Chapter Twelve: The Stalker

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Third person pov;

The Raven head walked around the neighborhood with a cigarette in his hand, the man had his hood on the whole time making sure to keep his famous identity hidden from everyone around, the night was cold as the clouds covered the dark sky like a blanket. The light illuminated from the moon was barely visible as the stars designed the sky in their own way. Sai puffed out the smoke as he passed by the local park which was close to the a local bar that was blasting with muffled music.

Two benches were placed far apart from each other on the sidewalk were a cat rested peacefully on top, looking deeper he found a play area there were some slides in different shapes and colours as there were also gym equipments for anyone. His eyes landed on the swing set where a dark-like figure rested on top and looked like he was about to fall off his legs barely reached the ground. Sai looked around wondering if he was a poor man sitting there helplessly.

'He looks short...maybe he fell asleep while playing?'

And you know what they say, curiosity kills the bird.

Sai walked in the wet grassy area throwing the cigarette away from his hand, trying to be as quiet as possible. The Raven got closer noticing a Blond haired man with a dark-green shirt sitting there with his eyes closed-how can he sleep like this? Why is he sleeping here?

'He looks cute' Sai stood few centimeters away from him with a frown on his face, the Blond's mask covered his face as he had his phone in hand which looked like it could fall at any second. The Raven sighed as he noticed the phone in his hand suddenly light up with a familiar caller's id.

'Sasuke-teme' Sai's eyes widened as he quickly ran away before the Blond wakes up from his nap, his heart raced fast as he turned the corner and slouched against the wall feeling tired after running-even if it was a short distance, Sai had no energy feeling himself drained by anything so easily. His mind was filled with greed and curiosity, what was he doing? Why did he look at the caller's id? Sai peeked his head watching the way the Blond fell to the floor with a thud, quickly answering the phone.

Sai moved his head away as he grabbed his phone writing something in his notes app to remind him of what he saw, taking a quick picture of the location as a wicked smirk came on his face. 'Well well well, what type of relationship do you have with this boy, Sasuke?' He knew there might be someone out there with a similar name as him, in this case he is planning to investigate more upon this matter. He had nothing to do since his girlfriend is not at home, he could've tagged along but his schlong couldn't handle the hot girls-and boys-over there.

It would be so clear that he cheats on his girlfriend if she glances at his pants.

Sai walked calmly to the second bench near the sidewalk and took a seat trying to act neutral as if he wasn't committing a sin. The Blond's muffled voice can be heard as a car pulled up in the parking lot, hearing some rustling happening behind him and near the slides. Sai's eyes drifted off to that familiar car and arched a brow, this could be it.

The man wore a black hoodie and blue jeans walking out of the car while turning his head in every direction looking for something-or someone. Sai couldn't see his face. Mentally cursing at himself for being so obvious in stalking.

'Is that Sasuke? I can't fucking see that guy's face, why would Sasuke be here anyway? Is he friends with that boy?' Thought Sai as he pretended to crack his back his eyes wandering around but there was no sigh of the Blond boy on the grass or the swing set. 'Damn where did that guy go?' Thought Sai as he heard the dark figure call out his name.

"Naruto?" His voice seemed muffled due to his mask, but little did Sai know that was actually the person he assumed he was. Sai looked away quickly and the cycle went on as he then decided to get up for a quick bathroom break at the bar close by. Sai sneaked a quick video to see where were the two guys and then walked away to the bar with hopes he would find something worthy of blackmail-hoping deeply it was actually Sasuke.

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