Chapter 164 - Her shadow was rather domineering

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XG 164 - Her shadow was rather domineering

A masculine chuckle echoed in her mind like a clap of thunder. "As if there's a need for me to know useless things. No one in this world is are able to kill me. That includes you, a mere baby to my age."

Unlike his words, Wong Xue Guo could feel the Lord was trying to use her as a connection cable to enter her body, and possibly, body possession.

No, I can't let it happen!

"Your ability is body possession? A useful one, but worth nothing before me. Since you delivered yourself to me, I will gladly accept your offer."

No! No! No!

Cold sweat started to form on her back as she feel her fingers moving without her consent. She could not stop her head from slowly turning against her will, and through her eyes, the Lord casually took in the surroundings.

If she was stronger, she could have dealt with the Lord better and even cut this connection off. There would be no need for her to be scared and play the role of prey. Hiding and needing protection would not be forced onto her as the only choice.

If only I'm stronger... I will be able to protect my parents... Chen Yibo... Kang Xunsu...

If only!

Nana saw that Wong Xue Guo's shadow suddenly left the zombie's heart, which stopped beating and turned charcoal black. The zombie falls to the ground like a puppet with its string cut off, and its bones lose some of their pristineness at the speed that human eyes could see.

"She discovered a way to attack?" Smoker asked interestingly.

But Nana was worried about Wong Xue Guo, who had zoned out. It was the same look she had when she possessed her rabbit doll. Yet, the possible 'body' she possessed had already fallen to the ground and she had not yet returned to her body.

"Xue Guo?" Nana called but did not use body contact to avoid any backlash from the sudden interruption.

"Argh! The fence collapsed!"

Smoker and Nana immediately shifted their gun in that direction and saw zombies dropping in from the hole they successfully made from their violent pushing with their tough bones.

Things got chaotic as some people abandoned their posts and started running away. The sudden breach of defence forced them to focus on the zombies pouring in and leave the gates to completely support the zombies by itself, which put more pressure on the hinges.

Mamoru and Kenneth's gun was finally charged, which the latter excitedly urged his coworker to test. Unfortunately, neither of them had trained in shooting, and the aim ended up hitting the ground, quite far away from the zombies.

"Woah," Kenneth breathed in awe, not at all minded that the shot did not hit any target. The blast was strong, leaving behind a faint smell of burnt lingering in the air, and the ground was pitch black from the shot.

"This will immediately cook something." Mamoru quickly recharges the gun again.

"After this, I will upgrade it! The duration should be longer, like a laser, where you can hit anything with a swing! Or add more shots but lower power!" The onsite testing had Kenneth flow with more ideas, brimming with confidence.

"Don't aim so high. My charging voltage won't last long enough for that impact," Mamoru warned. "Right now, let's focus on surviving this attack."

"Look Mamoru! This is what I'm talking about!"

The excited Kenneth pointed at a black, looming shadow going straight at the hoard of zombies banging on the side fence relentlessly. Like a black wave, the shadow hit the zombies, attacking their ripe hearts, and then only left after devouring every essence from them.

"What the fuck?" Smoker breathes in disbelief as the shadow moves around the zombies.

More and more zombies fall like dominoes, and the strange event started to get the other people's attention as well.

Do Eunhyuk, one of the few that recognized Wong Xue Guo's ability, was relieved that she learned how to use her ability to change the tide. It turns out that her shadow was rather domineering.

Nana does not know if it was good or bad to let the rampage continue on. The good was that the zombies could be dealt with, and the bad was the strangeness of Wong Xue Guo.

Her sclera had turned black and her eyes remained wide open without blinking. It was a creepy sight that raised Nana's hair. Although she does not believe in religion, Wong Xue Guo's current appearance nearly had her reconsider joining one just to be a devout follower that could pray for God to chase evil away.

Anyone that stare at her for a bit longer would easily notice that any small cuts or wounds on her skin were gone, and her skin looked healthier than ever. Even her hair looks glossy and darker.

"She's absorbing the zombie's life or something?" Smoker asked in disbelief.

"This does not look very good for Xue Guo. She does not look like she's able to control her ability well," Nana said.

"We will only stop her after she takes down most of the zombies. Better yet, have her defend this side with the collapsed fence."

"What if that's a bad choice?"

"Well, she had to accept the consequences if we want our base to remain standing," Smoker said harshly, but later softened his tone for his girlfriend. "But let's view this in a positive light. Doing this does not harm her."

"The keyword is 'maybe'."

"Let's try talking to her. Maybe she can hear us and try to regain control. No matter what we do, we need to do it quickly." Smoker could only defend them for a short time if the zombies reaches them before the shadow swallows them.

The zombies had managed to sink their teeth into some people, and there would be new zombies inside their base soon. They need to kill all the zombies before they spread to the people in the building. If some of the bitten victims could become 'Awaken', that would be good news.

The captain of the guard duty quickly pressed the base alarm, as it was the fastest way to alert everyone that their defence was breached.

"Leader, you could have warned them by the telecommunication line," the soft-spoken guard said.

"That will only warn the people inside the building. We need to warn the civilians too and get their big asses moving! Bee, drive the demolition ball!"

The guard immediately tossed the binoculars to a side and excitedly dashed off, afraid that if he responded any later, the task would be given to others. "Right away, leader!"

The harsh ringing of the alarm predictively brought more zombies over, but it also got a response from Wong Xue Guo. The sound returned some consciousness back to her, just as she started to feel the devouring getting slower. But in return for her consciousness, the blurry connection between her and the Lord slowly regained clarity again.

The teasing laugh over her efforts nearly drove her to the peak of fear.

"No... I can't stop. Not yet... I need to get stronger." She needs to get stronger to break the Lord's hold over her, and cut off their connection cleanly.

She was aware that she was absorbing the energy from the zombies as a way to strengthen herself, but she does not care even if it was gross. There was a strong inkling she got that the Lord was also using this way to strengthen himself, and she might as well grab them before the Lord gets them.

Letting go of whatever control she had over her shadow, she set it free to devour any energy it could find. 

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