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The curtains are drawn and she is lying in bed. The Baroness had got washed and a doctor had come to check her over. Well, two, her doctor arrived and you sent him away because he was a he. It wasn't your place and he'd probably have been respectful but you wished her to have a female. She was examined and thankfully there were no long-term side effects. The Baroness no longer got her blood so no chance of pregnancy. There was no sign of infection or disease. She had been given a salve for the whip marks on her back.

You've remained by her side but it's complicated even when you touch her she flinches. Seeing this you declined to share a bed with her, she didn't complain. However, she spoke as you went to leave. 'Would you stay?' she speaks softly. So here you are day four of sitting in an armchair your back aches but you stay beside the bed holding her hand. She rejects any visitors but what worries you is when they bring her meals she doesn't eat. You momentarily dozed off holding her hand. It's hard to sleep she has frequent nightmares and the chair isn't great for getting a night of good sleep.

When you wake she's gone, good knows what time it is. You hear water running and see a light on in the ensuite. You walk over pushing the door open. The Baroness is in the shower she's curled up on the floor as the steam pours out. You quickly approach the water scalds you and you hiss in pain turning the water off. You sit down beside her she's not reacted to the heat of the water. 'Baroness, Baroness.' she ignores you. She's painfully thin looking now and she didn't have much to her before. 'Victoria.' she ignores you. 'Victoria!' you yell and she flinches and then looks at you, she's been crying.

'My body disgusts me. I can feel it. Every touch on my skin, every thrust, the taste. It repulses me.' You sit clothed beside her in the wet shower. 'He's going to keep coming back, he'll do it again.' her voice cracks. You listen and shift onto your knees crawling in front of her. You take her hands and she looks at them. 'I promise you, for as long as I am your wife, for as long as I am alive. No one will ever hurt you again.' The Baroness's lips twitch. 'Don't make promises you can't keep dear.' she looks dead behind her eyes. You sigh and stand getting a fluffy white towel. 'C'mon, let's get you dried and I'll put your salve on.' she stands and you gently dry her, you're extra careful with her back.

When she's dried you keep her in the towel and escort her to bed she lies down and with fairy light touches you apply the salve. It's actually healing really well because she had proper medical attention. The Baroness sits up when you are done and she kisses you passionately. You hadn't been expecting it she pushes you down on the bed deepening the kiss you pull back. 'Sweetheart, what are you doing?' The Baroness goes to kiss you again but you stop her. 'Go on, use me, I'm a whore, you know you want to.' You looked concerned. 'Victoria this isn't healthy.'

'Imbecile.' she goes again and again you stop her. 'Stop being so weak!' she slaps you and you freeze. 'Go on, do it!' she shouts and you are a little scared. 'No.' she slaps you again. She starts banging her fists on your body and she bursts into tears, you cry too. Not because she hurt you, she's far too weak. Because your wife is in pain and you can't help her. You don't stop her she stops herself and her eyes are filled with regret. 'I-I'm sorry, I am.' you don't need her apologies you understand. The Baroness stares at her hands looking ashamed you take her hands, there's panic in her eyes. You might handcuff her as he did, she HATES handcuffs they frighten her.

You bring her hands to your lips and gently kiss them taking away any of her sins. 'It's okay your grace, I understand.' The Baroness is tearful and shaking she lies down on top of you resting her head on your chest. You wrap the blankets around her and hold her this has been the first time she has allowed it since you got back. You massage the back of her neck. 'He told me, he offered you money and that you had left.' she speaks. 'There is not enough money in the world to make me do that.' you play with her hair. 'Why did you not escape? Why didn't you save me sooner?' your heart aches.

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