Chapter Ten: Face your fears

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On my chest I let you cry, I couldn't find the reason why this moment seemed to last forever


Third-person pov;

“Oh my God! Why is it so hard to think of the fucking lyrics?!” Sasuke sat in his office seat absolutely frustrated, he crumpled the paper in front of him throwing it in the trash while murmuring random curses under his breath. The Raven got another paper and started thinking deeply listening to the beat and thinking of the perfect words to utter.

“Here we go again, I will not give in. I’ve got a reason to fight, every day we choose we might win or lose. This is the dangerous life” He sang out the lyrics he wrote and smiled widely at himself pumping his fist up in victory. He thought of the next lines with a smile on his face feeling happy but that was all over as three loud knocks could be heard from the door. The Raven arched a brow thinking it was Obito, but at the same time does Obito even know how to knock on the door?

"Come in” Mumbled Sasuke leaning back on his seat placing a leg over the other, the door knob twisted slowly revealing a pink-haired girl in the door way who was smiling widely as if she was excited over something. Sasuke groaned quietly as she walked inside to the desk and slammed her hands down on the table with an angry expression on her face but at the same time she was smiling. The Raven caught the papers from falling, placing them back on the table with an amused expression on his face.

“Do you, perhaps, want me shove a selfie stick up your ass?” She asked calmly tilting her head to the side, an anime vein can be seen too. Sasuke arched a brow at that and lean in on his elbows looking at her with curiosity. What did he do to make her so mad? Sakura smiled wider at the silence ready to grab Sasuke’s hair and tear off his duck ass hair and make him go bald.

Bald Raven

“Did you take my fucking porn book?!” Yelled Sakura her eyes glaring at him leaning a little closer to him to intimidate him more. Sasuke looked away holding back sets of laughter that is now stuck in his throat. He looked at his first drawer where the book was stored, his eyes drifting back up with a smirk.

“Did I borrow your book? Yes, yes I did. Am I returning it any time soon? No, no I am not” Sasuke loved being sarcastic with people specially when the person is already angry. Sakura moved her hand slowly on top of his head just a few inches away getting ready to pull off the next move, “So you won’t give it back?” Sakura’s smile was still plastered on her face her green eyes starting at him intensely. She needed that porn book because it’s not even hers! She burrowed it from her innovator—Kakashi—all of a sudden it disappeared from her office.

“Nope~” Sakura slammed her hand down on his head making his face slam against the table, Sasuke groaned feeling his nose hurt badly. “You fucking cotton candy piece of shit!” Sasuke moved his face up getting up from his seat with an angry expression on his face. “You better get out of my office right now, because I am not giving back the book!” The pink-haired girl clenched her fist ready to throw a punch but kept calm knowing that she can come back here at anytime to get the book back from him.

“Am I going to leave? Yes, yes I will. Am I going to accept defeat? No, no I won’t” Sakura gave his bangs one last pull before walking out of room and slamming the door shut behind her as hard as she can. The door knob looked like it was going to jump out of its place. Sasuke sighed looking at his papers thanking God she didn’t throw them on the floor or that would be a mess.

The raven grabbed the book out of his drawer looking at it with such lust—as if he was going to jerk off while reading it—the Raven thought that he needed a little break so he sat on his office chair his face almost shoved inside the book while reading with such interest. But all of a sudden the door slammed open making him drop the book to the floor in surprise.

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