Chapter 160 - A smiling mask that hides his benefit seeker trait

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XG 160 - A smiling mask that hides his benefit seeker trait

After Chen Yibo recovered until he could lift the spoon by himself, Father Chen bluntly told him to eat by himself and urged his eldest son to go back to work.

There were no thoughts, so he was telling the truth. His father's only concern was his research.

But that worked in easing Chen Yibo's heart. It was certainly much better than being hated or a disappointment, which was his main fear of the reason for his father's indifference towards him.

"I will call Xue Guo to accompany you," Chen YiWen left a sentence and left quickly, not allowing Chen Yibo to even have a chance to say anything. He must have wanted to use this chance for his brother to mend their friendship and his action was viewed as one that consented to share his ability with Wong Xue Guo.

Not that Chen Yibo would decline her visit anyway.

Surprisingly, he found that he looked forward to seeing her.

Even if she avoided him, he still cared for her. It was unavoidable that after hearing her confession, he could no longer see her as an ordinary friend, neighbour, comrade in arms, or even sister.

In his eyes, she was a person with a hard mouth and soft heart, but that was not without doubting his own assumption. Until she figured out his ability, he wanted to peek into her mind. That way, he could see if her words were true, or if it was just a heat-of-the-moment confession.

Despite being known as the flower boy at school and receiving countless love letters and confessions, he had rejected them all without any wave of regret in his heart. His priority was all on his studies and had zero intention of having a girlfriend. He viewed it as an unnecessary distraction and only planned to get married when he reached thirty to a suitable person.

His curved upward lips make it difficult to eat, but he just could not stop smiling at the possibilities.

After a few days of self-reflection, he discovered that he was actually not that averse to starting a relationship, but only if the other party was Wong Xue Guo. After all, they had gone through many things together and his view of her was rather positive. They even have a decent understanding of each other and when they were alone, they were comfortable enough to discard the pretences they would put on when they were in public.

The son of Director Chen Zhang Bei, the lead researcher and co-founder of Musihada Laboratory. The daughter of Director Charles Wong, co-founder of Musihada Laboratory and the largest shareholder.

It was an equal relationship without a large imbalance of power.

He was clear about himself that he was actually an opportunist gentleman, acting to his own benefit and improving his image in others' eyes at the same time.

A gentleman with a smiling mask that hides his benefit seeker trait.


"Miu, you don't need to come along," Wong Xue Guo insisted. "We don't want your ability to drive you insane, or even worse, having you stuck between time."

Miu's ability had become stronger, which was the only explanation for her ability's sudden change. She could now see the different probabilities of the future but it nearly drove her insane.

Wong Xue Guo being considerate of Miu was mainly because she felt guilty, as she was the reason why Miu ended up this way. The power upgrade was good news but the direction of the upgrade was not an ideal one!

Who would want to know the branches of possibilities without knowing the exact answer?

"Maybe I will learn more about my new ability after testing it out more," Miu said, but she could not hide her exhaustion from her face. The upgrade took a great toll on her body and she became even thinner than before. She looked way older than her actual age.

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