It had been a few weeks, OWLs were coming up too which Avella didn't care, she was the type of person to rather study the night before and still ace the exam. She figured it was quicker and another way to make room for social life and chaotic problems.
Dorea and Lyall Lupin broke up. Sadly enough, the pair was good but sadly it didn't last. They lasted over two years which was a long time. Everyone thought they'd even get married.
Until she found out he was a warewolf.
Lucretia had no lucky with boys after Tom. She was still not letting go of Tom. Even if he said countless times he's never take her back.
Or to cope with her 'heartbreak' she'd be sleeping around with the Slytherin boys. Which didn't go so well as she hoped to gain something. But all they came out of it was that she was no officially a whore.
Olive Hornby was also having a rough time, she is now getting haunted by the ghost of Mrytle Warren, and claims to be stalking her until she dies.
Avella found it chilling to know something like that, imagine getting haunted by a ghost of a dead person you bullied.
Well Olive got her karma.
The deaths continued to pile. Tom wouldn't stop, but Dumbledore got suspicious. Avella was in the common room reading as the regulation were more stricter than usual because of the chamber. She didn't know Tom's presence next to her as he snatched the book from her clasp.
"Hey! I was reading that." She regarded Tom with annoyance.
"Not anymore" he threw the book into the fire.
She looked into the fire, lost.
"I've sealed the chamber." He whispered
"What?" She turned to her he boy
"Nobody's going to die now. Not because I feel bad, it's because Dumbledore is suspicious and getting close to the truth" he spitefully remarked
"You're scared of Dumbledore aren't you?" She caught on
He hung his head
"No I am not." He snapped
"I think you are" she taunted
"I am not. Not when I become the most powerful wizard, then he will fear my name." He grins
"What do you mean by name?" She asked
"I want to fashion myself a new name, a one which everyone will know, everyone will fear." He stood up walking up and down brainstorming ideas
"What type did you want it as?" She asked
"The letters of my name. Come on Lessie. You must be at least smart to figure it out" he says
"Firstly, it's Lestrange! And for the record I'm probably more smarter than you. If you do not think I'm smart why don't you figure it out for yourself?" Avella defended standing up so she met his eyeline
"Funny." He mumbled with sarcasm
"I have an idea" she smiled
"What is it?" He eagerly asked
She couldn't even believe that she was helping him. What had happened to her? Was she ill or where did her stubbornness go?
"Ass lover" she laughed
He looked taken back.
"Or..Basilisk Slytherin Dildo mum" she teased
"You cannot be serious" he sighed
"I am Tom the asshole. I am going to be the most powerful sorcerer in the world so Dumbledore will fear me. I couldn't have done anything without Avella or I'd be in the shit" she mocked the growing boy
He nearly cracked a smile but didn't let it show
He chased her around the room, there was nobody in there as it was nearly 1am. He finally managed to capture her, and that was the most physical the two bad been. She couldn't be falling for him again? After all those boundaries? Would she run the risk of loving a boy so heartless?
She tried to get out the grasp. And the pair just stared at eachother. Their noses touching barely. Their lips were going to touch when she pulled away. She couldn't do it. Even if she had kissed him beforehand, something felt different.
Tom was confused as she exited the common room. Avella had slipped to the room where to mirror of Erised lay.
She walked infront of it. She no longer saw herself being loved or tolerated by her family. She didn't even see anyone, she didn't even see herself being an Auror. She couldn't, she wouldn't believe what she saw. She saw someone who she despised. Someone she would loathe forever.
She saw Tom.
Helloooo! Everyone! Sorry I have not been active I hope you all are enjoying and thank you so so much for reading! See you in the next chapter, hope you enjoy!———MINKSSS

𝙈𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙈𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣|| 𝙏𝙤𝙢 𝙈 𝙍𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚
FanfictionShe was manipulated by love. He was minipulated by power. (This does have Marauders era in it, but mainly Regulus Black) Rankings: #1 1940's (1.3.23) #Tomriddlefanfiction (11.4.23) (Rights to jk Rowling)