Paralogue; Naruto's past

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Third-person pov:

"Mom?" Called out Naruto as his soft voice echoed throughout the empty house, it was the middle of the night and his parents are still not home they have both promised to be home by 9:00 pm but right now it was 12:58 am, he grew worried and started roaming all around the place calling out for his parents after waking up from a nightmare.

"Dad?!" Called out Naruto slamming each door open no one is there, he didn't know what to do, He has never been in this situation before.

He is just a kid.

Naruto gave up and sat on the floor pulling his knees up to his chest and hugging them tightly as he rested his head on his knees, this doesn't feel right. This isn't right!

'Where are you...?'

Naruto rocked his body back and forth trying his best to comfort himself and push away the negative thoughts, everything can go wrong in this unpredictable world. But what was wrong?

Naruto's eyes started to water, as small droplets of tears escaped his Ocean eyes. His breaths started to quicken as he sobbed hardly, his heart rate has increased his chest tightened and pain began to throb in his heart, feeling like he is about to explode. He falls onto his side gripping his shirt tightly as he began to sweat, the gasps and wheezes were audible throughout the empty room trying to get air.

Slowly his eyelids began to feel heavy as his heart throbbed painfully he tried his best to keep his eyes open, but his body needed rest... he can't take this pain anymore his eyes slowly began to close and his vision got blurry as the tears didn't stop forming in his eyes. His body fell limply his heartbeat is going back to normal.

He doesn't deserve this.

Hours and hours passed no one entered the lonely house, the poor Blonde was left all alone on the floor sleeping hardly on the hard floor. Even if it isn't the best place to sleep on/in he still got some rare sleep.

The living room was cold making him shiver ever so slightly, he hoped his parents would be there by the time he woke up.

He has hopes.

The sun is rising saying goodbye to the bright moon that was shining through the dark sky, the stars have disappeared as the Blond is still laying on the wooden floor sleeping cluelessly.

'Knock' 'Knock'

Two loud thuds were heard from the front door they were loud and strong, but not enough to wake the little Blond up.

'Knock!' 'Knock!' 'Knock!'

The knocking got harder and faster no patience in it, the Two men at stood there impatiently knocking on the door.

Naruto groaned and got up slowly from the uncomfortable floor his body was throbbing in pain his eyes fluttered open as the bright sun light hits his eyes, he could tell it was so early in the morning at least 7:00am.

The knocks got louder, his expectations became high, and in hopes, that his parents have finally arrived he ran towards the door with no hesitation and opened it welcoming the people he didn't expect.

"M- Iruka? 'Kashi?" Naruto frowned as he saw the Two surprised men, they both had sad expressions on their faces and Naruto noticed it all. He didn't know what to think or do until Iruka crouched down and pulled him into a hug. The Brunette broke into tears as he hugged Naruto tightly. The Blonde hugged back he didn't understand what was going on.

He is too young.

Kakashi stood there unable to form any words, trying to comfort Iruka by rubbing his back soothingly, Naruto held his tears gritting his teeth and clenching his jaw.

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