Quarante trois

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Noelle and Regulus had formed an alliance, a Beauxbaton, and a Slytherin.

"Reg! Give it back!" She tried to snatch it from the grasp of Regulus, who laughed as he raised it even higher in the air. So she's have to jump

"Give it to her, Regulus" his twin brother, Sirius, walked by and stopped

Regulus's smile faded before handing it back, the life left his face. Noelle noticed.

"Sirius, it was a joke. He was only playing" Noelle clutched her book

"If he's bothers you, call me" he winked before walking away with his group of friends

Regulus was more introverted than Sirius, Regulus didn't have many friends, well, other than Kreacher his only real friend was Noelle.

When this tournament was going on, they learnt more about eachother. Regulus, who found someone to understood him. Noelle, found somebody who actually cared about her ancestry,

"Don't let him get to you, Reg. He's Sirius. But totally unserious." She laughed as Regulus laughed a bit

Over the few months, he had found in his heart to grow fond.

"Let's just go to class, shall we, Elle?" He lead the way

They were walking down the hall, to Slughorn's classroom. Regulus knew him pretty well as they used to both talk Quidditch.

"Ah! Regulus, early I see, very eager. Please set up. Oh! And who is this pretty little fay?" He beckoned to the smartly dressed Noelle

"Noelle, sir" she curtsies

"Please, Regulus do be a good boy and help this Noelle out throughout the lesson" Slughorn instructed

"No sir, you'll find i don't need help, thank you" she smiled confidently and strutted past Regulus to another place with a cauldron

"Pray, do beg me to say but you look oddly familiar" Slughorn said, superstitious.

"Who?" Noelle asked

"A-a student. Years ago, she had features like you. A spirit and confidence like you. That fiery spirit. That face! I have seen your face somewhere" he tried to think hard

But all the students rushed in, excited to start the lesson. Slughorn snapped out of his trance, Regulus and Noelle stared knowingly at eachother.

Once the lesson had finished, both the duo went up to Slughorn's office. He looked startled to see them

"Who was you talking about" Noelle asked eagerly

He looked around the room, sweat forming in his brow, he twiddled his fingers, generating an answer. Until his eyes wandered to his mantelpiece, Regulus and Noelle's eyes both followed his.

He swayed and picked up a picture, which looked very old. And held it up to them.

"The brown haired one." He said

Regulus, who's eyes nearly popped out his skull looked at the girl. It was Avella. But he kept his mouth shut.

"Avella Lestrange she was, extraordinarily like a Gryffindor, a heart of one, but a mind of a Slytherin. You remind me of her." He said solemnly

"Who's the guy?" Avella pointed to the handsome boy next to her

"Ah yes, one of my most prized students. Tom. Devilishly handsome, I heard the duo had started a 'partnership' around the time I was teaching them" he put the picture back

Slughorn dismissed any other questions about the boy. Regulus gulped. He had made a connection. Noelle's lost mother, could be her?

They were similar. Regulus thought. But it is only hypothetical, right?

"Oh Reg, I'll never know about any of my ancestry, especially my mum. Father said she died when I was young. But it can't be" she cried

Noelle was felt with fury, pain and anger.

"Maybe it was me. Maybe I'm the cause she left. I just want a family back." Tears came down her porcelain cheek

"You're not, Elle. I promise you" he embraced her as she cried

"You don't understand Regulus, father has been depressed since she left. Not even a trace to be found, he's tried for years" she wailed even more

He kissed her forehead as they stood there, silence.

"Well look who it is, our dear friend Regulus." James Potter and his friends at the bottom of the hall

"Potter, leave us alone." Regulus shouted haste fully as he soothed Noelle.

"No so fast, Black. Why is she crying?" James inched w, Sirius on one side, Remus on the other.

"I don't think this is the right time to taunt them, James" Remus whispered empathetically

"I'll do what I want, Regulus Is a tyrant. And a nasty Slytherin, Remus, look. Our Reggie has his hands over a pretty girl. Cmon, she'll sink deeper down into his claws. She'd be safe with us" James whispered back

"I'm starting to think you and Sirius are jealous. She looks perfectly happy to me with him. James, you have Lily. Well that's if she ever agreed to date you despite the number of times you've asked her out" Remus burst out laughing

"Oh shut up, Remus!" Sirius smirked

"You can shut me up all you want, Sirius, it will take a big extent to." Remus smirked as Sirius looked at him, with a wild expression

"Just shush you two. Let me handle this" James confidently swaggered forward as Regulus and Noelle was walking down the corridor.

"Hey pretty thing. Why you hanging out with this dump truck when you have someone like me, sugar. Cmon we're way more fun than this oaf." He came next to the teary girl, Regulus, who was not pleased, shot bullets through James's heart with his eyes

"She's with me, Potter. Get your own to pester. But seeming you have been rejected by Lily makes it funnier" Regulus seethed

"Is that right pretty?" James touched Noelle's teary face. She felt rage.

"How dare you come over to me. Can't you see I'm in a position of despair. Grow up James! Or whoever you are. Because you are acting like an outgrown kid who has no empathy, how bored are you?" She glared in anger

"Hey sugar I was just saying. Hey, maybe I can cheer you up y'know. Go back to the common room and—ohhhhh" James was straight on the floor, holding his bits in agony.

Noelle had just kicked him in the nuts. But it felt good for her so her and Regulus can escape. While Potter's group were still laughing.

Noelle felt better as Regulus bigged her up about doing that

"Wow! I couldn't if done that, aha. That was amazing, Elle!" He laughed

"Oh stop Regulus I didn't want to harm him! I didn't realise I did it that hard" she wiped her tears

They both laughed about it the entire of the evening.

Regulus knew in his heart this wouldn't go well for both of them. Him, becoming a deatheater at the end of the year. Her, going back to France, and Regulus knowing she could potentially be Avella Lestrange's daughter.

Noelle could never work out with Regulus, and he knew it. But he couldn't help but love her more, even if she will never know.

His heart now belonged to Noelle Moncoufere .

Hi guys! How are you all! This chapter is so cute! The marauders era coming in now! How cool! Thank you for reading I love you all so much!


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