Trente quatre

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Everyone in Slytherin was living in Avella's world, it wasn't Tom's anymore. In people's eyes, she was like their heir in one.

Seventh year was coming to an end, and Avella was only getting started. She adapted to her own fashion, bold eyeliner and a matte red lip. After time, all the girls followed.

Tom was the only one who knew she was someone who used to be differentiated from Slytherin, but now. It's changed. He didn't like that

He caught her alone, in the Room of Requirement he dragged her

"Avella, what is this, it is like I don't know you" he explained

"We've had this conversation before, the soft timid Avella under your influence is dead. And I know you hate it because you always want full authority. For once let me have what I've wanted, desired for, for so long" she seethed

"I know. But I know this is all an act, I know who you really are, why are you trying to be different, you're not the one I fell inlove with" his raspy voice answered

"Well, you'll have to fall inlove with this new Avella once more. I'm stone cold, just like how tou wanted me to be and no I have finally become more than you, I know you hate it. You can't bear it. I was nothing and now I am something" she whispered to him

"You just want to feel validated." He muttered

"Are you really going to say that? Tom you wouldn't be here without me, now I'm focusing on myself and now all of a sudden you think it's for validation. You're pathetic little mind cannot comprehend I have a life outside of your evil cycle" she dig her finger into his check and pushing him back

"No need to get physical. I don't like the new you, the old one was better" he showed no emotion

"Well you're not getting me back. Loathe me if you want to. I'm not changing for you, not for anyone, I have finally cracked. And now I will stay like this. No matter how you try" she reminded

"Vella. I have been devoted to you, this new you is great but it dosent feel the same" he came forward looking softer than before

"What? You can't stand someone just as low as you? Just as evil? Tom not everyone can be good, I've turned myself into my true self. All those years I felt disconnected from Slytherin, I don't know why, I had a different persona. But now I got where I'm supposed to be. Their leader. I'm no longer disconnected. I am the heart of Slytherin" she smiled solemnly

"But the softer Avella wasn't like what you've become now, you were fascinating because of your persona. You were mine,Vella. Now in the midst of all of this, I felt so lost from you and so away from you." He comes closer

"A dictator does not need love as their first priority. It has seemed like we have switched personalities. Finally, you have turned soft, while I have slowly turned into stone" she said

It was true. She made him soft, he made her as stale as a stone. Nothing but wanting a redemption.

Both wanted a redemption, but for different things.

"I love You" he finally exclaimed

"Do you? Or do you just want to win me over" she questioned

"I love You." He replied

"I know." She went to walk out. But he stopped her

"I have a compromise" he pulled her back

"You know who you're talking to? Your mistress" she smirked

He looked at his feet.

"At least be old Avella around me. I miss her"

"I don't. But, fine. I will but I won't like it" she folded her arms in defeat

He smiled his handsome smile, she couldn't help the feeling of love and compassion from Old Avella creep in.

"Avella, I really love you" he kissed her cheek

"I know, Thomas." She didn't show affection back

Avella felt a short of guilt not kidding him back. But she had to show she wasn't Avella anymore.

"Tom, I have a proposition." She remained still

"What is it?" He asked eagerly

"But first. What did you feel like killing your family?" She says

He was taken back by her question

"Why? Well, it felt euphoric. Like I was invincible. You're nothing of—-" she cut Tom off

"Yes, exactly what you're thinking." She smirked

"Not until we've finished seventh year. We can't go off track." He held her face

"What finish seventh year with exams and a stupid dance? Why not cut to the chase already" she groaned with displeasure

"It's too sketchy, my dear. I promise you we will" he kissed her tenderly

"When is the dance?" She asked

"Couple of weeks from now. I would ask you to go with me, but..." he trailed off thinking for a reason

Her eyebrows swim the distance between them.

"What on earth do you mean?" She thundered

"No! I didn't think you wanted to go with me, that's all" he defended

"Good." She walked off leaving him

He had no idea what she had turned into. But he didn't know whether to like it, or to hate it. But he went along with whatever her doings was.

As two weeks passed, Avella become more powerful. She had also got gifted a dress from the Lestrange Manor, something a Godess would wear.

Tom grew restless with greed. So he went to the potions room at twilight. Got out his 'Advanced Potions' book, flipped a few of the flimsy pages. Until it landed on one.

The love potion.

Hiii all! Hope you enjoyed this chapter see you all next one!


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