•28- Dont Let This End•

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I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist as I started to fall asleep. I smiled, closing my eyes. "If only.." Ace whispers in a sleepy voice.

I didn't know what he meant, but I didn't mind too much. He was a bit weird, and he did act funny at times, but I guess it's just his personality, there's nothing I can do about it. I don't want to change him anyways.


The next morning I woke up from my dreamless sleep to find myself alone in bed. I frowned, looking around to see if Ace was here. Sadly, there was no trace of him.

I sigh, getting out of bed to get a change of cloths. I opened a few drawers, trying to remember which was mine. After a few tries I succeeded and found a drawer full of my cloths. I picked out a simple outfit, just a hoodie and leggings. Not like I was going anywheres, so no need to impress anybody.

As I closed the other drawers of Ace's I smelt something sickening. I bite my lip, trying to find the source. I stick my hand to the bottom of the drawer and pull out one of his hoodies. It looked normal, besides a few random stains, but it reeked of blood.

I drop the hoodie, taking a step away from it. It's like something was ticking in my mind, trying to tell me something. If only I wasn't so forgetful.

I pick the hoodie back up to examine it, but the door opened as I began to look closely.

"What are you doing?" Ace asks me, taking off his other hoodie and hanging it on a coat rack. He quickly notices what I'm holding and walks over to me, gently taking it out of my hands. "This damn thing, I tripped in it once and I can't get the smell of my wounds out of it," he says, frowning. A flash of mischief crossed his eyes.

I nod, "Oh," I simply say. I didn't believe him, it didn't smell like him one bit. I didn't want to doubt my mate, but it was obvious that he was lying.

Ace pulls me into a hug and kisses my neck, "I'll throw it away if it's bother you," he talks as he continued. A shiver ran down my spine as my wolf howled in excitement. I just gave him a small mhm. Sometimes this boy could be so distracting!

After another minute Ace pulls away, just to kiss me. I quickly felt my face heat up as I began kissing him back. He was a bit rough, but I didn't mind. I found it a bit sexy if anything.

Ace moved a hand down to my waist and held onto me tightly. I smile, wrapping my arms around him, pulling us closer together. I could feel him smirk for a moment before returning to kissing me.

I pull away, breathing heavily. I needed to catch some air after than amazing make out session. Although, Ace wasn't done yet.

Ace pulled me onto the bed and began attacking my neck with bite marks. My wolf wagged her tail and howled in excitement as I felt myself also getting excited.

"A-a-ace," I stuttered as he nibbled my mark. He looked up at me, raising an eyebrow. I bite my lip, "I don't know..." I say quietly, trailing off. Least to say, my wolf was disappointed in what I was saying. It felt wrong to continue though.

He let out a small sigh before kissing me gently, unlike earlier. "Lillian, I want to do so much to you. I need to," he breathed out, laying his head above my breasts. I raised my hand and begin to pet his head, in a reassuring way.

I watch him stay still, probably thinking or debating. "We can, I'm just nervous," I tell him. I was being completely honest, some part of me was holding me back. Maybe Ace could tell me why. "It's like something is telling me to stop."

His eyes shoot up and he looks at me directly in the eyes with an unsettling look. "Why don't you try it once?" he recommends, getting on top of me, hovering over my body.

My heartbeat fast as I tried to think of what to do. "O-okay," I stutter, not too sure, but I guess it was good enough for him.

Ace began biting down, hard, on my neck. It hurt a bit and I squirmed under him, but he held a tight grip on me. "Ace, it hurts," I whimper, biting my lip to hold back anything unwanted from being said.

He pauses for a moment and looks up at me with glowing eyes, "Can you survive a little pain? It'd really drive me crazy if you cried," he smirked. I froze, a bit scared of what he wanted, but I didn't want to stop now. I nodded, sucking up all the fear I had left.

He smiled and went back to biting down on parts of me. Once he got down to my shirt, he took it off me instead of tearing it off, thankfully. "Cute bra," he said while unclasping it. I giggled, mumbling a thank you, he picked it out anyways.

My top half was naked, but I didn't feel vulnerable like a normal person. Ace moved down lower, kissing my breasts. My face was as red a cherry at this point. Once every few kisses Ace would glance up at me, then get back to what he was doing.

Suddenly I feel pants and underwear being pulled down and just then I realized how cold the room was."Hey!" I barked, he looks up at me, probably wondering what the hell I was doing. "It's cold," I mumble, a bit embarrassed.

Ace nods, getting up and turning the heater on. I smiled, thankful. I wouldn't have a fun time in the cold.

Ace finished taking off all my cloths and then started to take off his. I watching him closely, his body was so built. My wolf purrs in excitement. Least to say, I'm happy he's my mate.


(Hump hump hump) Is the next scene if you were wondering. I might put a sex scene in later, but for now, nonono.

Anyways, I'll upload another chapter later today for spirit week! Here's yesterday's outfit (Pj day) (I look amazing, Ik 😂)

Anyways, I'll upload another chapter later today for spirit week! Here's yesterday's outfit (Pj day) (I look amazing, Ik 😂)

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