•32- Out & About•

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I sit on the bed, staring out the window an into the nearby dense forest. Today was a cloudy day, but it hasn't rained yet. I wanted to go outside and run, but I also wanted to wait here for Ace. He was at work again, leaving me to do nothing except sit here all alone with my own thoughts.

Maybe one day out wouldn't hurt. I am my own person after all. I don't think Ace would mind. He is possessive, but reasonable. My wolf needed to go outside anyways.

I wish would have left me with a phone, so I could call him. As with the job thing, I should talk to him about that too.

I let out a long breath, trying i find the best outfit to match my day out. I decided to pick out a long-sleeved off-the-shoulder shirt that has lacy stripes with a picture of a rose on it; a black skirt with a shiny black rim that went down to my mid thigh; and combat boots that also look like rain boots. I twirl in the mirror, loving how I look.

I grab a small wallet that Ace got me the first time we went out shopping, it still had a little bit of money left in it. He gave me some that day to spend on whatever I wanted. I felt like a princess and also pretty spoiled, not that I minded. I just wish he would save up for a better place.

I walk out of the door, making sure it wasn't locked behind me because I had no extra keys and I could not climb through the high up window. If somebody did break into Ace's apartment, I know I'd be dreading it for a long period of time.

I walk down the sets of stairs and out of the apartments, feeling the fresh air hit my face as I exited the front lobby. The wind was light and the day was cool as I began walking down the road and into town. On the way back I'll shift, if I even remember. I can be so forgetful.

A ten minute drive was about a thirty minute walk into the main part of town, where I remember seeing a park and a could small coffee shops. I'd have to go try some tea, or coffee, but I prefer tea.

After thirty minutes of walking silently down the paved road, I spotted a small café and further past that was the park. I smile, deciding to go to the café, instead of a coffee shop, to get something to eat.

I walk in, the bell ringing above the door as I opened it. "Just sit down anywhere you'd like honey," says a polite waitress. I nod, sitting in a booth and reading the little papers they place down. There wasn't much news except a killer going around and tearing people limb from limb. It's scary to think somebody could actually do it. They didn't mention the name, but referred to it as if everybody knew the killer already.

I shake my head, moving the paper to the side and opening the menu. There wasn't much, fifteen items at the most, but I didn't mind. I'm just set on something simple and easy as well as cheap.

The waitress walks up to my table, "What would you like to drink?" she asks, smiling a bit, taking out her notepad.

I smile back, "Hot tea please," I tell her. They only had one flavor, green tea, which isn't too bad. My favorite flavor of tea is raspberry, it's so full of flavor.

She nods, writing a couple letters down, "And are you ready to order?" she asks me. I nod, pointing down to the waffle with whip cream and strawberries. She writes down some more letters, "Okay darling, it'll be out soon," she says. walking away to serve the few other costumers in here.

I'd say this café is cliché. The inside has a yellow and white scene, along with old 70's posters. The booths were red and nicely kept, so I presume it's suppose to be kept 'classy'.

"Excuse me, may I sit here?" asks a female voice, that was deeper than average girls. I glance up and see a girl with pitch black, straight hair, but she didn't look emo. She actually looked extremely professional, I couldn't figure out why though, must be how she put herself together.

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