Vingt deux

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Summer was something that Avella would never forget. Tom talked to her everyday about how he and Dippet came to the conclusion that he will be the new Dark Arts Professor after sometime he graduates.

Avella has been forcibly with her parents to go to visit family in France. She read in the Daily Prophet that Gellert Grindelwald was still at large.

She knew Tom was going to be as problematic as he was.

"Avella! Come here this instant! Mathide wants to see you!" Her mother shouted from downstairs.

Avella lept off and walked to see her French cousin squealing.

"Avella long time no see!" She embraced the girl in her strong french accent

"You too, Mathide." Avella greeted with sarcasm

"Insolent girl! How dare you disregard Mathide like that? Sit here at once child." Her mother bellowed

No love between the two. Mathide on the other hand had all the love in the world. Mathide was a Halfblood. Mathide Dèlion. But somehow her mother and father accepted the fact that her sister married a muggle.

"How is you studies, dear cousin!" Mathide says with excitement

"Adequate, I have a..friend too." She awkwardly replied

"Ooooo what's the name?" Mathide looks intrigued

"Tom, Tom Riddle." She replied again

"Oh stop it Avella! Tom Riddle this and that! All you ever go on about! Disgraceful girl! You are not allowed to have a boyfriend! We've already found a replacement for Theodore Nott!" Her mother corrected

"He is not a boyfriend, mother. And who am I getting married to?" Avella says perplexed

"A french boy! Why do you think we are here" mother tutted

"Father? Did you have a say in this?" Avella stood to look  at her father knowing he will take her side

"He accepts, my dear girl. Stop being a nuisance" her mother replies

A brunette tall boy walks in, he has also brown eyes too. Brown like the leaves of autumn.

"Ah! Just in time! This is a neighbours friends son! This is Elliot, Elliot Cellier." Avella's aunt introduced

He smiled and waved. Timid thought she

Her mother nudged her indicating for her to say something

But Avella said nothing but walked out the front door and ran down the street. And caught a bus to central France, Paris.

"Fancy seeing you on here" a familiar voice called out

"Tom?" She asked

He put the Daily Prophet down and looked at the girl. He tried to get through her head but nothing

"Tom, how did you know..?" She asked

"I have eyes everywhere, dear Vella" he kissed her hand

"I ran away, from a marriage." Avella replied

"I shall kill him. Before that also, we need to get
to business and quickly." They both got off at the next stop. Both the pair walked down unknown streets talking about plans.

"When I get my dark arts position I will again open the chamber. You must be there too." He turned to her

"Tom I have dreams too, I can't set them aside for yours. I want to run one of the departments in the Ministry." She sighed

"Vella, I need you more than ever. We are halfway already. Don't you like to help people, Vells? I plan to make seven horcruxes, I vow to do whatever it takes and will you help me" he came closer

She took in the thought

"That abominable and despicable. Seven? Are you out of your sick mind you've already made two!" She pointed to her head

He wasn't fazed by her outburst of anger.

"Vells. You and I, will make history, we will be history. Don't let me down now, I know you've let your parents and bloodline down, but don't let me down" he conjured

"How dare you say that to me when you have no family?! You are alone Tom! I can't be wrapped up in your schemes. I have a life too, my life! I'm sorry Tom, but you an I are different, you are evil, I am good. Live with that!" Avella huffed and walked down the street, he followed her to Luxembourg Gardens where she was sitting on a bench, looking at the scenery

He perched next to her, a simple gift in hand.

I'm...." He found it hard to say the word, sorry.

"You'd accept this present as an apology, it was out of line of me." He shoved it in her hand

She looked reluctant and opened it. It was a beautiful moving picture of them both with Slughorn at his Christmas party he hosts every year. Along with his ring

"Why do I need this ring?" She asked

"It's yours now. That ring, in that way nobody will know where that Horcrux is." He added

She gave him a stare.

"You really had to ruin it for yourself didn't you? Talking of this nonsense! Why does everything always promote your little idea! Can't you just be sincere and not ruin the moment?" She stood up and flicked the box back to him

He looked hurt, he was hurt. He didn't show it but his heart only grew fonder of the girl. After all, her job was to push him away and stop his madness.

"Tom. I cannot risk being involved with you if this is happening. Maybe, maybe I will marry Elliot and leave you to rot alone!" She huffed and hurried away

Tom couldn't handle Elliot, he didn't even know who he was. But risking Avella, he was willing to stop that. As he believed she was rightfully his.

"You won't." Tom stood up

"And why is that? Watch me. I'll now become Mrs Cellier after I graduate. I'm not your toy anymore, I'm not yours. I give up on you, Tom." She sighed

"Elliot has no right to your heart, a beautiful pureblood like you marrying an unworthy Mudblood. You and your precious Elliot will be traitors." Tom spoke up

"And you're pureblood right? No. That's what I thought, you have no right to judge me because you yourself has muggle blood inside of you, in your veins!" She pointed to his chest

He didn't speak.

"Leave me alone, Tom." She walked away silently

He didn't go after her. But he couldn't let his girl fall for a mudblood. Jealousy bubbled within him like concoctions in a cauldron.

He knew what to do.

Kill Elliot.

Hiiii babies! How are you all, and introducing a new character to stir the pot Elliot! Hope you loved this chapter and enjoy the rest of the day!


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