Chapter Eleven: Your affection

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They say you used to be so kind I never knew you had such a dirty mind.


Third-person pov;

“Where are you?! I can’t see you anywhere!” Sasuke held the phone next to his ear as he walked around the park looking for Naruto who was hiding in one of the slides.

“I am hiding~ come and find me” Naruto giggled as he hanged up quickly curling up inside the slide, his head peaked out the entrance of the slide while looking through the railing, spotting a figure wearing a hoodie with Blue jeans walking around holding his phone in his hand with the flashlight on as if he was recording—which he was—he looked through the bushes and under some benches then reached towards the slides. He climbed up the stairs making loud footsteps.

Naruto slid down the slide quietly and carefully as he waited at the very end, Sasuke needed to get down from the sliding area so he could climb back up the same slide. Sasuke sighed as he pointed the flashlight up and climbed up the another sets of stairs with a sigh. "Naruto this is seriously not the time for hide and seek!" Yelled Sasuke as he looked at the three slides. 'The only suspicious one in here is the Yellow-tubed slide' The Raven sighed finding no hope in this, he got inside the yellow slide as he slid down the slide.

Naruto’s eyes widened hearing the thumps coming from behind him, he tried getting up but it was no use since the ending of the slide had a long plastic-like structure so that the child wouldn't fall butt first to the hard concrete floor, the Blond looked back seeing the Raven holding his phone with a flashlight on as his knees were against his chest opened widely so that he wouldn’t hit Naruto’s back while landing.

He has a better idea.

Naruto closed his eyes ready for the strong impact, but all he felt are two strong arms managed their way with way under Naruto’s arms and held the phone with a blinding flashlight facing them as the Raven’s legs stretched out along Naruto’s sides letting the Blond sit between them, Sasuke didn’t know what he was doing. Why did he wrap his arms around him? Why did he feel like hugging him? Why was he recording himself? His head rested automatically on Naruto’s shoulder as he turned off the camera immediately placing it in his pocket.

Naruto blushed unable to move an inch away from Sasuke even if he wanted to, he couldn’t look back at what is happening. Everything was so sudden! He opened his eyes looking at the two legs—longer than his—stretched out staring from his sides, his back pressed against Sasuke’s chest his shoulder carrying some sort of weight. He couldn’t even turn his head.

What is happening?’

“Found you” Whispered Sasuke as he chuckled at how Naruto seemed so surprised, he leaned back on his arms as Naruto sat between his legs zoned out. Sasuke sat there in silence ready for whatever ruck Naruto is going cause. ‘What the fuck?’ Naruto immediately got up and turned around almost falling off the slide, with an angry expression on his face pointing his finger at Sasuke.

“You scared the living shit out of me!” Naruto sighed letting his tensed muscles relax, he got off the slide while crossing his hands over his chest his eyes still staring at Sasuke. The Raven smirked as he got off the slide standing in front of him mimicking Naruto’s pose.

“At least I found you”

“Teme! I am not talking about that! You literally were right behind me for a solid ten second without saying anything, I thought someone was about to kidnap me!” Naruto smacked the back of his head making the Raven grunt as he rubbed the back of his head, “Dobe” Sasuke smacked his head back lightly, as he threw his hand over his shoulder dragging him to the bench. Naruto sighed as his feet moved on their own a slight pout under his mask invisible to the Raven

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