•4- Panic Now•

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I froze and Darian turned around to look at Ace, who was looking up again. I gripped onto Darian's arm, feeling my stomach twist into knots. I felt sick, and not sickly in love.

"Ginger, apples, cigarettes," Ace says, making a popping sound after each word. "That's what you smell like my dear."

"Kids, c'mon!" my Alpha shouts and I pull Darian away before anything else could be said. I was about to hyperventilate, I still just might.

Darian had an arm around my waist, holding me close to him. He knew, and if he didn't, he at least knew something was wrong and I needed support. Before we exited the prison, he put me on his back so I could fall asleep for the walk back to our shady bus.

When I woke up the bus was stopped behind our school. I stood up and stretched and bit, holding my notebooks close. Darian held my hand as we headed off the bus and off school property. Nobody was going to stay for the rest of the day, not even the teachers that came.

"Lillian, punch me if Im wrong, but is Ave your mate," Darian asks, stopping and shutting his eyes. Probably to prepare for the punch that wasn't going to come.

I bit my lip, letting out a whimper. He opened his eyes and they went wide. He brought me in for a hug, "I'm so sorry, let's go to my house and forget about today, okay?" he says, pulling away to looking into my eyes.

"I can't forget," I cried. A monster, no, The Monster was my mate. He didn't deserve a mate! He deserved to die.. Oh god, somebody help me.

"Calm down Lilly! You're going into shock!" Darian shouts as I fall to the ground. Thankfully he catches me right before my head would've gotten slip open. "My house is only a couple houses down. I'm going to carry you," he states. When he states something, that something is going through.

He picks me up bridal style and practically runs to his one story mobile home. He crashes the front door open with his foot and sets me on the couch. My head felt light and clouded.

"Here, ice," he stayed, placing a bag of frozen peas on my head. I lightly smile, I wish he would've been my mate. I guess I'm just not that lucky in life. Well, if anything, I hope Greta is his mate. The perfect couple.

My head soon starts to clear up and I toss the peas on my head, I hated the smell and Damien knew that. "Ew," I say, wiping my hands on my leggings.

"Thank god, that's the normal Lillian," Darian smiles, hugging me tightly. "So, would you like to talk about it?" he asks, looking down into my eyes. Just so caring, how could I not tell him.

I let out a small sigh, looking away. "My wolf got excited first when we heard about the trip, then she got slightly more excited at the gate, and when we saw Ace she was going nuts. I also smelt my favorite scent, the peppermint plant. I didn't think it was real since he didn't notice me, but his last comment..." I wrap my arms around my legs. "I can't even reject him. I don't know his last name," I say, pulling my hair.

"Shh," Darian pulls me onto his lap, which was a first. "Not like he can do anything, he's locked up in silver chains," he leans his head into my neck.

I wait before pulling out my phone. I heard about the powers wolves gain when they meet their mates, and the thought of escape isn't too far off from reality if it's true.

The first website I clicked was a Wiki, stating that mating double the strength of their male mate. Females have the power to help their mate heal faster than they normally would. Females also tend to gain immunity to silver, but not completely.

I bite my lip and click the second link, Wolves4Dummies. They said the same thing, and so did every other website.

"Darian, do you think he could break out?" I ask, even though he just said he wouldn't a few moments ago. I needed to know again. Was it believable?

He sighs, "I'm going to be honest as your bestfriend Lillian. If his strength doubles and if you healed him from being close to him today- there's a good possibility," he mumbles into the back on my neck.

I stay silent, just keeping my thoughts to myself. He was being honest, but I wish he lied to me. Just this one time, I don't want live in reality. I wanted to live in a far off land where nobody knows I exist.

"I need to leave," I stand up and turn around to a surprised Darian. "Of my parents found out, they'd disown me. They would think I'm like him because I'm his mate," I point at the direction the prison is located.

Darian stands up and takes a step closer to me, as if I'm a little doe. "Lillian, your parents will always love you," he says in a soft voice.

I back away, "And what if he escapes? He's going to kill again, and I don't want to be there for it!" I say, sliding down the front door.

"We will protect you, you are a part of the pack Lillian. We never leave anybody behind," he says, kneeling in front of me. I felt crowded, claustrophobic, which I've never felt before today.

I look up with tears in my eyes, "I hate to break it to you, but the last time before a mate was found for a serial killer, the government tortured her and killed her to torment her mate for fun!" I shout. I sass always the calm type, not anymore. I was a mess in the matter of seconds. I wanted to pull myself together, but I knew that wasn't going to happen.

"Stay here tonight Lillian, my parents are out drinking. And we might as well do some of our own," he says, holding out his hand. I gulp and stand up, falling into his chest.

A good night of drinking should make me forget this... pain... sadness... guilt.

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