•6- Break•

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The class was in an open area inside the prison walls. There seemed to be double the guards today, even some following the class around. Sadly, I didn't bring my notebook of suspicions, I left that in my backpack in my locker. I didn't know we were coming here after all.

The Warden from yesterday stood in front of our class in a training uniform. That ordinarily consisted of gym shorts, a t shirt and tennis shoes. "Okay class," he began speaking for the first time today, "Im going to show you how can protect yourself from murderous wolves."

The purpose of this wasn't very clear. The chances of us coming in contact with a murderer was smaller than winning the lottery.

The first thing the Warden told us to do if we came in contact with a murderer was to not scream. That'd only catch their attention more as they would try and shut you up. I agreed with this, unless there was other people around. If they heard a scream they might help, or they'd stand back and expect somebody else in the crowd to be the hero.

"The second thing is protect yourself, not your valuables. This one is directed towards teenagers and their phones," he said, holding up his own Iphone. I looked down at my Galaxy and then shoved it back into my pocket. I valued my life more than my phone, but that didn't feel true today.

The next thing we did was eat some food they served us, well, I didn't. It was appealing, too appealing in my opinion. Muffins, chinese, everything was available.

"Hey Lillian, you feeling alright?" my teacher asks, sitting by me against the prison wall.

I nod, "Of course," I said in a slightly cheery tone. If my teacher could tell I was off, I was off.

He goes in his pocket and pulls out a muffin, "Why not have one?" he asks me, trying to hand me the muffin.

I frown, "No thanks," I say, getting up and walking away. There was no way I was going to eat this prison food.

Once everybody was done we gathered in a circle that included the warden and our teacher. We were going to play a game, a fun one he said, but I had no idea what it was. I felt like it was a messed up version of Duck Duck Goose.

My heart was beating fast, but not as bad as yesterday, I tried to calm it down with soothing breaths, but nothing was working. It was something I had to deal with till we left this facility.

"Our session is almost over, anybody have any questions before the game begins?" he asks, a small smile on his face. My teacher was looking aimlessly around the prison, sketched out.

Nobody raised there hand, there wasn't much to ask. Well, my questions weren't meant to be ask out loud. They were speculations that might raise suspicion of me.

"Fair enough," the warden says, standing up. "For this game, would anybody like to-"

The prisons lights were shut off and we were left in complete darkness. The girls screamed and the guys gasped. I curled myself into a small ball, trying to adjust my eyes to the darkness, thankfully it worked. When I looked at my classmates they looked blind, like they couldn't see anything.

They weren't stupid, maybe that food had something to do with this. Then that'd mean this was planned, but what exactly is this? I looked around and noticed guards circling around us. I backed up against the prison wall, away from my classmates.

The sirens soon went off, along with the Warden shouting, "Huddle together! There's been a prison break!" he shouted. He was behind the guards, staring at my class. This better not be his game, because this is not fun.

My heart beat faster as my wolf was going crazy, she sensed my mate nearby. I looked around and noticed a shifty shadow on top of the prison, it looked directly down at me with its white eyes. Ace.

He didn't stay for long though, he turned the opposite direction and hopped off the buildings, running. How could he not be seen? There were double the guards today! Something wasn't right.

I looked back at my class, frozen in fear, just like me. My teacher was by the warden, biting his nails nervously while the warden looked around and then at me.

I glared at him, giving him the bed. His eyes went wide as he whispered to a nearby guard. The guard came over to me and picked me up by my shirt and brought me over to the teacher and warden.

"How can you see?" he sneered, coming close to my face.

I gulped, in fear, "I didn't eat that food you contaminated," I said a little louder than I should've. My classmates stopped whimpering and began listening. "I don't know what's fun about letting out your most dangerous prisoner," I said confidentially, almost regretting it immediately afterwards.

The prison lights flashed back on. Me and the Warden were the center of attention. He threw me to the ground, "I guarantee no prisoner actually broke out missy," he says, fixing his outfit.

Confidence rang in me, "Then show us Ace, show us he is still locked up." My eyes pierced into his as I spoke.

He frowned and turned around, "Little lady, this prison is impenetrable. I'm not going to such lengths to prove a point. I think it's about time your class left," he said. My teacher nodded and ushered us to the bus in a hurry.

I looked back at the warden, who was now staring at me, thinking. If only I knew what sick game he was playing.

The bus ride was slow, but I had time to think to myself. I love mysteries, I've always wanted to be a detective, but if that really was Ace..

Like a lightbulb being turned on, I had an idea. What if they released him, so he could find his mate. That would be obscure, but a possibility. Having his mate could make him stronger, but also weaken him if I got hurt. I looked down at my arm, I wonder- no, I knew he felt it. It probably felt like nothing, but he still knew I did it.

I let out a sigh, I just hope I was being delusional with  seeing those piercing white eyes. I was hoping I was wrong. I was hoping my life won't end soon.

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