•1- School Trip•

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Trailer: https://youtu.be/Qq4gtpWrUNM by XPetttywapX

Lillian's Pov.

I woke up with a small yawn as I stretched my arms wide. My alarm was going off at six in the morning. Normally I would wake up at seven, but I ditched some homework last night that needed to be done. I wasn't a bad kid and I wasn't planning on letting my grades slip anytime soon.

I take out my heavy blue and black binder and begin to do my AP class's homework. Ten pages in an hour is pretty good, considering most of them consist of sloppy cursive. If the teachers couldn't read it, then that's there problem they didn't learn to read cursive. But just my opinion. I didn't always think like that, I'm usually positive in my own way.

Past that, I get up and look at my in my full body mirror. I didn't look too bad, nothing some makeup and cloths wouldn't fix up in a minute. A few small, red bugs bites were visible, which did bug me since they inched like hell.

I got out my large makeup bag and put on the normal concealer, powder, eyeliner and mascara. The simple of the simplest for me, anything below that I wouldn't accept. I've been doing makeup for a couple years, so I was pretty good for what I knew how to do.

I changed into a pale teal shirt, light jeans, pink converse, and let's not forget the lace underwear and bra. Even though nobody (except my friends) would see it, it made me feel sexier. It's one of those just because things.

Amy phone rang just as I took a step out the door, the ringtone was the one I had set for one of my best friends, Darian. My other best friend was Greta.

I answer the phone and plop onto my bed, not caring about breakfast anymore. Darian always called me, and I answered every time. He is a bit suicidal, and everyday I searched his body for cuts- just to make sure. Sometimes he thinks I'm over protective, but I just don't want him to hurt himself. It's not worth it!

"Hello?" I answer, tapping my phone case with my index finger.

It was quiet for a second before he spoke up, "Can I come over and walk with you to school today?" he asks shyly. I may have forgotten to mention he was the cute and adorable guy at school that hung out with the two looser chicks, just because we have known him forever. Some things in life just work out the good way.

I smile, "Of course," I reply.

I could practically hear him smile at my response. If Greta couldn't walk with him to school he called me. "Oh thank you, thank you! I'll be over soon, cya," he says, hanging up the call.

I roll my eyes, he never let me say goodbye most of the time because he got hyped up about something.

It'd take him a few minutes to get to my house, so I decided to go snack on something while I waited for him. I grabbed my backpack and went to the kitchen, which was okay, kind of outdated. Still works, and that's all that matters.

I bite my lip as I get myself a peanut butter and syrup sandwich. My family thought it was the most disgusting thing ever, but they are so wrong. It's like my baby. I hate jelly, it's just so... mushy.

The doorbell rings as I'm taking my last bite of 'breakfast'. I run into the living room open the door to see Darian in his everyday oversized hoodie and jeans. I don't know how he found hoodies that big, he was already six foot at 18.

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