roughly as I felt my world fall apart. My wolf howled for our mate to come rescue us, even I wanted him to come. I wasn't safe here, nor was I with him, but it was better than this. If I listened to him.

"You know what?" he asks, pulling away. I frown, glaring at him. He playfully rolls his eyes, and places a hand on my stomach, "If they really want to break your mate, then there's going to be a plus one involved," he chuckles.

My eyes go wide as I felt my vision blur. I knew what he meant, and by no means was I letting that happen. No chance....


Three chapters in one day, yay! The video is going to be in the next chapter which will be within the next few days since I'm gaining reads like holly crap crazy.

Anyways, I hoped you like this chapter. It's a little different from what I first thought, which was that Ace had a half either that was an Alpha or King, but that'd be a whole story in itself and I just ditched the idea to go for this one.

Did you get what he was referring to?

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