•43- A Little Truth•

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The next morning I wake up to a breakfast in bed from Ace. He woke me up early in the morning, right after he made me some waffles and tea.

We quietly ate our food in silence. Surprisingly, Ace is a good cook, unlike me who can only make the perfect ramen noodles. I did know some people who couldn't even cook those without burning them to a crisp.

I finish my meal before Ace, "Thank you," I say, putting the dish on the nightstand next me, "how did you learn how to cook?" I ask him, a bit curious. I know Ace isn't a cannibal, he just likes blood and tears other people to shred. A shiver runs down my spike at the thought of him doing that, even after all this time of being around him I still am not used to it.

Ace quickly finishes his and decides to answer my question, "When I was young I used to shoplift cooking magazines because I hated how my mother cooked," he says, looking away at the ceiling to reminisce.

I raise both my eyebrows, a bit surprised. He stole cooking magazines instead of Pokémon cards, what's  weird kid he was. I do remember him telling me about his past, but sometimes I wonder if he told the truth. Why tell somebody you hardly know why your life turned around. One day he might tell me everyone, or he might never.

"Yup," Ace says, popping the 'p' sound. "How does movies and online shopping sound?" he asks, getting out his phone.

I let out a small sigh, "Just movies is good," I say, laying my head one Ace's pillow. He has really soft pillows instead of those damn memory foam ones, hate them.

Ace shrugs, "You're a girl and gold with interior decorating, I'm planning to fix this place up a bit," he says, tapping his fingers against the nightstand.

I roll my eyes, "Fine," I groan, closing my eyes. I silently wanted to fall back asleep, but Ace wasn't having any of that. He lifts me up all the way and moves me a little bit down the bed and places me up against the headrest, just so he didn't have to walk all the way around the bed to get to the clearly empty other side.

Ace pulls out his computer and begins to type something in while I got to pick the movie. I scroll through Netflix, not seeing much, but I stop when I see an older movie, Anastasia. I smile, clicking it, whether or not Ace likes princess movies, he's going to have to watch it.

"Geez, you couldn't find anything better?" Ace asks me, looking up at his large tv. I roll my eyes, not caring, like I said. He shrugs and led back to his computer, "Here," he hands me it, "find stuff."

I look down at the computer, confused as to what he wanted. Usually Ace was specific with everything, but right now he was being as broad as he could be. "Well, what do you want?" I ask him, unsure. I scrolled through the website while waiting for Ace, most of this stuff is extremely expensive. I wonder how he gets the money for all of it, probably stealing it from the ones he kills.

"I want..." Ace wanders off, not knowing what he wants. He looks over at me, "What do you think this place needs?" he asks me, referring to his apartment.

I look around, pondering on the subject. This apartment was falling apart, if anything it needed complete remodeling before decorating. "I'm not sure, but before you decorate, this place needs to be redone," I say, pointing to the torn up walls and rotting floors. There are literal holes in the floor.

I look up and see Ace nodding while intensely watching the movie, "Or, or we could move," he tells me with a straight face.

"And how would you get the money for that?" I ask him, raising an eyebrow. He always had money, but I would think he'd move to a better place if he had enough.

Ace chuckles, turning to face me, "I have money, that is not a problem my dear," he smiles, touching cheek lightly before pinching it like a grandma would. I gawk at the phrase 'my dear', it makes me sound like a child or ignorant.

"Fine," I huff, handing the computer back to Ace, "if you really do decide to purchase a house, then just wait to decorate," I tell him. Why waste money for this trashy place if he has plans for the future? Kind of dumb, in my opinion.

Ace lets out a laugh, "Oh Lillian, I'm not poor," he says looking at me, "I bet you wonder how I accumulate just so much money." I nod, but I believe he already told me, so unless there is something else, he doesn't need to tell me again. "My parents, they were quite rich, so when they passed, I received much of their money," he smirks, typing something on the computer.

I give him a look of confusion, which seemingly is happening a lot today, "You mean stole, since you killed them?" I say, just to clarify what he meant. I think he killed his parents, if my memory serves me right. Besides having amnesia not too long ago, my memory has never been great.

Ace leans back and puts his hands behind his head, "Oh that little white lie," he begins, catching my attention, "I didn't trust you, and I still don't," he states. I frown, but I knew he had the right to, deep down inside. "I guess I'll tell you a little bit. I didn't kill my parents, and no I was not blamed for it, somebody else I knew did. They wanted the money my family had, which they did get, but only a third of it. I got one of the other thirds, which will keep me going for the rest of my life, but I still like to ransack people, just in case. I moved into this tiny apartment, because that's all I need for just one of me," he says, closing his eyes and exhaling.

I fidget with my fingers, wondering who that other person was, "Did they get away with it?" I ask curiously. They should be in jail for murder, and hopefully they are, but if they aren't, I hope their life is hell.

Ace laughs loudly, "Oh fucking please! they're living the dream," he says, each word getting quieter and quieter. 


I think it's obvious what the relation of the new character is to Ace, but as for their occupation, not so much. This chapter is like half filler and half an important plot point.

Also, thank you for 1K followers (WOW)!

And since y'all are bitching about it, I changed the Anastasia part 🙄

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