Chapter Thirteen: What are we?

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Third-person pov;

On a chilly night near the beach, the atmosphere takes on a serene and enchanting quality. The moon, a slender crescent, hangs low in the sky, casting a delicate silvery glow on the water's surface. The starry heavens above twinkle in approval, and the sound of waves breaking on the shore harmonizes with the night's quietude. The air is crisp, nipping at his skin, yet the proximity to the sea brings a soothing, briny scent that dances on the breeze.

As Naruto stood on the shore, the moon's reflection shimmers on the wet sand, creating a luminous pathway toward the horizon. The beach, usually bustling with daytime activities, has now transformed into a tranquil haven, offering solitude and contemplation. His blue eyes gazed around before sitting on the wet sand below him, stretching his legs as he waited patiently for Sasuke to appear. As he rocked his body back and forth, he couldn’t help himself but feel excited to feel his presence beside him.

What if he forgot? Hold up! What if Kiba placed that note in there when I wasn’t looking?! Kiba is really going to get it if he placed the bote inside. But that’s not his hand writing...’ Naruto’s thoughts kept him distracted from the footsteps coming from behind him, a small smile making its way on the Raven’s face, noticing the Blond sitting alone; probably waiting for him.

He was in a bad mood few minutes ago, what changed him? Naruto’s presence and the happy aura he gets when he is around him—now how gay is that? Is he too blind to realize that? Probably yes.

I will jump scare him! I bet he will act so surprised and thrilled to see me.’ His ego got a hold of him as he was acting a little childish now, how could anyone blame him for that? Why can’t he live his childhood that he never got to experience in his younger-hood? Does that make any sense? Nothing is wrong with that, right?

Sasuke approached him from behind with a slight grin on his face, the Blond sensed nothing as his ears only focused on the sea before him, ‘He is oblivious even though my foot against the sand is making loud noises, he still hasn’t noticed it…anyone can kidnap him easily in this state.’ Sasuke stopped in his place and stood right behind the Blond, towering over him as he was trying to do soft noises to make him recognize the fact there is someone behind him.

“Whoosh~” Naruto had no reaction to that as his eyes stayed wide open staring the the glimmering sea in front of him even though he was physically here, he was mentally in another world thinking of the outcomes to that note. Sasuke blinked unamused by this, he leaned down letting his hands reach to his sides before attacking him with tickles.


“Ah! What the—?!” Naruto yelped and moved away quickly, his body reacting on its own as he tilted his head up at the man towering above him. Sasuke wore a black t-shirt with a blue jacket on top as his pants looked like pajama pants.

Overall, he looked like a kid.

Sasuke smiled and took off his mask, shoving it in his pocket with happiness since he is finally going to spend time with someone dear to him, Naruto sighed and moved back to his original spot with a slight pout on his face. “Fuck you moron, you scared me.” The Raven chuckled and sat down next to him.

“I was standing behind you doing some sounds affects but it seems like you’re deaf.”

“I was zoning out! I ain’t deaf teme.”

“Well you better be careful next time, your ass can get kidnapped.” Sasuke’s soft voice was filled with concern as he gazed at the Blond with such emotion—the amount of affection he wanted to show him is unbelievable—Naruto didn’t take that seriously and laughed sarcastically; “You really thought I could get kidnapped? I bet if someone tried to kidnap me they would throw me out of the vehicle in the first second.” Naruto chuckled as he looked at Sasuke’s eyes, his expression and features. Noticing that concern being so visible on his face.

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