Fifth year. A total clear mind of Avella Lestrange danced onto the Hogwarts express she had been boarding for the past four years. Tom not anything that happened in fourth year filled her mind. She was alone, everybody already had their friends. Avella...well she lost them due to love. Until Tom slided open the door, he didn't change, still the straight hair with the side part. A devious look in his face as his eyes shine as the light dances on his skin. He had grown somewhat taller than last year, and still had a bit of his baby cheeks. She figured throughout the summer how his frequent beautifully written letters full of love poems made her feel warmth. And finally made her crack. She was inlove."Avella." He regarded sitting opposite the girl
Avella had become different, her femininity had raged and she was like a rose, thorns guarding a beautiful soul which lived within the girl.
Her gaze was on the countryside they were crossing but she turned her beautiful face towards the boy. She had hit puberty the most out of all the girls, loosing her childhood just in one face. She was sort of gaunt but still full of life, the rosiness of her cheeks never died, nor did her beautiful brown locks of hair.
"You've changed." He says
"It's called aging" she returned
"I know what it called. You look like Aphrodite." He couldn't help but wonder why the girl entranced him
"You think so?" She clapped her gloved hands together
"I know so." Tom made small talk
Tom sounded more sincere than normal, more softer. He tried not to force the love and embrace the rising affection of the two
Avella wasn't prone to compliments so her face decided to flush a faint pink.
"Why are you here?" Avella's voice sounded modest and like a love song.
"To be with you. I figured you needed company" he smiled faintly
"Tom. I'm fully fine on my own." She disrespected his appeal
"I'll stay here anyways" he replies with confidence
She tried to ignore his presence but his scent and his overly masculine ways made her look at the growing man reading the newspaper.
"Grindelwald on the move" he set the paper down to look at the staring girl
"Staring I see, Avella?" He smirked
"No." She turned away
"Avella. I'm not forcing you to love me, okay? Just be civil with me here, like I have been to you" he spat out
"But Tom. I do love you." She bursted out
He was not one to show how taken aback he was but with this statement he expressed it.
"But all the things you said..?" He looked at the girl
"It was true. But now..I have changed. The poems you wrote, you have gained my utmost love" she replied with a smile
"Why didn't you want anything else? Why did poems make you realise?" He looked weirdly at her, most girls would of wanted gifts. He guessed wrong
"Because the words were pure. I didn't need anything but your words to make me love you."
She held his handsShe saw him in a different light. A kind one.
"That is all you wanted? Words of love that meant true?" He looked willingly at the girl
She nodded. She was now his mistress. And now he finally had the ticket to the chamber. The whole way to Hogwarts they talked logically about things. The chamber did come up and she was skeptical. They figured both of them were the same, just in different bodies. Tom Riddle capable of love? She wouldn't have believed it. They stood up to get off the train.
He came towards her and kissed her cheek, it felt like the kiss of evil. But at the moment affection turned into power. She liked how the harrowing thoughts dominated her brain. By that one kiss she was entranced by Tom. But was this for herself? Or for him?
"Come, now darling." He grabbed her hand
He obeyed her like a dog. He was for her, and her only. They didn't not hold hands for long, but merely walked next to eachother as they boarded the carriages. Pulling nothing.
"Listen. If anybody annoys you, I'll hex them. Come to me if you need anything and I'll deal with it." He sat opposite her as the carriages forcefully pulled them along.
"I can take care of myself" she playfully replied
"Not such a dollface are you?" He said
"Never was." She looked at her feet
"Look. I need something from you." He asked holding her hand
"What?" She asked looking around checking for any passer by.
"The chamber. Tell me where it is." He whispered
"I want something else from you." She replied hasilty
"What, Lessie?" He asks
"It's Lestrange! Tommy." She laughed
"Stop that now." He gripped her hand and pulled her closer
"I want you to teach me Parseltongue." She smiled
"What? It's impossible." He scoffed
"No. I want you to." She persuaded
"Only those who are picked can. I'm afraid I cannot." He rejected
"Find, no chamber for you." She folded her arms
He gave in.
"Anything else, princess?" He said in a deflated tone and a hint of sarcasm
"Yes. I want you to do everything I ask." She smiled
"I'll do whatever you ask of me. You are mine" he out his head to her chest.
Avella started to laugh. Tom Riddle is under her control. Everything was under Avella Lestrange's control. She has tried to run away but Tom has got her in his grasp.
He looked up at her, they were about to lock lips until the groundskeeper ushered them out the carriage and to Hogwarts. They took their usual places in the Great Hall. Tom next to her.
Everyone noticed them being more intimate than usual, and more civil. They were both exchanging rings, and everyone noticed the Gsunt ring Tom had was slipped into her finger. For the first time a smile came from Tom when with the girl.
What shocked everyone else is that they interlocked hands while listening to Dippet. Everyone was whispering about the two. What caused them to be like this?
While both of them were going to the Slytherin common room Lucretia went up to Avella and tried to make physical contact.
"Not so fast, Black" Tom pushed Avella back and got his wand out
"Look at her Tom! She's not yours your mine!" She said in a heartbroken way
"I was never yours." He hexed her and got Avellas hand and walked in.
They were everything they talked about. But was it always good?
Heyyyy I hope you all loved this chapter and FINALLY!Thank you for reading I love you all

𝙈𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙈𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣|| 𝙏𝙤𝙢 𝙈 𝙍𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚
FanfictionShe was manipulated by love. He was minipulated by power. (This does have Marauders era in it, but mainly Regulus Black) Rankings: #1 1940's (1.3.23) #Tomriddlefanfiction (11.4.23) (Rights to jk Rowling)