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The Lestrange's were french, so she was already advanced in the modern language. Avella somehow had become more reserved than ever, but she somehow got into the quidditch team in second year, which to her surprise sparked her popularity. She became the new beater.

She loved quidditch, more than her own self. She never cared about herself like the other girls do, she didn't care about anything. Her tanned skin and dark eyes reflected her father, her mother, was her straight hair.

Her plump lips and doe eyes caught attention to various boys in her house. But she would never give them anything back. She thinks she is to good for anybody.  Anyone knows it to be true.

She was rushing down the hall to the common room but realised nobody had told her the new password.

"Are Slytherin serious? Why never tell me the password! Stupid door" she exhaled deeply

She kicked the door with rage.

"Don't get your wand in a twist, Lestrange. If you do oh Salazar would know what would happen" she heard the voice of Riddle behind her

She whipped around facing the young boy.

"You have no right to say anything to me. Riddle. What are you doing wandering out this late?!" She interrogated

"Could say the same, Lestrange. I too would love to know what you're doing" he replied hastily

"I asked first." She stuck to her words

"Library, got carried away with time. One day I'll be able to outdo time itself" he exclaimed truthfully

Young Avella just burst out laughing, to Tom's hate all he was to her was a joke. He he did not like feeling that way

"Nobody can outrun time, Riddle. Nobody is invincible, and nobody will be" she sneered

"You'd be surprised, Lessie" he smirked

'Lessie'? What was that name? She thought

"Lessie? Stop calling me that it's 'Lestrange' for you. Or do you want me to spell it out for you?"  She contradicted

"No." He merely replied

She was obviously aggravated.

"Just open this damned door, Riddle" she rolled her eyes

"What will you give me?" He stood there opposite her

"Why would I give something to you?" She eyed him with hate

"Or you don't get in." He was clearly amused at her rage

This is the first time they'd spoke one on one. Eye to eye. It was very weird on both terms as they never associated with one another before, and wasn't looking to.

"Don't you play your little games with me now!" She bellowed before they both heard the light footsteps of Horace Slughorn, the head of Slytherin. If they were caught by him, they'd both be spending more time together in detention.

Tom mumbled the password as they both pounced in and slid the door shut.

"Well we're in now, after wasting my time, you don't deserve a 'thank you'" she looked at the boy before going off to her dorms

"Wasn't looking for you to say anything at all" he muttered

She looked at the dark eyed boy once more before huffing and going to sleep.

Why was he so..manipulative thought she. Or was it all in that dizzy brain of hers. Was he always like this? He was so hard to crack. There was never a loop hole to blackmail him. She was not fooled by him. She had never been fooled by anyone.

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