act I chapter IX

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"Miguel, calm down. Save some for the tournament," Rory said.

He was frantically punching the air. After the fight at the party, Sam broke up with Miguel. Rory felt bad because maybe if she had never said anything, Miguel would've never saw them and him and Sam would still be together. Now, Miguel was upset.

"Guys, where's Sensei?" Aisha asked.

Miguel, Rory, Hawk, Aisha, and Bert all stood outside of the Sports Arena. But, Johnny wasn't there. It was unlike him to do that, especially on tournament day.

"He should be coming soon," Hawk said.

"I'm not so sure about that," Bert admitted.

The others gave him a confused look, "What do you mean you're not so sure about that?"

"Well, last night, I was on my way home. I saw him at the convenience store and he looked drunk. Like, more drunk than usual. I asked if he was ok and he responded with "We're all gonna die, kid!" Bert explained.

Rory sighed and the other dropped their heads. If Johnny was drunk the night before, he definitely wouldn't be there. The tournament was over for Cobra Kai.

"What the hell, Bert? Why didn't you tell us earlier?!" Rory exclaimed.

Bert shrugged.

"So, does that mean Sensei killed himself or something?" Hawk asked.

"Nah, that's too much of a "pussy move" he wouldn't go that far," Rory answered.

The others agreed. But, there was still a problem. They couldn't join the tournament without a Sensei. I mean, it wasn't against the rules, but it would be odd.

"I guess we're gonna have to do it without him," Miguel sighed.

The Cobras all sighed in disappointment. They didn't think Johnny would disappoint them like that. He had been training each of these nerds how to be badasses so they could fight in the All Valley. But, now it was happening and he wasn't here for them.

"I guess he really didn't care about us," Rory said.

"Where are you dumbasses going?" A voice said from behind the kids.

They all turned around to see Johnny standing behind them. He looked hungover, but not too much. Rory's face lit up and she smiled widely at him.

"Sensei! We thought you wouldn't come!" Aisha exclaimed.

"I may not always win, but I never back out of a fight," Johnny said.

The kids smiled at him. Despite him being only their Sensei, Johnny was like a second dad for them. For some of them, like Rory and Miguel, an only dad.

"Alright come on guys let's sign up," Miguel said, motioning for the rest of the Cobras to follow.

"Not yet. There's one more lesson I have to teach you. You've all learned to strike first, to be aggressive, not be losers. I taught you to strike hard, put every ounce of your power behind everything you do. But I haven't taught the third rule of Cobra Kai," Johnny began

"No mercy," Rory said softly.

Johnny had given Rory and Miguel a small lesson on no mercy, back when it was just them two. But, she didn't just know this quote from that. She had heard it before. She couldn't remember from who or where or what. But, it was so familiar.

"Right, no mercy. The older you get, the more you're gonna learn that life isn't fair. You wake up one morning feeling great, and then life throws a spinning heel kick to your balls, takes a big steaming shit in your mouth. You get an "F" on a test, you get suspended. You fall in love with a girl, and some other dude comes and steals her away," Johnny continued.

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