Every Breath You Take

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'John!' the baroness marches across the room her heels clicking. 'John! John!' You lay on the chaise lounge and massage your temples. Since the baroness had received the threat she had gone out of her mind. She was screaming John's name so much you had to think whether he was fucking her instead of you. 'Yes Baroness.' the valet looked absolutely exhausted with his employer as he carried in a tray with her tea. You lift your pen and start to sketch in your notebook. 'Did you double the security?' she demands. 'Yes, Baroness.' 'Did you change the alarm code?' she paces back and forth. 'Yes Baroness.' he sits the tray on her desk.

'Did you get more guard dogs?' she continues to quiz him. John sighs. 'Yes, Baroness.' The Baroness is tapping her straight razor on her palm anxiously. 'How many do we have now? How many Dalmations?' she demands. '101 and one Baroness.' you interrupt with a smirk. John looks at you and tries not to laugh. The Baroness stops pacing and looks at you coldly. 'I'm glad you find my safety to be so amusing (y/n). Perhaps next time you could open the door for my stalker when he comes to kill me?' her lips twitch in anger. 'Don't be ridiculous.' you put down your tools. 'It could just as easily be a she.' you joke.

' you joke

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The Baroness pales as she hadn't considered a female, stupid really considering her last rival, Cruella was female. 'John, have all the staff investigated particularly the maids. If anything is suspicious I wish to be alerted immediately. 'Very good Baroness.' John glowers at you forgetting him extra work and you mouth an apology. John goes to leave the room. 'John!' John closes his eyes inhaling and exhaling to calm himself. 'Yes Baroness?' he turns to her. 'My tea is cold.' John gives a thin-lipped smile. 'I better correct that then Baroness.' he goes back takes the tray and leaves the Baroness raises an eyebrow at his tone.

You sit up and purse your lips. 'If you keep this up I don't need to tell you who is trying to kill you but I can promise you John is likely to strangle you.' The Baroness turns to look at you. 'Do you think he could be a suspect?' she asks seriously. You throw your hands up in the air totally giving up on her now. 'I can't deal with you when you are behaving like this you are being ridiculous.' you stand up. The Baroness looks hurt at your lack of support which immediately makes you feel guilty. She goes to the fireplace stares into it and watches the flames.

You walk up behind her and wrap your arms gently around her waist. The back of her neck is exposed and you press a kiss just below the chunky necklace she is wearing. 'I'm sorry love, I know you are upset.' After a moment she relaxes against you and lets you hold her. 'Thank you.' she relaxes her head against your shoulder. 'I am just on edge those photographs unsettled me. What if the stalker had pushed me? How long has he been watching me? How-' she stops talking when you start kissing her neck she closes her eyes letting out a soft moan.

'(y/n) I feel you aren't taking this seriously.' she complains but doesn't stop you from kissing her. You gently squeeze her and suck at the sensitive spot on her neck. 'I take your safety very seriously, I won't let you out of my sight your ladyship. I will keep you safe.' she reaches up and touches your cheek. 'You can't be at my side 24/7. It'd be impossible.' You sigh knowing this is true. 'Well you've taken all the necessary precautions and the police are investigating too I'm sure we will catch him in no time.' this relaxes her a little bit. 'Baroness.' one of the maids enters carrying a small package. 'This was just delivered for you.

The Baroness rolls her eyes. 'Well what is it?' she demands. The maid swallows. 'I-I don't know Baroness.' she stumbles. You sympathise with how the hell was the poor girl supposed to know. 'For heaven's sake bring it to me.' the girl approaches and the baroness grabs the box she opens it with a straight razor on her dress. The Baroness immediately starts screaming and backs off from the box a hand on her chest. 'Jesus, what is it?!' you go over to investigate. Your nostrils flair at the stench peering in you see the dead rat and place a hand over your mouth trying not to throw up.

 Your nostrils flair at the stench peering in you see the dead rat and place a hand over your mouth trying not to throw up

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'What's going on?!' John enters having heard the commotion. You look from John to the box. You go to the Baroness she's shaking and crying so you quickly take her in your arms and begin comforting her. John looks at the box in disgust he reaches in taking out a note. "You aren't getting rid of me that easily Baroness."

"Every move you make
And every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake
I'll be watching you"

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