Devil Doesn't Bargain

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Cruella has a private booth she takes you over to it and slides in beside two men one wraps his arm around her. 'Told you she'd come.' she says smugly. '(y/n) I want you to meet my friends, Horace,' she nods at the man feeding chips to a small dog with an eye patch. 'Pleased to meet yah.' he replies happily in his gruff voice. 'And my boyfriend Jasper.' she relaxes against him kissing his cheek as he nods at you. 'Pleasure.' you smile. 'I have to ask how do I know you? I feel I've seen you before the rat incident.' Horace and Jasper laugh and you don't know whats so funny. 'What's the joke?' Cruella laughs too. 'Can't you see? Im Estella darling.' she leans over to you and you blink in realisation. 'But Im sure the old hag told you all about me.'

You shrug. 'Nope, refused to so much as mention you other than the fact she was premiering your design without giving me a second thought.' you say this bitterly and miss the smirk between the three friends. 'Boys, why don't you go get us some more drinks, I think (y/n) and I are due a little girl talk.' The boys leave and Cruella lifts you both another shot from the table. Cruella tells you her story as you both continue to drink, how she worked for the baroness and how she started making her uncomfortable. Touching her, how she spoke to her, following her, offering her money to sleep with her even a title as a proper designer. 'I mean naturally darling there's not enough she could offer that'd make me get into bed with that old hag.'

It's difficult for you to think of the baroness like this and Cruella sees this

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It's difficult for you to think of the baroness like this and Cruella sees this. The other woman put's her hands over yours. 'It's useless, don't do it, It's hubris to try. She's ruthless, you knew this, I told you, didn't I?' Cruella eyes you with a look of concern seeing your inner conflict. 'The baroness, she's abusive, elusive and the truth is, she lies.' You consider this allowing Cruella to charm you. Cruella can sense you are hurt you just need the right motivation that one final push to get you over the edge.

"The devil doesn't bargain
She'll only break your heart again
It isn't worth it, darling
She's never gonna change
She'll always act so Charming
She'll only do you harm again
I don't mean to meddle
But the devil doesn't settle
No, the devil doesn't bargain"

It's then you start to wonder if she tricked you too, and poor Cruella to have had to endure that. You get hot as you feel the alcohol take effect and Cruella asks you to dance. You are both drunk she insists you change and you end up wearing one of her designs. A sexy little red dress with black gems. You both go back to dancing, drinking, and laughing telling jokes about your former employer. You are blinded by the bright lights and lost in the music the boys rejoin you and you are all dancing and drinking the energy in the club is wild. '(y/n)!' Cruella shouts over the music. 'Everyone (y/n) is my new business partner!' the crowd cheer and she grabs you kissing you full on the lips you drunkenly return the kiss as the crowd cheers.

You are wasted and that's an understatement the music is loud you are on the dance floor with your new friend's thrashing around to the beat. It's not until the baroness grabs your upper arm you even know she's there. Looking over you see Cruella smirking at the baroness, she's in Jasper's arms and tilts her head back kissing him. That was clearly for the benefit of the baroness who rolls her eyes but then her attention is back on you. She looks absolutely furious. 'Look at the state of you!' you hear her scream over the music. You chuckle swaying whilst still in her grip why is everything so funny? 'That's it we're going home, now!' her grip is powerful and hurts a fair bit.

 You chuckle swaying whilst still in her grip why is everything so funny? 'That's it we're going home, now!' her grip is powerful and hurts a fair bit

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'Im not going, anyyyy where,!' you burst out laughing as do Cruella and Jasper. The baroness looks like she may genuinely murder you right now. 'Is she late for work?' Cruella croons. The baroness goes still it's Jasper she looks at she recognises him then Cruella or rather Estella. 'Finally caught up with us darling?' The baroness processes this. Estella who she trusted but who hurt her is also Cruella who's trying to ruin her and (y/n)? What is her place in all this? The baroness sizes you up as Cruella puts a cocktail in your free hand. 'Drink up!' Cruella encourages you. 'She's had more than sufficient.' The baroness snarls back. 'There she goes again having no consideration for what you feel.' Cruella whispers against your ear.

The baroness watches Cruella whisper to you, your eyes are rolling in your head and the baroness's eyes are locked with Cruella's. There is an evil glint in Cruella's eyes her hands on your hips sliding to your waist. All the while the baroness's death tight grip is bruising your upper arm. 'I think you should show her you mean business,' White noise. That's when you black out and when you come to? You wish you hadn't, it feels like your head is going to explode. You're on a sofa in a quaint little apartment, you ruin that mood as you throw up over the side of the sofa. Thankfully theres a bin waiting. 'My head.' you groan. 'Take this.' you groan and look up seeing John he offers you painkillers and a glass of water. 'What happened?'


John returns to the Baroness at the warehouse. '(y/n) is gone, she's packed her bag and left.' The baroness looks agitated. 'She won't have gone far we just need to find her.' John stays making the baroness raise an eyebrow. 'What?' John makes eye contact with her. 'What happened?' The baroness retells the story of your outburst. 'Have you perhaps considered the girl was more upset that you chose Estella over her?' The baroness snorts. 'Don't be ridiculous, I picked that design because of what's went into it. I think it'll even knock Cruella back. All designs go under my brand....I was thinking of debuting (y/n) at the show.' she folds her arms. 'I think the girl may have been hurt if she believed you still favoured Estella.' John states carefully.

The baroness lifts her glasses from her nose to rest on her forehead. 'Sorry?' John knows he has to be careful with how he broaches this. 'I think (y/n) has feelings for you.' The baroness purses her lips. 'Don't be absurd, she's a she.' she states simply. John keeps eye contact the baroness knows John knows about her relationship with Estella. 'She's not like Estella. I know it, I can see it in how she looks at you. She cares about you and it's not just an act.' John let's this sink in. The baroness looks uncertain. 'We've have to find her and fast if she's tried to return to her old life she could be in danger. Get the car.' John nods. 'At once Baroness.'


You are sitting up on John's sofa and thank god the painkillers are working, you listen to him as he tells you what happens when you left work

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You are sitting up on John's sofa and thank god the painkillers are working, you listen to him as he tells you what happens when you left work. 'So what happened?' you ask groggily. 'Where's the baroness? Why am I here?' John sighs. 'You dont remember?' You look up at John your hair is a riot makeup is all over your face. 'What do you think?' you ask sarcastically. 'The baroness tracked you down, you were with Cruella who Im to understand is Estella.' You are shaking from the alcohol as you sip your water. 'That part I remember.' you confirm. 'The baroness tried to get you to leave but you wouldn't then you threw your drink at her, so she left.' That you did not remember and you feel terrible but you are about to feel so much worse. 

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