•35- Don't•

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It was one in the morning when I heard the front door open and close, violently. Ace stomps over to the bathroom and tosses it shut, making the room rattle a bit. I groan, waking up to the darkness surrounding me. I hear Ace turn the shower on and proceed to shower while I slowly fell back to sleep, only to be woken up again by the bed dipping beside me.

Ace moves closer and wraps his arms around my waist, as if not remembering what happened earlier. I pull away, "Don't touch me," I tell him again, seriously. Until everything is sorted out, he gets nothing from me.

He lets out a soft growl, but doesn't say anything. Instead, he backs off to his side of the bed, respecting my wishes. I was a bit shocked, but my mind thought this was a part of his "tactics" to win me over for when I remember. Oh if I could only remember.


I wake up late in the afternoon, around three. I lift my head up, but I immediately groan, feeling a huge pain on the front and back part of my head. Guess there's no getting out of bed today. I open my eyes to look around, stopping when I see Ace asleep on the couch.

He opens his eyes and stares back at me for a long minute before getting up and going into the kitchen. He brings back a cup of water and something else in his hand. "Here," he hands me a pill and the water, "it should help with the headache," he tells me.

I look at the pill, unsure if I could trust him. He notices this and speaks up, "I can feel your headache too," he says.

I let out a small sigh, inhaling the pull and taking a drink. It tasted horrid, but if it helps, it'll be worth it. Ace sits on the edge of the bed and just stared at me, I stare back, feeling heart race.

Ace turns away, "I know you don't completely trust me anymore," he states the facts. I nod, knowing that he couldn't see me do so. "But if you remember everything-" he turns to look back at me, "remember that I can be a mate."

I give him a sad look, not knowing how to respond. He makes it seem like me remembering is the worst thing in the world. Once I remember everything, I know I'm going to be conflicted with myself.

As I was about to reply, Ace walks out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I let out a small whimper, feeling my mate's distress. Oh Ace, I do t know what I'm going to do with you.

A knock on the door snaps me out of my frozen, sad stage. I sluggishly walk over to the door and look through peep hole. I see familiar black hair, Olivia. I debated whether or not to open the door. My choice is no, I told Ace I wouldn't see her again and we don't need anymore troubles.

Olivia knocks again, harder this time, "Lillian, I need to talk to you," she shouts through door. I bite my lip, wanting to reply, but I didn't want her to know I was here. "Please?" she says in a begging tone. I sit by the door, waiting for her to go away. I told myself I'm not going to open the door, so I'm not.

The room fell into silence for a few second before I hear a loud bang against my door. Either Olivia kicked the door or slammed her whole body against it. "Lillian! It's important," she shouts once more, only to be interrupted by my mate.

"You bitch!" I hear Ace shout, sounding very angry. My wolf howls for him to calm down, since that is a part of our job. "Remember what I told you last time?" he growls. I get up and look through the peep hole to see Ace holding Olivia up by her neck.

She gasps for breath, "Ace- please! I-I just want to-o talk to Lillian!" she cries. I would never see her as one to cry. But I would never have thought Ace to be.. violent.

I look around and see a girl covered in blood, her blood. I couldn't see her face, but it was obvious she was crying. I turn around and see somebody else hiding in the shadows, Ace.

He walks over to the girl and licks up her blood, revealing scars. She was trying to kill herself, I wonder why...

Ace takes the razor from her with a smirk and brings it down to her thigh, craving Ace's Mate into her thigh.

I blink a few times, bringing myself back to reality. That wasn't some random girl, that's me, the first time I came in contact with Ace. He carved that into my thigh, as if to remind me there's no escape now.

I unlock the door and throw it open, feeling anger rise up in me. I stomp over to Ace and throw the hardest punch I can. He lets go Olivia, dropping her onto the hard ground. He holds his bleeding nose in surprise.

I felt it, but I didn't care, it sure as hell hurt though, and that's what he is feeling. His eyes widen as he takes a step back. I quickly grab Olivia's hand and pull her into the room before Ace could come.

I quickly lock the door behind me, within a second Ace was banging on the door. "Lillian, open this mother fucking door god damnit!" he growls. I could feel his wolf trying to calm him down, but it wasn't working at all. I back away from the door, sitting on the bed.

"Why did you do that?" Olivia asks me, curiosity in her voice. She comes over and sits by me. I look over at her and see bruises starting to form on her neck, I wish I would've intervened earlier.

After seeing that flashback, a little part of me seemed to fall apart. The piece that was starting to trust Ace, even love him.

I let out a sigh, "I finally remember," I say in a quiet voice. Ace's banging stops and I hear an ear piercing growl ring through the walls.


Lillian finally remembers mostly everything. There's just one thing she doesn't remember about Ace and his... occupation.

So, I hit 300k reads today, THANK YOUUU. Oh, and 500 followers. I'm like a happy Energizer Bunny!! :)

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