Vingt sept

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Seventh year had begun, yes it had been a while but Tom after Christmas wanted his mind to be set entirely on NEWTs. Tom, followed by Avella made it to be prefects of Slytherin. But Tom went one step further and became head boy. Also the popular Euphemia Braithwaite became head girl, she was a Gryffindor. Dippet wanted to switch it up and put a Slytherin and a Gryffindor together. Safe to say they loathed eachother.

News had got out that there was going to be a supposed graduation ball. Which would be hosted with other school, apparently Ilvermorny would be catering it for this year. Avella was terrified of the idea, she had never been to a formal event before. Tom, on the other hand was mortified, but he didn't seem to care much about it.

"I want to come back here, I want to be a professor here. That means I can reopen the chamber and fulfil the prophecy" Tom came behind Avella as she was walking to Astronomy

"Where had this come from?" She replied, confused

"If I ask Headmaster Dippet if I could have the Defence Against the Dark Arts post in a couple of years, I will regain their trust and I can have my plan set in motion" his eyes lit up

"And if that plan does not succeed?" She folded her arms trying to get past the swarming students

"It will succeed. I know it would" he stopped her, planned his slim hands on her shoulder

"Tommy. This sounds like a fantasy and fairytale rather than reality. Many people will apply for that post." Avella reminded

"Merrythought has left. All the professors will soon leave, that means I can come in. If not, I'll snake my way in." He devilishly smirks

"I'll talk after, I have to get to Astronomy." She pushed past him

"You do realise I take all the subjects, right? I'll walk with you." He walks with her, their shoulders brushing eachother

"And how will you snake your way in?" Avella interrogated

"I have my ways, Vella" he guided her to the classroom

"Anyways, aren't you and Braithwaite doing the graduation ball" Avella asked as they took their seats

"Yes. I would opt for a formal one, as I'm not one for some joke ball." He scoffs as he got his books out

"Oh come on, Tommy. Have a bit of fun" Avella nudged him

"No. Fun is for low lives that have no plan in life" he remarked

"Then that makes me, as you call 'low lifer that has no plan in life'" she turned to him

"Quiet down now, seventh years" the Professor regarded the classroom

"Good evening seventh years. They say that we think of constellations as shapes. But did you know that some of them are made of vast cosmic clouds? Today we will observe dark cloud constellations and see what forms they take. First, we'll research what can be found in a dark cloud constellation." The Professor smiled warmly

"Seriously? Dark cloud constellations, I've already read and done research on that" Tom muttered

"Well that means you should be an expert then" Avella raised an eyebrow

"Whatever, Vella." He rolled his eyes

The Lestrange girl couldn't help but love the brooding character of Tom Riddle. He was dangerous, he was indeed handsome. But he was scandalous, and she wanted to be apart of it all. Weird as it sounds but it was like she'd been sucked into a giant wormhole of love.

Tom, on the other hand, found that the fierce character of Avella Lestrange came to make him smile. Under all that darkness, will always be light. He was the darkness, her kind soul was the light.

Once they had been dismissed, Tom took a stroll with Avella outside the school grounds.

"Avella. I need you to be honest with me. Are you going to get married to a commoner, or a muggle. Or anybody?" He asked politely

"My parents are wanting me to marry after I've finished here at Hogwarts. But I can't, I just can't marry." Avella didn't make eye contact

"Avella, who is it they want you to marry." He made her look at him, darkness and lust swirling in his eyes

"Someone. I don't know. All they do is want me to have kids and carry on the line of whoever." She shrugged

"Run away. Run away with me, Avella. I've loved you and continue to love you, let's go somewhere only we know." He shook her gently

"I can't just run away with you. It will mess things more up" she turned away

"Look at me. If you are to get married after this school year let it be to me." He gripped her hand

"What are you saying? My parents don't even know you." Avella sighed

"I can say I'm the heir, say that I came from a line of Purebloods." He shrugged

"They know every pureblood family in the wizarding world, not once has your name crossed their mouths"Avella laughed slightly

He stayed silent. But his mind was thinking

"They can't keep you forever, Vella."

"They don't care about me, they care about marriage for power, and their status." She folded her arms

"Maybe we aren't so different. Both neglected, but we can make them pay. Pay for everything, take out revenge" he embraced the girl

"I'd never sought to revenge. Karma is real, Tom." Avella answered back

"I will defy karma. I will be god." He circled her

"I'll take your word for it." She rolled her eyes

"You better." He playfully nudged her

"All you matter on about is that. What about asking eachother how our day was?" She folded her arms

He was caught off guard. But played it off

"How...was your day?" He uncomfortably asks

"Tom, to make people like you, know how to make conversation without it going to your plan" she walked on and back to Hogwarts leaving him there

Heyyy my fellow readers! Merci for reading! See you next chapter!


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