Chapter Eight: The Downpour

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Trauma, trauma I think I'm dying inside I don't want to be alive
Trauma, trauma I think I hurt myself again I don't know where to begin.


Third person pov;

Time passed by as the waves that attacked the ocean slowly calmed down, the bright while moon shined in a distance, but its light seemed to be glowing on a certain Blond whose eyes are scanning the dark sky filled with stars and carters, counting each and every sprinkle of them. A gush of wind attacked his face, sending his hair flying back and forth. His phone buzzed in his pocket as he snapped out of his thinking and pulled his phone out.

'Message from Sasuke?'


How are you? Is everything okay at your dorm? Make sure to eat.

Naruto's heart fluttered with joy as his cheeks grew in a light shade of red as he screen-shotted the message to keep it as a wonderful memory. 'He is such a kind friend' his smile grew on his face as his mask was puled under his chin.

I am doing great! Wbu? Yes everything is fine no worries-it's weird to find you not being an ass. 😶

The Blond stared at the sea for a few moments and decided it would be a great idea to take a picture of it to send it to the Raven. Naruto was never a big fan of taking pictures of what is he doing, or where he is going. He would rather sit and enjoy the moment and store it in his mind rather than his phone.


Kitsune sent an attachment

The Blond got off the soft sand and rubbed it off his pants, he stretch out his limbs sending his arms flying into the air as he stood on his toes while letting out incoherent noises. The Blond retreated with a sigh, shoving his phone in his pocket and making his way to the dorm.

'Such a peaceful day' Thought Naruto as he pulled his mask up on his face and walked slowly-he wasn't excited to get back to his dorm anyways-the Blond looked at the flickering street light on the side walk, 'Suddenly, I feel like I should have stayed back' Naruto shivered in his place seeming extra conscious, his thoughts were as scary as this place. What if someone kidnaps him? It's really late at night, should he take another route?

Naruto sighed heavily, 'I must be a man and walk through this!' The Blond smirked as he fixed his posture and walked straight showing no sign of fear. 'Oh my, I must have scared those thieves away! Hah! Take that bastards' How delusional of him. The streets were empty, but the cars wouldn't stop passing by from every time to time.

A bulb lit up in Naruto's mind as he pulled out his earphone and connected it to his phone-what a creative idea indeed-the Blond hummed a random song in his playlist as his body relaxed into the rhythm of the amazing song playing through his earphone.

'All my friends are heathens, take it slow. Wait for them to ask you who you know~' Naruto didn't want to embarrass himself in public again, so he started singing in his head instead of the empty streets. Naruto shoved his hands in the pockets of his hoodie feeling the strong wind hit his face. The gusty weather added up to the mood, his lips formed into a heartwarming smile.

'Being alone is not bad after all'


Sasuke walked away from the huge building he was at for the first Three hours of his day as he opened the door to his car and sat inside with a loud sigh. 'Oh good lord, I have practice today' The Raven groaned throwing his head back at the seat with a frown. 'I need to inform Naruto' Sasuke opened his phone and noticed a message from the Blond that he hasn't replied to-well he was busy fighting with his family-the Raven stared at the message for a second.

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