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Everyone was so weirded out by the sudden alliance between the two lovers. Tom hadn't forgotten about his followers but Avella was his main priority, and of course the chamber.

Avella was always fascinated by certain people being Parselmouth. She wanted to be one too, just needed Tom. She knew it could be learnt, because people have learnt it.

"I need a pay a visit to the Gaunt shack, and Little Hangleton where the Riddle Manor is." He blurted out

The two were strolling outside together, they dropped to look at each other, their eyesight colliding with one another's.

"Why?" She asked innocently

"We discussed this. I need to kill my bloodline, nobody can know I was born a Halfblood. They abandoned me when I most needed them, when I was most vulnerable now they will pay. They don't even know I am alive." He whispered to his lover so people wouldn't hear

"Does death really have to resolve everything?" She lightly punched his arm

"To me. Yes." He sternly asserted

"Would you kill me?" A smirk played on her lips

He stood there. Thinking.

"Let's say, if you were to sabotage me."

"I already have." She truthfully replied

He thought, she has. She had put off the chamber for a year in spite of saving the school, trying to hide the 'secrets of the darkest art' book. Telling Dumbledore and Dippet. She had already outsmarted Tom.

"You haven't killed me yet, Tom." She smiled

"If I have to. I will" he shrugged the statement off and carried on

"When will we go?" She asks

"Nightfall. Do not show up to dinner, meet me in the forbidden forest. We will go from there"
He whispered in her ear and walked off

He was an odd being. She always knew Little Hangleton was a dark and gloomy place. It wasn't a place for good people either, mainly home to dark wizards and witches.

She went on with the day, nobody has really came up to her, it's just been Tom and her.

"Hey! Avella!" Walburga smiled bubbily

"Oh. Hey, Walburga." Avella was caught off guard

"What are you doing?" She turned to look at the fifth year

"Nothing, going to class. You?" Avella returned

"Same, I didn't know you and Riddle were a thing. Why didn't you tell me? Well done though, he's very handsome" they walked together

"Maybe not handsome on the inside." Avella murmured

"What's it like?" She bursted

"What?" Avella looked at the girl with a confused look

"Dating the Tom Riddle. Nobody other than Lucretia he's dated. But he looks well on for you, with Lucretia he was...disconnected. But I think I see the connection between you guys." Walburga touched Avella's arm and bounced off to her other Slytherin friends

She was right. Lucretia and Tom were never going to last. But her and Tom, were more like eachother than anybody.

Avella danced into the Potions room where she was met by Horace Slughorn and the rest of the class.

"Ah! Was wondering when you'd get her Miss Lestrange." He merrily told her

The class shot a look towards the Lestrange girl. Who took her post next to the only possible place, next to Lucretia.

"Why are you so late?" He asks

"Well I was helping Dumbledore set up a practical for the first years." Avella lied

"Always helpful I see." Slughorn laughed

Avella falsely smiled trying to contain laughter.

"Now. For all you going to be doing your OWLs this year, listen. I want you all to try and brew me the perfect Invigoration Draught." He smiled

"But sir, it takes three hours to brew." Avella notified

"We'll get to work then" he replied

The class looked dumbfounded. Three whole hours of work.

Avella followed all the steps carefully. She could see people failing already. Tom was on another table with his followers. She heard he was talking about a 'Slug Club' meeting tomorrow. She Avella wanted to go.

So bad to brew this potion right. Soon the three hours were up, Slughorn went around the classroom to check if it had been perfectly made. So far nobody has, most of them were a sludge brown when it is supposed to be orange or blue. He went to Tom's table as everybody followed.

"Oh my Merlin, Tom. It is perfect! First the Draught of Living Death now this! Remarkable" he praised the boy

Everyone stared at Slughorn as Tom look triumphant. He came to the table with Avella, Dorea and Lucretia.

"Let's see, Lucretia. Hmm nearly there but not quite" he looked in her cauldron, the Professor turned to Dorea who stood rigid, he peered in

"Oh no that is wrong my dear. You must of missed an ingredient" he says

Dorea looked a bit upset but that didn't show. Finally everyone's eyes came to Avella.

"Now, Miss Lestrange. Let's see" he looked in to see a shimmery blue potion, he tested it out on a little bug and it started going ballistic.

"Merlin's beard, it works! You have done it! By by, I have never seen anything like it! Extraordinary" he laughed

She gave the side eye to Tom who had a mischievous grin.

After Slughorn kept Avella behind as everyone was on their was to dinner.

"I am impressed with you potion today. Me and a few other students are getting together tomorrow, you don't mind if you can come? I'll send a Owl to you to tell you were it is" he shook her hand

She was thrilled and ran out the classroom wanting the scream. Tom was waiting by the hall, it was empty. Dinner had arrived.

"What was that about?" He didn't look up from his book

"I got in." She bit her lip

"To what?" His gaze met hers

"Slug club!" She jumped up and down

He looked bewildered. But sensed she was happy, so then he was too. But remebered they had to lay a visit to Little Hangleton and Gaunt shack.

On their way to the Forbidden forest they went.

Heyyy all! How are you? Thank you so much for reading I really appreciate it <3


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