Quarante huit

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Everyone was right about Avella, from Lyell's perspective she was what her father said she was.

She was everything Noelle aspired to be, but not the version she is now, the cold, emotionally distanced mother that she was.

Regulus, on the other hand was dealing with his own problems. He was in a state of despair.
His brother hated him, he was under pressure of his family. The only person there was Noelle and Kreacher to listen to his cries of utmost agony.

The time had came close. Him and Avella hatched a plan, to retrieve one of the Horcruxes.

Avella couldn't come with him, it would be too sketchy. Plus, Regulus has joined the ranks, and proved himself worthy. So he could be trusted more. But Regulus knew nobody could know his doings.

Regulus knew he had to stop Voldemort before it is too late. But when he told Noelle what he was going to do, she tried to stop him, like he was slipping away, away into the embrace of darkness and never ending fear.

"Do you know what that sort of mission is?!" She angrily replied

"A mission to save the world. I want to be recognised, Elle! Not in a way that is bad!" He replied

"It's a suicide mission! Do you know how powerful Voldemort is. He knows people, Reg. He knows someone's bound to find out this secret. Do you think he'd make this easy?" She asked him

He stopped in thought.

"Regulus, come back into reality. This could end badly. I'm not risking you." She held his hand

"I have to risk it all, Elle. For you for me for my family. It's harder than you perceive it" he replied solemnly

"I'm coming with you." Noelle's voice hardened

"Are you crazy, Elle. That's ludicrous. You don't know what you're getting into, stay out of it for as long as you can" he places his shaky palm on her shoulders

"Why? Why, Regulus?" She gasped worryingly and gripped his ridged shoulders, her face shifted.

"It will cost one of us. You're not the one to do this, I'm sucking you in like the Dark Lord did to your mother! I'm not making the same mistake!" His face was etched with despair

Noelle had nothing to say. Tears streamed down her face, they kept falling, falling and falling. Falling into a pool of her own tears, her own thoughts.

She looked at Regulus, her heart ached with sorrow.

"For years, Regulus we've been by eachother. Don't leave me now" her voice wobbled

"If I were to die it would be not for the Dark Lord, but in dignity and in your name" he put her hand on his heart, which cried along with Noelle.

He stared at her state, unable to think anything else.

"Why can't you understand, I have to do this. For you, for everyone. For the world, Elle. I don't care if people see me as a villain, at least I know someone who thought me a hero. A valiant one, not an afraid coward, I was once" he breathed in, trying to not let tears escape his deep eyes.

"Regulus why can't you understand you were always going to be a hero. Masked or not, I don't care. Regulus, I don't want this to be the last time I ever lay my eyes upon you. You kill me so by doing this. If you die you'll kill me, a arrow in my heart, not for neverending love, for neverending hatred at the world for compelling you to this. Alas, I beg you don't go. I beg of you, Regulus." Her voice choked up as her rosy face turned sour, the colour was drained from her lively eyes. She looked at him, hoping he'd say something else.

But she was wrong.

"It's done. I can't reverse the unreversed" he agitatedly replied

"I love you, but your love is so poisonous that I feel addicted. Your actions feel so imbecilic but somehow I fall inlove. But if it were to end this way, why fall inlove at all?" She answered, an itch in her throat made it sound like her dying

Inside she was, the only who was dying outside, was Regulus.

"My soul will always be lighted by your presence, Miss Moncoufere. If things were differently, maybe I should've never seen you at all. I tell you this, Noelle, you're the first person who told me they loved me, everyone falls inlove with a version that I made, myself. You were the one, the one who saw the true me. Thank you, Elle." He smiled sadly

"Regulus, why do you do this? We could've lived a happy life" her disheartened answer brought a pant in his heart that weighed him down.

He was silent, like he was actually dead.

"Forget I was ever in your life." He pushed away and started to run the other way

"Regulus d-don't apparate! I tell you dont apparate on me!"" She ran, her eyes were blurry, her tears acted as a blindfold.

"I'm sorry, Elle." He stood turned around and left in thin air, before she caught him. She looked at her hand and screamed.

"Regulus! Curse you Regulus Arcturus Black! Why, Merlin why!" She screamed loudly as her sobs were heard shortly after, but nobody seemed to care enough to ask if she was okay

So Regulus Black, on a mission, it could go one way, or another.

Hi guys I've been ill lol so sorry
I haven't updated and it was my birthday aswell. But thank you all for waiting and reading!

I'll see you all soon!!!


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