Trente six

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Graduation. Avella never thought in her life she'd graduate Hogwarts, as all it has been is her home. Away from family.

That's if she had any left.

She walked up getting her scroll of qualifications, she thought she'd be feeling beyond this world. But all she felt, was hollow.

She was hollow. No soul was left inside of her, Tom had taken it away, like a dementor would've.

She lost herself trying to please Tom, the realisation hit her because of Tom, she had lost herself in the midst of it all.

Nothing felt like it did. She wish she'd never met Tom. Never associated with him. Never gave in as much as she tried to repel.

"Avella, are you okay?" Professor Slughorn asked

She jumped out of her skin. She just smiled sadly and didn't reply.

After their last day. Avella wanted to start a new life, a new her.

When she got home, her parents were in the drawing room. As Avella entered her father gave her a hug, as she sat down, another family with a handsome boy, preferably two years older was there. Sitting and fighting with nerves

"This is our own girl. She will be a great wife, for sure. She has all the qualities don't you dear? Cooking, sweeping, needlework. Everything a man could want" her mother toggled with her cheeks until Avella slapped it away.

Avella, didn't know why to do. But she saw this as an opportunity to get Tom out her head. To start fresh.

"Child, go show him your needlework while I iron things out, will you?" Her mother demanded

"Come, you." Avella got up as he did.

He was taller than Tom. He had softer features and striking green eyes, bushy eyebrows. And perfectly parted hair. Basically, a perfect man in some eyes.

"Did you go Hogwarts?" Avella asked curiously as she opened the wooden door to reveal her room.

"No ma'am. I-erm, went to-erm." He fumbled with his words

He was more timid than Tom.

"Spit it out. You are to speak proper." Avella shut the door behind them

"Durmstrang, ma'am. I visited Hogwarts last Triwizard Tournament. Y-you would've been in second year." He didn't look at her but the floor

"You are to make direct contact when spoken to. You think me indifferent?" She regarded him as she went to surf her draws for some of needlework

"No! No ma'am, I think you very pretty" he nervously watched her move around the room

"Well, sit" she patted the place next to her. Tom was more assertive, he was more anxious.

"By Merlin what is your name?" She asked

"Victor Moncoufere. You see, I'm part French" he gulped. (Mon-coo-fair) (the last name of you have trouble pronouncing)

"As am I, Victor. I am from a bloodline of French. I suppose you're pureblood?" She asked

He nodded his head.

"Do you want to get married?" Avella interrogated

"Well..I've never really-I mean, excuse my language." He sighs but carried on "I predominantly went to an all boys school. Women, or girls...haven't really been a subsequently strong side." He says

"I'm Avella Lestrange. But not to worry, I'm very versatile." She replied confidently

"I gathered, you're a emmener of one of the most known families in the wizarding world" he laughs slightly

"When are we to be married?" She showed him her needle work

"A few months." He said nervously

She thought him very romantic. More like her, and the love she wanted in her dreams. Are coming alive. With Tom, her love was crushed, now revived.

She couldn't help but smile.

"Victor!!" The duo heard shouting from the landing.

"I take you're leaving. Have a good journey home." Avella stood up, as he did.

"Mother tells me to successfully say goodbye, to kiss you on the cheek. May I?" His voice wobbled.

Avella consented. He came forward and gave her a little peck. Before leaving swiftly.

She couldn't believe it. She was getting married. She never thought it would be with someone that wasn't Tom.

She couldn't help but squeal. This would make front News of the Daily Prophet.

Avella Moncoufere.

The day had come. Her wedding. The maids and elves helped to put on her dress. Her makeup was already done. Her long lace veil. She was wearing a typical simple 1940's wedding dress.

Her hair was down, her curls at their most defined. Until her mother shooed everyone out the room

"My dear. Look at you, I remember mine with your father. But, you have come of age to wear a corset. I forgot to tell the elves. Let me do it for you" she said

Avella felt the breath escape her lungs.

"Mother it hurts, I feel crushed and capsulated!"she replied

"That's good! The smaller the more desirable" her mother finally tied a bow at the end of the corset.

"Victor likes me for me, not for my now tiny waist. Mother I had a reasonably good size waist!" Avella turned to her beloved mother.

Until it was ready. Before they knew it. She was ready to walk down the aisle of a secretly magic chapel.

"Please arise for the bride" she heard behind the doors. A heavenly music started to play as the doors opened, revealing an enchantress.

She walks down, dead roses in hand. Victor looked tranced, as did his whole side of the family. On Avell's side, only her parents showed. Everyone else had died.

She got to the alter.

"Please be seated" the priest said tapping his wand at everyone

Avella turned nervously to him, they made eye contact. She smiled warmly and he did back. His palms in hers. It felt right.

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to combine a witch and a wizard. Before we begin the ritual, should anyone object to such marriage?" The priest looked around. Nothing.

Avella exhaled. So did he.

The ritual had begun. Both pricked their fingers and mixed their blood together. Blood marriage.

"Miss Lestrange, do you swear on Merlin to take his wizard to be your husband, told death shall part you?" The priest turned

She was hesitant but nodded excitedly.

"And do you, Mr Moncoufere take—"

"Yes." Victor eagerly agreed

"Then, I pronounce you, wizard and witch." The wand magically combined the twos hand in a blue string.

Everyone clapped. They danced until dawn. She was finally happy.

They kissed merrily. Now officially Mrs Moncoufere.

Hello my readers! Well this is a chapter! Hope you liked it and see you soon!
Don't loose hope because who knows if Tom would make a notorious return?


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