Chapter 172 - Men, step back! Ladies, charge!

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XG 172 - Men, step back! Ladies, charge!

The guards quickly shot at the female zombie to stop her, but the zombies acted as her stairway would move their bodies to block the bullets for her.

They need to look at the target to shoot, so they became an easy target for Ari to unleash her ability on them. Humans were strange, where the more they should not do something, the more they would tend to accidentally do it. Their downfall allowed Ari to step into the base, with the zombies outside the base flinging their zombie comrades over the wall and into the base, not caring if the throw would damage their bodies in any way.

Shit, what a crude but useful way of infiltrating that only zombie could do!

With the zombies already throwing themselves at their feet, they had to go forward to kill them. Even if they make sure not to make eye contact with the female zombie while killing the other zombies, some still inevitably do so by accident.

Thus, the majority of them became a panicking mess when there was more and more people started to have maggots crawling out of their oracles, their flesh decaying inside out while begging for help.

After witnessing the terror of the female zombie, almost no one felt brave enough to challenge her and even wanted to run away. There was almost no one who dared to fight Ari, and even if there were, they mostly ended up dead.

A female guard in a sleeveless vest bravely confronted Ari while aiming her weapon and eyes below Ari's neck. The female zombie was clothed, but the chance of it having a heart was fifty-fifty, which she was willing to bet. It was a decently safe strategy, but combined with other zombies attacking her, she was unfortunately given an opportunity to make eye contact with Ari, who was waiting for her.


The female guard gritted her teeth and kicked off a clingy zombie as she waited for the effects to hit her. But after waiting for nearly a minute, nothing was happening to her.

Puzzled as her mind swims with any possible reason why it did not happen to her, she chases after Ari and purposely makes another eye contact even if it was a dangerous way to confirm her bold speculation.

The female guard grinned when there was still nothing happening, and grin even wider when Ari subtly frown, which could still be seen even with the deep wrinkles on her face.

Laughing like a lunatic, the female guard yelled loudly, "Females could make eye contact with the zombie boss! Men, step back! Ladies, charge!"

"Hell yes!" A woman with a pink apron roared and smashed a zombie's head with a sturdy frying pan before stabbing into its brain with a sharp kitchen knife. "I'm having trouble with the no-eye contact thing!"

How could they not be happy? To be given the privilege to fight without limitation was a wondrous feeling!

Hiding at a side was the terrified Mina, an Awakened person with the ability to slip past any obstacles. The sudden war zone was beyond her comfort zone which had her choose to hide. Her ability only allowed her to be safe from any attacks, but to kill the zombies, she had to use her own hands.

Predictably, she only managed to end one zombie's life and immediately did not want to do it again. She would totally pick the option of being stuck at a laboratory for three days of mind-draining research rather than fighting zombies!

If she was not an Awaken person, she would not be forced to be here!

From her hiding spot, she was given the opportunity to witness the female guard bravely confronting the zombie boss and she silently praised her for her bravery before closing her eyes to not look at what would happen to her next. But when the female guard exposed the female zombie's weakness and even encouraged the other ladies to charge forward, Mina found herself amazed by the fighting spirit of the group of brave women.

A tiny ball of courage lit in her heart as it started beating quickly.

She wants to fight just like them. But she was afraid, physically weak and reacted slowly even with her life at stake. Even if she had the courage, she does not have what was needed to fight. For the nth time, she asked herself why was her ability not an offensive type.

"Hey, I saw you can walk past things. Are you a ghost?" A guy with a thick beard and sloppy ponytail suddenly asked her. There was no fear of meeting a ghost from him, only curiosity.

"I'm still alive..."

"Then you are one of those ability users! I totally skipped your white hair. You are also a woman! You can fight that zombie boss!"


"Here, use this. That thing in your hand is not strong enough."

Mina stared at the white thing that was shoved into her hands. It was something she had seen before in textbooks, displayed during group presentations and even got the chance to touch it before. But there was no way it was given to her as a weapon, right?

Despite having a bad feeling of not wanting to know, she still asked tentatively, "What is this?"

"Ah, this? It's a zombie's bone. It's surprisingly tough and useful in fighting zombies. You will like it!"

Mina's expression had him believe she doubted his words and he quickly vouched. "Trust me, I had killed many zombies with it. If not for that female zombie, I would be hunting down zombies instead of sneaking around like an assassin!"

The bone in her trembling hand slipped away from her grip.

The watch guards could no longer do their job, busy defending their base and their lives. But in the security room back at their base's building, there were still people watching from the CCTV monitor, which captured the scene of the third batch of zombies heading towards their base.

It was such tremendous pressure on those that were watching the monitor yet unable to do anything.

"This is definitely the enemy's attack," Director Choi said solemnly. The attack was too strategic and weirdly organized.

If those slow-moving zombies continue to throw more zombies over their walls and into their base, it would be even more chaotic.

"The guy we just rescued is problematic as well?"

Tapping his finger at the table as he stared at the monitor, Chin Chun issued an order. "Bring him over for questioning."

Max was considering asking someone to lend him a weapon to join the fight when a clean-looking guy in a butler uniform approached him. "Sir, my master would like to speak to you. Please follow me."

Scot Lang had received an order from his master to pick up the newcomer, while his elder twin would remain by young miss' side to protect her. In his opinion, there was no need, when the young miss have five protectors by her side and added on her dangerous shadow, it was very unlikely her life would be at risk.

But he would not disobey his master's words. Their master finally gets to meet his Godsister and they even get along well, so they as his servant should smoothen things to ensure his happiness.

Max immediately stood in attention. He was here to ask for rescue, and although he felt bad for bringing a horde of zombies to the Musihada base, they could handle it... right?

The people in the shrine were in more urgent need of help!

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