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At twilight the two set out to Little Hangleton, the place Tom dreaded the most. However Avella had setbacks. She didn't want to do this, but to gain Toms trust, she did.

"Tom can we not do this another day?" She whispered

"No! Tonight is the night, Avella. Tonight I'll greet all the wrongdoers with death" he laughed bitterly

Avella was in shock, to bring someone to do this to their own family, was pure evil.

Nobody was born evil. Only made into it. And Tom was the mere physical appearance of the devil himself. But Avella, she was too deep to go back. They went through the forbidden forest minding out all the branches that stuck out between the cracks of the darkness. It felt like the darkness had followed them in a sense that branches were like hands trying to latch onto you.

Avella was disturbed by this. They trudged through until they found a little shack, it was old, worn down and downtrodden.

"Why are we here? I thought we were going to Little Hangleton?" Avella whispered to the tall boy next to her

"Oh no silly. We're paying a little visit to my beloved uncle." He sarcastically remarked

"Who's that?" She asked

"Morfin Gaunt" he disgustingly replied

Morfin Gaunt. Many things ran through her mind as they approach the door

"It look like nobody is in there" her voice quivered

"There is. I sense him. Don't be scared he's just a lousy little fiend." He got his wand out and walked swiftly in.

She trailed close behind as they searched the shack. Until they came across a grubby old wrinkly man in an armchair. His eyes widened and fell back in horror

"Thomas Riddle?" He shouted

None of the duo spoke. But the man advanced in a animal manner trying to attack Tom.

"I will kill you Thomas Riddle for what you did to Merope! I will kill you for ever impregnating her and having that wretch of a baby for her to deal with!" He shouted gripping Tom by the collar

"Mark my words boy I will kill you and your pretty friend. I want justice and you have come here to apologise for all those years? Merope is dead, you are too late." He spat

Avella pushed the man back and held her wand out.

"He is not the man you desire, sir. I beg of it, stop." She sneered

"Is he not little girl? Explain the look then? He is the spitting image of a Thomas Riddle!" He pointed at him and running forward once more to place his dirty hands on him, Avella held him back.

"Stay away before I Obliviate you!" She shouted

Of course she would never do that. But a threat is a threat.

"What is your name and why do you ought to see me? Who are you, Thomas Riddle?!" Morfin says

"I am not my father, I am Tom Riddle, Tom Marvolo Riddle." Tom smirks devilishly

A distraught reaction crossed Morfins face, then turned into utmost anger.

"Prove it then! If you're so clever, boy." Morfin demanded

Tom lifted his left hand to show the Gaunt ring on his index finger.

"It cannot be. I am the rightful heir to that ring! That was her ring! You wretched child I'll kill you" he flourished and bursted with anger

Before anything happened Tom knocked him out before Morfin could even get to him.

"Tom! What do we do with him?!" Avella looked distressed

"Now we leave." He took Avella's hand and lead her out. After some time they passed the cemetery of Little Hangleton where Tom's father lay and a house upon a hill, divided from the row of houses and lights on, stood the majestic Riddle Manor.

"There it is, my rightful home." Tom said with jealousy

Before long, Tom found a way in by incarnating  'Alohomora'. They heard laughs and cheers from the main dining hall. The hall was grand and huge, the darkness embedded within, Tom and Avella looked at their surroundings stricken by the beauty of the Manor.

"We haven't got long." Tom turned to his partner of greatness.

"Long for what?" Avella obliviously asked

"Stay where you are." He ordered the girl

"I'm not to be ordered!" She huffed

They were out against the wall, their noses nearly to touch. They looked passionately into each others eyes. Before he broke it walking in. All Avella heard was the gasps and followed by screamed and loud thuds. Avella shot right up and peered into the dining hall to see all the bodies lay dead on the wooden floor.

"Tom!" She gasped, all the bodies were to haunt her until her grave. Their expression with horror as was hers

"Tom! What have you done?" Her eyes began to well

"No use crying, we have got to go, we have no time to loose." He strongly instructed the girl, he had killed them with Gaunt's wand.

They went back to the old bedraggled shack. Where Morfin lay in his armchair. He looked at the pair

"God will never let you repent. You blood sucking coward" Gaunt says

"I won't be such an asshole once more. Don't play by your words i play by my own. You are not to comment once I'll do this to you." Tom sneers

"What are you going to do? You don't scare me, Tom. Riddle." He emphasised his name

"If that how you want it. So be it." Tom laughed then struck the 'obliviation' spell. The frowned expression went into a light one. His eyes rolled back and collapsed onto the floor.

Avella was too struck for words as Tom leaped forward and placed Morfin's wand back into his hand.

"There, nobody will ever know we were here. My infamous noble work is done" he triumphantly walked out

"Tom don't you understand! You've murdered someone! This will be over the prophet! How do you not feel so guilty!" Avella ragefully kept up with Toms speed walking

"Because I feel nothing. If I felt something for their pitiless souls I wouldn't of killed them. They did wrong to me, so they'd pay." He didn't make eye contact

"If you feel nothing what do you feel for me?" She gravely asked

He stopped in his tracks and turned to the girl, hands in his pockets with an innocent face painted with a dark soul.

"Nothing." His words stung like having bees sting you all over, it stung so much it was as if the pain caused you to be paralysed. Those words stung and poached Avella's heart.

He heart audibly shattered in her ears. Hearing the shattering like glass on a pavement.

That's all she was ever to him. Nothing.

I am so sorry to keep you all waiting I've had exams I'm so sorry but thank you so much for reading and waiting I love you all see you in the next chapter


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