Chapter Four; Invincible

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You can't wake up, this is not a dream. You're part of a machine, you are not a human being.


Third-person Pov;

'Am I really doing this? Am I actually here in his studio!? This is so cool!!' Thought Naruto looking around the room in amusement, as the Raven sat on the couch inside the room glaring at the Blond.

'Why is he acting like a lost child?'

Naruto snapped out of his thoughts as he placed his things on the floor, he sighed in relief after Two long hours of carrying a guitar on his back he can't even feel his back anymore. "Do you need water or something?" Asked Sasuke as he got up heading over to the mini-fridge under the table grabbing a cold water bottle and tossing it over to the Blond.

"Thanks Duck ass" Thanked Naruto as he smiled slightly taking the bottle away from his hand.

'Wait how am I supposed to drink water like this?!' Thought Naruto as he internally started to panic, he looked around and found the perfect idea. He quickly turned around and raised his mask a little bit upwards as he drank his water in a fast manner.

Sasuke tried to sneak peek at his face but to only get to face the Blond's small back, 'I guess he has Yellowish-blond hair' Thought Sasuke as he watched Naruto fix his mask and turn around, he placed the bottle on the table as he stood in front of the Raven awkwardly.

"Why are you standing there like a statue have a seat, dumb ass" Said Sasuke as he sat down on the couch patting the empty space next to him, Naruto nodded his head hating the way he is complying and listening to everything the Raven says.

Sasuke eternally smirked being proud of himself to be able to manipulate someone so easily, or so he thought.

"For you information the concert is starting after Two weeks from now which we have almost 12 Days to start preparing" Explained Sasuke as he grabbed a rough book writing something down.

"Yeah I know, but what genre are you exactly going to do?" Asked Naruto his voice was almost muffled but Sasuke could hear it clearly, 'His voice sounds familiar...maybe because I have heard him sing before, right?' Thought Sasuke as he mentally fought with his thoughts. He did actually hear his voice before but his dumb brain is too fogged up to understand, it's like those few times they encountered each other is nothing. They both don't know that it's not their first time taking with each other.

"Rock, I have made up some words we can use for the song, here take a look" Said Sasuke as he handed over the notebook to the Blond next o him, Sasuke started to play around with his pen doing some random tricks that would amaze any Ten-Year-Old child. Naruto read through it gladly and found some random mixed up words.

'You make me feel invincible
Earthquake, powerful
Just like a tidal wave
You make me brave
You're my titanium'

Naruto read through the lines few more times before finally coming up with a conclusion.

"The song needs drums and guitar (electric), I can play both, also I need a few hours to come up with the beat, is that okay?"

"Yeah the drum set is over there" Said Sasuke as he pointed at the drum set across the room, Naruto stared at him unamused and said; "You know I ain't blind right?"

"Your mask has a small eye hole, his the fuck am I supposed to know if you can see or nah?" Reckoned Sasuke as he stared at him with a blank expression.

'Stupid Teme'

"I can see even if I'm wearing a mask duck-ass!"

"I like how you have the confidence to yell at someone inside of their own place"

The Masked Singer |Sasunaru|Where stories live. Discover now