Chapter One; The Beach

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There is something about the way Dawn whispers so much is out there waiting that keeps my dreams breathing there is just a way that morning carries my hopes


Third-person Pov;

There can be nothing more pleasing to the senses than the sunrise. Nature is at its best at this heavenly hour. The golden rays of the sun give a luminous colouring to the clouds and meadows, mountains and valleys. It marks the journey of the sun in the sky. At first, there appears a small ball of light in the sky. It then goes on increasing in size and shine. The golden dies seem to be rising and rising. Birds sing to its shine. Men and women who go out for a morning walk enjoy its reddening beauty. It is the time when the day casts away the cloak of night. The lovers of the morning walk stop on their way to look at the sunrise. The first rays of the sun are cool and bracing to the eyes. At a hill station, the beauty of the sunrise is beyond description. The hilltops and the valley below seem to be bathed in yellow light. All of sudden, the golden ball shining in the sky grows big in size. Milk vendors and newspaper boys are heard calling their trade at every turn of the street. A little later, small boys and girls in shining uniforms are seen going to school. As the sun gets higher in the sky, the day's activity begins. Plants and trees feast on the rays of the sun. Late risers miss the beauty of the sunrise. It is a rare joy to be awake at sunrise.

The Raven's head lay in bed tucked into the blankets ignoring everything around him, the curtains were tightly shut not allowing a single light inside the room was dark just like the way he likes. He slept in peace his breaths were slow and calm his soft hair brushed against his face lips slightly parted-

"Wakey wakey!!" The door bursts open slamming against the wall with a huge thud Sasuke flinched dragging the blanket on top of his head and sighing in frustration.

'What a nice way to wake up'

"Sasuke! Get up you got a meeting today remember to take your shit and shower Lil bro!" Yelled the older Raven as he stood in the doorway; Itachi Uchiha has long, black hair that falls to his shoulder blades. He wears it in a low ponytail His bangs are about jaw to chin length and parted down the centre and have Two stress marks near his nose.

Itachi slammed the door close walking downstairs to make something to eat, Sasuke groaned finally getting the energy to wake up.

'Why is the meeting conducted so early in the morning?!' Thought Sasuke got up from the bed and got his clothes and towel to shower. He got inside the bathroom his thoughts are mixed, not knowing how to start his day.

"I want Tomatoes" Mumbled Sasuke under his breath brushing his teeth exhaustedly, eating Tomatoes in the morning sounds good to Sasuke. He got inside the shower after taking off his clothes.

He turned on the water twisting the knob until he finds the warm water hitting his skin.


Naruto ran to the classroom in a hurry panting, he is late for his first class he ran up the stairs carrying Two bags in his hands, the rectangular-looking bag is for his Laptop for Computer class and the other on his shoulder for his books.

'I'm late! I'm late! Asuma is going to kill me!!'

Naruto finally reached the classroom on his right hesitating to knock on the door, if he enters now everyone will be staring at him, Naruto groaned slowly knocking on the door. He grabbed the doorknob twisting it slowly anxiety creeping inside his body. Everyone in the classroom turns towards him as Asuma stopped explaining staring unamused at the Blonde standing in the doorway.

"And why are you late this time?" Asked Asuma cocking his brow he crossed his arms over his chest, the whole class turned their attention towards the Blond he is always full of surprises everyone in here loves his goofy acts and the bright energy he gives off. Some students snickered as the others stared at the show Naruto has created.

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