Chapter Fifteen: Friday

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Third-person pov:

As the concert approaches, Naruto realizes that the competition he never signed up for is also drawing near. He needs to prepare a song for the audience and the judges, who are known for their harsh critiques. Naruto is well aware of how strict the judges are when it comes to music competitions.

He needed to be perfect if he was aiming to be the best.

The blond sat on his desk chair, staring at the music lyrics he wrote before and sighed loudly. He placed his hands on his eyes, rubbing them before going back to work. He felt rather anxious and regretful, but Deidara’s words cheered him up.

‘Hey, there is nothing to be afraid of! Listen, once you get on the stage you have to forget everyone and everything around you. When you're on the stage you are you. No one else has to interfere between you and yourself’

‘You're so good at playing drums and piano, especially the guitar! I am your music teacher and I will help you become the best’

Naruto rubbed the back of his head, then proceeded to shut his notebook, grab his mask, and walk out of his dorm room to have a discussion with Deidara, who was supposedly in his classroom. His mind was clear; today was a peaceful day. The wind was blowing gently against his skin. As he reached the stairs, he turned around to look at Shikamaru’s dorm room and paused for a moment in thought.

Should I drag him with me? I mean, all he does is sleep! Yet he still somehow manages to get higher grades than everyone.’ Naruto walked back from where he came from, but took extra steps towards Shikamaru’s room and started violently knocking on it

The fuck?!’ Thought Shikamaru as he jolted up from the couch—he had the best dream of his life, but some obnoxious idiot decided to interrupt his slumber—and rushed towards the door, while fuming with anger. “What the fuck do you want?!” Yelled Shikamaru as he flung the door open.

“Can you come to Deidara-sensei with me?”

“Naruto I’ll slap you.”

“Did I wake you up from your sleep or something?” Asked Naruto, trying to act clueless. Though, the look on Shikamaru’s face screamed the fact he was dead asleep before this. The pineapple head looked at him with a ‘Are you serious right now?’ expression before sighing loudly. He walked out of the dorm room and closed the door as he rubbed his eyes from the deadly sunlight that seemed brighter than usual.

"Dude, no shit! You knew I was asleep yet you woke me up." Complained shikamaru as he shoved his hands in his pocket with a groggy look on his face. "Why am I being dragged with you again?"

"You're my friend, you basically signed up for my bullshit."

"Still doesn't answer my question though." Shikamaru arched a brow as he followed after the Blond, "We are going to see Deidara! Because my dad signed me up for a competition as if the competitionis a child's play!"

"Ahh, that explains a lot. What do you mean child's play? It's fine if you lost, although that is quite literally impossible."

"Fuck you mean impossible?! There are so many talented people on this campus! If I lost or fuck up during the performance, I will get hated on so bad! Everyone will hate me! And everyone will start making fu—"

"Naruto! Calm down, you are overwhelmed by this situation! See at the end of the day you should go up on that stage and enjoy your time, and that by itself will make you gain so many aura points." Naruto lowered his head slightly as they walked down the stairs and sighed, he was overthinking the situation forsure but he couldn't suppress his feelings. He felt like he was being forced—he basically is—but he should learn how to stop fearing commitment or else he will end up nowhere in his life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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