Chapter Seven: The Encounter

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Tell your friends that I'm gone, they won't even care, they won't even stop to find me.


Third person pov;

The night sky was aglow with bright city lights, and the pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky. He looked up at the blanket of stars that stretched to infinity, the occasional barking of faraway dogs broke the silence of the night. The chilly breeze entered the opened windows as everyone slept in peace.

Naruto's eyes were wide open laying on his back, staring at the ceiling above him trying his best to fall asleep, he covered himself in two layers of blankets to make himself feel warmth. He turned to his side and tried to relax his muscles, but there was no use.

'Why am I not able to sleep...?'

'I took my medication, aren't I supposed to be asleep?'

Naruto gave himself one last chance to fall asleep, but that didn't last long since he is wide awake now. He grabbed his phone from the nightstand and started going through his gallery, his eyes landed on a certain picture of a board.

'The music completion that I never signed up for!!'

Naruto read through the board as his image playing the piano was displayed as the "Piano specialist" the competition was after 3 weeks and that's enough time to prepare, but why is he on the board? He never signed up for any competitions. He never had enough confidence to do something he loved, he is afraid of making mistakes in front of the crowd, but he can't complain about it, can he? He will be performing live in front of the citizens of Japan-can he actually do it without messing up?

Naruto sighed heavily and came up with the conclusion to ask about it later. He looked through his messages and as usual, there was nothing new.

'I wish I had more friends'

Shikamaru was unable to sleep that night, he was lost in his never ending thoughts that linger in his head. The Pineapple head leaned against the window puffing his cheeks out holding a cigarette in-between his fingers.

'Where is Naruto the whole day? I knocked on his door multiple times today and he wasn't there'

Shikamaru came each hour to check if Naruto had arrived at his dorm yet, but no one was answering the door nor did Naruto answer any of his calls. He grew worried and asked either Kiba or Temari about his whereabouts. But, no one knew. And no one cared.

"I will go check up on him" Mumbled Shikamaru to himself, crushing the cigarette in his hand and throwing it outside the window. He got out of his dorm wearing a shirt and shorts as he headed towards Naruto's dorm which was down the hall.

"Naruto...such a troublesome blond"

Shikamaru seemed hesitant about knocking, but since he is standing here there is no going back. Naruto heard Three light thuds coming from his door, he jolted up from his bed rubbing his eyes repeatedly.

'Did I imagine that?'

Another Three loud thuds were heard, this time Naruto was sure someone was on the door. He couldn't guess who would come by his dorm in this hour at night.

'Could it be Orochimaru? Did he find out about yesterday?!' Thought Naruto as his heart raced faster than before, walking towards the door as he wore his mask in a hurry and finally, he twisted the door knob and peeked his eyes.

"Shika? What are you doing here?" Asked Naruto in a raspy voice, opening the door fully as the light of the outside world blinded his eyes, he arched a brow blinking several times to adjust to the light. Shikamaru chuckled lightly at his actions. He was glad Naruto finally opened the door, but where was he the whole time?

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