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When her body enters the hot bath water she closes her eyes in bliss letting the warmth spread over her. In her mind, it washes everything away everyone who touched her, the filth of the prison, the humiliation and embarrassment she has endured. Meanwhile, you set to work preparing her food unfortunately you aren't the sort to keep salmon. You are however able to whip up french toast for her and a hot cup of tea. When she emerges from the bathroom you can't help but smile. She is wearing the silk trousers and statement jacket you left out for her. You'd also taken the initiative to leave her underwear and of course a silk wrap for her hair.She looks almost like her old self again, almost, you can see the damaged look in her eyes.

She looks almost like her old self again, almost, you can see the damaged look in her eyes

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Recovering from being drugged also takes its toll on her. For a moment she sways only a little bit before she can blink you are at her side you place a hand on her hip. It was just a minor spell so you really needn't have bodily launched yourself across the room but you did. Her blue eyes are instantly on yours and for the first time in a long time, she gives her signature smirking smile. This causes you to instantly blush at how over dramatic you were but she places a hand on your cheek. 'Thank you, dear.' This doesn't help your blush and you take her hand leading her to the small kitchen table.

'Eat, you must be hungry.' you pull the chair out for her to sit. The baroness watches you her eyes scanning your body. She has greatly missed being treated like a lady and everything you are doing is filling her heart. The Baroness sits and you push her chair in for her. She eats. Slowly. It's been so long since she's eaten that she savours every bite. It'd have been easy for her to devour it quickly but it'd have made her ill. You don't speak you set about cleaning up and she sips her tea. Again you smile seeing her hands are already that tiny bit more steady. 'Yes?' she raises an eyebrow, her lips twitching in amusement. She's caught you staring at her and smiling away.

Again you feel the heat in your face. Damn her. You have slept with this woman, you have had her in unholy positions. Still, she can make you blush like a virgin on her wedding night. 'Nothing.' the smile spreads over your face when you see her amusement. 'Finished? You should get some rest.' you gently squeeze her shoulder you don't want to force her to talk. Not if she isn't ready but to your surprise, you feel her hand grab yours. 'I'm ready.' god you've missed that gorgeous middle-class drawl. She stands and goes through to sit on your sofa which is more comfortable. You follow and sit a space apart from her on the sofa.

'It is important to me that you understand I did not kill J-' 'I know.' you interrupt and she looks surprised you believe her. 'You know, do you?' You nod. 'He's not dead. He's in a coma, he did wake for a few moments. John told me what Lilah did so I got to the prison as quickly as I could. You were already gone.' you explain. 'John is alive?' she looks stunned.'I...Yes, I know things got rocky with us over the situation with the photo-' 'That was Lilah.' she interrupts and you do look confused. 'She's my dead husband's daughter it was her threatening me the entire time and she was behind the photos. I know she lied to you, I never thought you were using me for my wealth.'

You listen and feel a wound in your heart heal when the Baroness tells you she never thought you were conning her for money. 'When I did not respond to the threats she knew that the only way to get rid of me was by taking my strength, by removing you from my side.' she admits this with difficulty. Reaching over you take her hand. 'I thought you hated me, that you thought I was a leech she gave me a train ticket for Paris but I never made it to the station. I took a job waiting tables and a media blackout. I couldn't bare to accidentally see or hear anything about you.' her hand stiffens slightly but you rub circles into the back of her hand with your thumb. 'Losing you, broke my heart. I could never get over you.' you stare at your hands entwined together. 'You could never lose me.' you hear her reply looking into your eyes.

'After I was arrested I was sent straight to prison after I was confirmed not to be smuggling anything.' she's uncomfortable. You shift closer on the sofa to her and your warmth soothes her. 'That never happens, you didn't even have a trial.' you look perplexed. 'The chief of police and I had a former arrangement I was not always courteous to him. He took great pleasure in my humiliation. The inmates beat me. Then I was told someone paid my bail. I thought it was you but it was that horrible man and his son.' her voice shakes as she speaks. 'They made me wear that maid costume to complete my humiliation, when he took me to his home he had me serve him.'

At this, you feel fiery rage running through every inch of your body. 'Serve him how?' you ask dangerously. The Baroness's eyes are twinkling with tears. 'It didn't, it didn't get that far. I performed domestic tasks whilst he pleasured himself and...then I was spanked for my bad behaviour. His son was to have me first. When he took out his...' she inclined her head. You know anything sexual can make her embarrassed and uncomfortable, so you know what she means. 'I bit him and I ran, but he must've put something in my drink because I don't remember much after that.' The story was out her shame was laid bare in front of you.


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'Baroness.' you whisper and stroke her cheek she closes her eyes leaning into your touch. You both hear the police sirens outside and you peak out your window seeing two police cars pull up. 'H-Harold paid my bail, I ran they will send me back.' she starts getting hysterical and hyperventilating. You need to calm her the hell down you grab her and kiss her passionately she grips you tightly when you part you look into her eyes. 'Don't let them take me.' the whine is uncharacteristically pathetic. 'Over my dead body.' you grab her hand and you both run. The police are in the building you hear them billowing upstairs and you lead the Baroness up to the roof of your building.

The Baroness looks around frantically there is no escape, you jam the roof door closed. 'W-What are we going to do? There is nowhere else to go.' you grab her wrist and lead her to the edge of the roof. 'We've got to jump.' she looks at the gap in front of you both her eyes are wide. 'It's too far.' she speaks quietly. 'No it's not, I promise, we can do it.' she doesn't move an inch. 'Look I'll go first and show you, you follow.' you take a few steps back, running you leap, and land safely. 'Now you.' she is frozen with fear, the door on the roof is forced open, and officers emerge. Her heartbeat increases. Even if the choice is death or prison she chooses death. Unlike you, she doesn't not run there is no time the guards are closing in so she leaps.

"Consuming all the air inside my lungs

Ripping all the skin from off my bones
I'm prepared to sacrifice my life
I would gladly do it twice
Consuming all the air inside my lungs
Ripping all the skin from off my bones
I'm prepared to sacrifice my life
I would gladly do it twice"

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