Chapter Fourteen: Admiration

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A/N: before you even comment a single word, this chapter is rushed over and nothing really happened in this chapter or you can call it a filler chapter. I am sorry for disappearing for so long then dropping trash, will be getting back on track of writing in june/July sorry.


Third-person pov;

As they stepped inside the room, the lady excused herself to get their sets of clothing form the storage room. Sasuke had no idea what was the plan but he knew Garaa and Lee will be making their presence apparent soon. Naruto was mesmerized by the fully empty room aside from the green screen and the big light lamps.

"Do you have any idea on what we are going to wear?"

"Nope." Replied Sasuke, pulling out his phone as he looked for any messages from Garaa or Lee. They have always been participating in his concerts so meeting them was nothing new, but they were not friends with one another. The lady barged in quickly with Four sets of clothing that were hanged formally. She placed the outfits on the clothing rack.

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting! But we are waiting for the other two to show up." The lady smiled awkwardly but the Blond assured her there is nothing to apologise about.

"Who are the other two people?"

"Garaa and Lee. They are taking the role as guitarist since it will be hard for you to play the drums and guitar at once! Speaking of the they are." The lady's eyes caught the sight of the door opening, revealing a red-haired man wearing a black hoodie and cargo pants while the person who followed after wore a green jumpsuit.

'The way the lady is talking about them, that probably means they have seen each other more than once or they're friends.' Thought Naruto as he stood in his place, wondering if he should stay quiet the entire time or make some sort of move. Thankfully, his face was hidden behind a mask so no one could see how nervous he was. Sasuke proceeded to greet them both.

'Hold on a second...I can't be revealed to Garaa, my name and identity must remain a secret at all costs around him.' Naruto observed their body language and noticed how hyper lee was while Garaa on the other hand was calm and dry.

Just like Sasuke when the Blond first met him.

More like the third time he met him.

"Enough of the greetings guys! Please gather around and allow me to give out the outfits." The lady announced as she gestured them to come to take a look at the outfits hanged on the clothing rack. Naruto approached while standing next to Sasuke.

"This green one was specifically picked by me for Lee, here take a look." The lady grinned as she handed him the outfit, "I love it! I will go change in the changing room!" The bushy brow man grinned as he jogged to the changing room.

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