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Lillian's Pov

I looked over to Darian staring at the tv, he was smiling slightly in a soft way. He quickly took me away from his house after his brother freed me. We went to his family's vacation cabin, it was extremely small, but secluded. It was a four hour run, the opposite direction from Ace's apartment complex.

I feel an arm wrap around me, pulling me closer to Darian. I bite my lip, smiling. He was the only thing keeping me alive. My family didn't even mean this much to me. They were pushy, and quite racist. I just wish I could see Greta, she must be missing me...

"Hey Lillian," I turn to Darian, "what if he finds us?" Darian asks. I inhale sharply, I was going to ask that, but he beat me to it.

I look away, thinking. "You run as fast and as far as you can. He won't kill me, but he will kill you if you don't," I say, leaning my head to lay on his chest.

I could here his heartbeat as he replied, "I don't want to leave you with him. He is a fucking crazy sadist!" I feel Darian's grip tighten around me.

I felt bad, I was relying on Darian right now. He could die if we didn't play our cards right. "Look, I don't want you to die and I'm the only one that can prevent Ace from doing that. Some things are things we can't avoid," I tell him, with all the honesty I had. Ace was a crazy nut job, but we still had a mate bond I could manipulate.

Silence filled the room as I waited for a response. I was patient, I knew he was trying to think of something, but... everything was risky. Even going outside, my scent could get caught in the wind and spread.

"What if," Darian pauses, seeming doubtful of what he was going to say. "Never mind, it wouldn't work. Anyways, are you getting sleepy?" Darian asks me. I raise an eyebrow, curious of what he thought, but I didn't want to push him into telling me. I simply nod and I feel myself being picked up. I lightly blush as he takes me to the one bedroom in this cabin.

He set me down on the bed and placed a blanket over me, hopping in to join me. As kids we used to sleep in the same bed, so it wasn't a big problem. This bed was only a queen though, so Darian was pressed up against me. I felt his body heat warm me up as the night grew cold.

I flipped over to face him, he was awake and his eyes flowed a gorgeous green colour. I raised my hand and lightly touched his cheek, it was soft like a baby's bum.

"Thank you for everything Darian," I say, leaning in to give him a kiss on the cheek, but he moves slightly and kisses me. My face turns red, but thankfully it was dark in the room.

Darian pulls away, but keeps me close. "Lillian, I have to ask, can I mark you?" he asks, his voice quivering from fear of rejection.

My eyes go wide, he wanted to mark me? "But Darian, you have a mate out there," I tell him, my wolf agreeing. She was very hesitant about staying close to him now, but I pushed her away. I trusted Darian way more than I ever would Ace.

"You're more important Lillian. You've been there for me for all my bad and good days, now I need to be there for yours. If I mark you, he can't mark you." I look at the window, thinking. Would it really be worth it? He's sacrificing his own mate, for me.

My wolf howls as I speak, "Okay," I say, biting my lip. Ace was marked by me, but it was useless unless he marked me. Oddly enough, he didn't.

Darian kisses me again, passionately. He was my first kiss and I felt a bit guilty, but that was only the bond. I hated Ace. I kiss him back, closing my eyes. Soon enough he pulls away and moves down to my neck, nipping around. It doesn't take him log to find my soft spot, I moaned and I could feel him smile as he kissed it before his canines came out.

"This is going to hurt, but once you mark me the pain will stop," he states before digging his canines into my neck. I let out a scream as I felt my whole world spin around. He pulls away and licks my new mark.

I look up at him and focus my vision before flipping us over so I was on top. I lean down and nibble as his neck. Once I heard him make a moan I bit down. He didn't scream, surprisingly, just froze.

I let out a short breath, collapsing on him. I couldn't believe I did that, but at the same time I was happy. Ace couldn't take me for himself anymore. I feel his hand rub my back as I lied on top him.

"I love you Lillian," Darian says, kissing my cheek.

I smile, looking at his green eyes, "I love you," I move up and kiss him. If Ace would ever come into my life again, I don't know what'd I do.

I knew Ace felt my pain when I got marked, he knew what I was doing. No doubt that he would look harder for me, if he could. His wolf should be in pain right now, which meant he's weaker than normal.

"Lillian, thank you," Darian speaks up, wrapping his arms around me to embrace me in a warm hug.

"For?" I ask him, curious of what he meant. I should be the thankful one, I was marked by somebody I loved. Not somebody who would kill me if I wasn't his mate.

Darian let's out a small laugh, "Being here, with me," he says smoothly.

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