•11- Your Plans•

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"Lillian!" I hear a voice shout. I groan and open my eyes, looking up at an angry Ace. My eyes went wide and I whimpered, sinking myself below the water. It was extremely cold, but it was better than facing him. I feel some movement by my feet, I realize he was pulling the plug.

The water started to drain and I had nowhere to hide. I looked at the wall to my right, avoiding eye contact. I sneeze and accidentally bang my head. I groaned, rubbing my snout.

"Interesting," Ace simply says. He kneels down and picks up my wolf like it was nothing. He set me outside the bathtub and got a towel, wrapping it around me. He picked me up once more and then set me on the bed, turning the bathroom light off on the way out.

As I lied there like a burrito Ace went to the thermostat, "The water was freezing, getting a cold would be a hassle," he explains. I nod, looking down. Somewhere deep inside I thought he cared for me, just a little, but I'm just dreaming.

Ace put on one of his hoodies, grabbing a car key chain. He left without saying a word, leaving me confused. Not like he had to tell me, but it'd be nice.

I unraveled myself from the burrito and shook my semi wet fur. I stared at the chain restricting me to this apartment, I needed a way out. I look around and quickly find the other side of the chain tied to the wooden bed. I roll my eyes, he could've been a little smarter than this. I couldn't break the silver chain, but I could break the bed.

I trotted to the kitchen, open the knife drawer just to find it empty. It was full the other day, god damnit. I groan and search everywhere for something sharp. To my dismay there was absolutely nothing. Glad to hear he's not completely stupid. Well, he did kill thousands without getting caught. Why did I let him even touch me? I'm the stupid one.

No. Now is my chance to escape, he won't be as strong without me around. I just have to go far, far away. After I get this chain off, I swear I will drag this bed if I have to.

I crawl on top the bed and begin bouncing. I stop when It honk of something that might work a little better. I get off the bed and look at the post I'm stuck to. I lifted the bed a little and the chain fell off the bed post. I'm glad I thought of that now rather than later.

I walk over to the front door and jiggle it, locked. I flip the switch and try again, locked. Great, I turn towards the windows. We were three stories up, I could make it, if I landed correctly. I walk over to the window and try and open it, failing. They were locked, but I could break the window. If I did though, I'd have to run fast because somebody might realize I left.

I back away from the window, my heart beating fast. Just jump through and land. Then you'll be free, I tell myself. I start barging at the window, it shattered on contact. I fell to ground and hit it hard.

I groan, slowly getting up onto my paws. The silver chain was right behind me. I began running into the thick forest that was right by the apartment complex. All I knew is that we went East when I was hanging over his shoulder, so I had to go West. I look up at the sun, knowing it was morning.

I've been running for about three hours now, and I felt as if I was getting close to home. When Ace took me he walked in his human form, which took awhile. So me runing as a wolf was five times faster.

I peek my head out of the forest, recognizing local businesses. Now that I was back in my hometown, I was happy, but also clueless. I was missing, they had to know by now. I wasn't at Ace's apartment for long, but I did leave a lot of blood on my bed. A shiver runs up my spine as I remembered that moment.

Darian. He knew Ace was my mate, but his brother was Ace's friend. Though they haven't seen each other in forever.. I should be good.

I walked along the forest's edge, the chain rustling behind me. It was such a hassle, getting caught onto everything. And my leg was getting tired from dragging it around for hours, it had to weigh at least fifty pounds. I was only 120 lbs.

My tail started wagging again when I saw the familiar mobile home. I ran down the hill, tripping on the way down. I rolled the rest of the way down, smacking against him house in pain. I groan, the silver chain wrapped around me now.

"What the fuck?" I hear Darian say, sliding his back door open. He looks around and spots my wolf. His eyes go wide as he runs over to me. "Lillian? Oh my god," he says trying to unravel me from the chain, but failing to do so. His hand got burned and he flinched away.

"What's going on?" a voice asks, Edward's. I let out a whine as I try to roll away, only not able to move. The silver shocked my muscles. Edward looked down at me then laughed, "How did you?" he asked, not being able to finish his question because he was laughing too much.

Darian glared at his brother, "If you aren't going to help, go away!" he shouts, once again trying to yank the chain off.

Edward shakes his head, kneeling down by me. "Ace is gong to be furious little one," he says, pulling something out of his pocket. I whimpered, looking away. "Here," he says, I feel the chains fall off me, and off my ankle. I shake the chains off and hop away. My body still felt weak, but better.

"How do you know her?" Darian asks, crossing his arms. He didn't look like the loving best friend I know, he looked cold towards his brother. I wouldn't blame him. If I had a sibling and they were serial killers I'd resent them too.

Edward shrugs, sitting where the open door is, "As you might not know my dear brother, Ace is my ally. The other day he was showing her off to me and a few other guys," he said, pulling out his phone. I growl, tearing the phone out of his hand, breaking it with my jaws. "Smart one, but trust me, he will find out," Edward snickered. I growled in response, baring my teeth at him.

Darian stepping in front of me, "Go away Edward. You're not wanted here. Not by mother, not by father, and especially not me!" he shouts, throwing a punch at his brother's face. Edward catches Darian's fist, twisting it.

"When Ace finds out, he won't hesitate to kill you my dear brother. Have fun," he says, letting go of Darian's fist. He stands up, walking away.

Darian growls, "I'm sorry Lillian, you have to go through this. I'll protect you to the ends of the earth," he turns around to face me. A sad look on his face made my heart melt.

He always meant by what he said, but I don't want him to risk his life for me. He has a whole life ahead of him. This was my mate, my battle for survival.

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