•20- Unpredictable Punishment•

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I sat in Ace's car, staring out the window and into the placing passing by. It was a short car ride, but this one felt extremely. I knew when we got back that I'd get punished. I'd love to hop out of this car right now, but he has child safety locks. He's figuring out my ways.

The car stops and I notice we are back at the apartment complex. Ace gets out the car, my saying a word. He goes around the car and I crawl over to the driver seat. He opens my door and sighs, grabbing my shirt. I get dragged against the gravel.

"Say a word and it'll be twice as bad," he tells me. I listen, hoping this rock rash would be better than his choice of pain.

We soon get up to his apartment and enter his room. My back felt like it was on fire, you cannot imagine the pain I was feeling. I haven't cried, yet. But I had a small feeling I was..

Ace locks the door behind him and sets me down on his bed before wandering off. I stay still, not moving an inch to avoid displeasing him.

He comes back a few seconds later with a cardboard box. "You've got two choices," he smirks, "one, one hundred people can die. Or you have a ten minute play session with me."

I glare at him, "the second one," I say, crossing my arms. Ten minutes can't be too bad, can it? Ace could, and I knew that.

"Knew it," he chuckles, walking over to me. I back up onto the bed, but he grabs my wrist and tugs me toward him. My body shook out of fear. He couldn't kill me, but he sure as hell could hurt me. The mate bond couldn't prevent this.

Ace reaches his hand to his back pocket and pulls out a set of handcuffs, putting them on me and attaching me to his bed. I shut my eyes, feeling utterly defenseless, but this was to save people's lives.

Now that I was unable to move, much, Ace went back to his box. "Close your eyes," he tells me and I listen, closing them. I didn't know what he had in store for me, so I listened closely.

Ace walked close to me, but still a couple feet away, stopping. I heard him unraveling or untying something. I felt my heart pace at a fast rate.

I felt something sting against my skin, making my scream in pain. My eyes fly open and I see Ace has a whip in his hand. My mouth dropped as I thought I was about to die. His face held joy, as if he was actually smiling. What a sick fuck for a mate.

"Four more," he sings. I shake my head and tug hard at the handcuffs, trying to get free. I didn't want to do this no more. He bites his lip and brings it down to my skin again.

I scream, again. Tears brimmed my eyes, but I refused to cry. It shows weakness. People say it doesn't, but when you're in this situation, it does.

Ace picks up the paces and brings it down three more times within ten seconds. My skin felt numb, and cold. I looked down at the bloody marks Ace made, they weren't pretty. Blood dripped down my stomach. I shut my eyes tightly from the pain.

I hear Ace toss the whip and walk over to me, "So pretty," he says, sickly. I feel him trace a find down my cuts, I whimper in a response. I just wish this pain would go away, and it would sometime soon because Ace is near. "I should do this more often-"

"No!" I shout, my voice sounding hoarse. No more, no more of the whipping. I'd rather get cut!

"But it's just so erotic," Ace whispers in my ear, nibbling at it. My wolf purrs, but all I felt was pure fear. Fear and resentment. "Plus, one day you might just like it."

"Never," I say, shoving him away with my legs. He raises an eyebrow and rolls his eyes. "No, never ever!" I add like a child. Me trying to get my point across was pretty useless when I was under pressure.

Ace laughs, "I can do much worse. Which is what will happen if you disobey me, even once," he tells me, sitting by the pool of blood.

My vision felt hazy and my words slurred as I spoke, "Like wha-," I couldn't finish the sentence before I passed out.


"Dude, what the fuck?" I hear a voice say. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. "She went into shock!"

"So?" Ace says, like nothing happened. My wolf whimpered, feeling a bit hurt that our mate didn't care.

"So? Are you fucking dumb Ace. We have told you lots and lots and lots of fucking times that you need her to trust you. Fall for you. She's your mate for hell's sake!" Another guy shouts, sounding just as familiar. Maybe they were those friend I met once, the group Edward was a part of.

I heard Ace growl lowly at his friend, "She's perfectly fine!" he shouts, grabbing my shoulder. I couldn't move, or else I would have. It was as if all my other senses were shut down, but my hearing.

"No, she's not Ace. One day her wolf isn't going to long for you, and that's day she is going to kill yourself just because you can't keep yourself under control!" his friends shouts, slapping Ace's hand away from my arm, hard.

Ace was silent, I felt his wolf panicking, but as for Ace, he was debating. I wonder on what, maybe to treat me right for once? If I could only hope.


Hey guys! Only 5k reads away till I surpass my other story... but I'm 1000 like behind. So, meh. Anyways, thoughts?

Also, I'm holding an artcontest on my elzaria_aj instagram account. Feel free to check it out, the prizes are for Animal Jam, but meh.

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