Tom had become to obey Avella more than he intended to. He needed to prove his devotion. But never knew how. He was going to act like he's inlove like he did to poor Lucretia."Tom? You looking a bit pale?" Slughorn looked at him, both of them in the potion room.
They had frequent visits, Tom felt closer to Slughorn than he's ever have with anybody.
"Horace, we see eye to eye. Now, tell me how to....capture someone's heart without seeming too desperate" he looked around
"Someone caught our devious eye, Tom?" He smiled
"Quite so." Tom replied with ease
"May I ask who?" He asked
"Lestrange. Avella, Lestrange" he whispered
"Oh that bubbly fiery spirit of a girl? I didn't think she'd be the one to of captured you, Tom" he laughed
"I need answers. How do I say that I..., I love her." He cringed
"Be helpful. Be kind. He respectful." Horace gave advice
"You know I am not one for doing that, Slughorn sir." He kept stone faced
"Let it unfold, Tom. What destiny had planned out, will happen." Slughorn fiddled with his fingers before walking out
Once he went out Lestrange came in.
"Oh, that's where it is! My bag" she ran forward to snatch her bag off the counter without seeing the eye of Tom.
"Lestrange." He regarded
She stopped to turn around, she saw the stern face of Tom
"What? I'm not telling you anything that I know. You have more than enough brains to figure it out yourself. But I'm watching you, Riddle" she hastily replied walking out
He followed her
"May I hold your bag?" He asked as they both walked down, she didn't even reply and ignored him. He caught up
"Avella. Can I owe to pleasure to hold your bag?" He pleaded again
She stopped and looked at the tall boy with distasteful hate
"No. I'm perfectly capable of holding it myself" she looked into his big dark eyes clashing with great harmony with hers
The electricity going into their veins was undeniable, both felt the shock.
But they both got back into consciousness. And she walked off
He now knows how hard it is to win a girls affection. Especially Avella Lestrange. She had dated nobody. Never opened up to nobody. Never spent real time with anyone.
He needed to break down the barrier. Quality time.
He strategically mapped out it all. Once he has got the answers, he will dump her back where she came from. A broken girl.
He never understood her fully. Nobody did, that's because she never talked about her personal life. But he was bound to do that. By firstly telling her his past.
He was typically ashamed of where he came from. But she didn't know anything about Tom.
Once she was on her way back to the common room he got her by the hand and lead her out of the castle and onto the fields under the blanket of glistening stars.
"What on Salazar's earth are you doing? She asked
He asked her to sit on the blanket, she did and he sat next to her.
"Tell me about you." He asked abruptly
"Woah, why do you suddenly want to know now? I'm nothing new." She doubts
"Come come, if I tell you mine you'll tell me yours" he persuaded
"Done." She looked expectantly at him
Ge sighed. He'd never told anyone, but he feels like he has to.
"I obviously was born from a muggle and a Squibb. I was abandoned outside an orphanage when I was a baby, thankfully they took me in. But as I grew the little children there..weren't as pleasing to me as I thought they'd be. Call me names, so I made them pay. Now all I am seen is a psycho with vengeance on my face. You see there is nothing of me" he said
She looked at him, his featured more softer in the moonlight, he looked more sincere and truthful than he had been.
"I wouldn't call you a psycho. You haven't done anything bad yet." She reassured, she felt bad for him. She came from somewhere. He came from nowhere
"Yet.." he trailed off
"Now, Lessie. Tell me yours" he turned to her
"I made a promise. I'm born into a well known and wealthy pureblooded family. I am someone to inherit the earnings. I was brought up in a home where I was isolated. Never had any friends, never went to Diagon Alley. Until I enrolled here. My mother wanted me to go to the Beauxbaton school for
Girls but I insisted I wanted to go here. I'm not a very pleasing girl to be around with my parents." She says with a sad tone"I think you most pleasing to be around." He smiled
"You think so?" She looked at him
There was no lie. He felt himself feel some warmth
"I guess we all have our backgrounds. I am sorry." He bowed his head
"Don't be sorry, I learn to rebel against it." She smiled lifting his head to look at her
"You look ravishing under the stars, they being out your eyes" he looked at her
"Nobody really compliments my eyes." She turned away shyly
She was not shy.
"You know you look too pretty to lay hands on" he charming adds
She felt herself heat up and covered her face
"This surprises me, why the sudden change in tone, Tom?" She asked
He looked flushed, he was used to Riddle but the soft tone of the word 'Tom' made him feel something.
"There are something I cannot explain to you." He smiled
She thought him most weird. But undoubtedly charming and handsome
"Did you like it?" He looked away
"What?" She furrowed her brows
"The kiss." His voice went higher than usual
"Oh I. I guess so." She didn't know what to say
"If you think you liked it then why don't we try again?" He laughed
"I can't." She sighed
He looked taken aback by his proposal being rejected
"I can't be inlove with you. It's wrong." She tried to get up
"Nothing wrong." He tried to stop her
"You don't understand I am being forced to an arranged marriage." She looked at him
"To whom?!" He looked shocked
They were both standing, the distance between them was getting closer
"Nott." She gulped
His face turned into pure rage
"I won't have someone like him take a precious innocent dove like you"
"I'm not an object to be won over! I have a mind too or did you forget. I can fend for myself" she walked away furiously
He beat himself up for saying that.
Heyyy! Thank you all for waiting so long! See you next chapter I hope you enjoyed!——MINKSSS

𝙈𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙈𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣|| 𝙏𝙤𝙢 𝙈 𝙍𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚
FanfictionShe was manipulated by love. He was minipulated by power. (This does have Marauders era in it, but mainly Regulus Black) Rankings: #1 1940's (1.3.23) #Tomriddlefanfiction (11.4.23) (Rights to jk Rowling)