Chapter Six; Sparks Of Hope

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Third person pov;

The dappled sun shone through the trees, creating mysterious shadows. The blue sky was dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily in the gentle breeze. The blazing midday sun shone relentlessly on the hikers. The roads shimmered in the heat of the midday sun. The sunlit skyscrapers pierced the hot, blue sky. The afternoon sun bathed the buildings in its warm light. Tiny specks of dust seemed to dance in the shaft of afternoon sunlight that slanted through the window.

A young Blond boy sat on his desk solving his homework that was due next week, he felt his brain fry and couldn't focus on anything he was doing. The melody he created yesterday felt like he was trapped in a dream. A dream he never dreamed about, Naruto sighed hopelessly as he placed the book away.

He leaned his back as he stretched out his limbs letting out a frustrated sigh, he didn't want to spend his whole day doing nothing productive, but he also can't help himself-he grabbed his phone scrolling through his media for no reason.

'Are we supposed to meet up today?' Thought Naruto eagerly switching screens on his phone. It has only been a few days and the Raven seemed to take a huge effect on him. The Blond wouldn't say that completely, but he knows how much he hates the Raven too. He understands that Sasuke views him as nothing more than an assistant who is supposed to help him during the concert and that's all.

But would that even affect Naruto? Why would it? It's not like he cares, right?

The Blond checked his chats and there was actually a message from the Raven, he was shocked yet anxious. What if it was an important message but the blond was too busy with his own things to answer? Naruto got up from his comfortable position and placed his elbows on the table with eyes wide.

Be ready by 1:30 pm, we will meet up by the bus station. And don't you dare be late.
2 hours ago

"What?!" Yelled Naruto in disbelief, how could he simply ignore his texts like that without checking? He quickly got up and headed towards the cabinet.

'There is no time to waste it's already 1:00 pm!!' Thought Naruto as his heart was racing with each second. He grasped a random Black hoodie and yesterday's pants, he didn't care about showering since he did that yesterday. His clothes were not well-ironed since he doesn't have an ironer in his dorm, but did that really matter? The beauty he holds is on the inside, not the outside.

Well...maybe both!

He stripped down his Pajamas and proceeded to put his clothes on in a rush making his hair a whole mess. He grasped his equipments and rushed outside the door towards his living room. He stomped around looking for the missing piece.


Naruto gazed around until he remembered washing the mask yesterday, he dashed towards the bathroom slamming the door open and grasping his mask which was still wet. He sighed hopelessly walking outside the bathroom and again. Made his way towards the kitchen to clean his mask.

'Fuck! I wonder if Sasuke is there right now'

'This Dobe didn't even open my message' Thought Sasuke as he closed his phone setting it aside, he took a seat in a random restaurant near the bus station as he waited patiently for the Blond to arrive.

Today, he had to practice recording the song on an actual stage to check the speakers, lights along with instruments that are going to be used, but that can't be done without Naruto who is supposed to be emerging from the side of any street right now-well. He didn't even look at Sasuke's messages-he knew from the first glance that the Blond would be the type of person to be late for everything, especially after the encounter at the street. He wanted to know more about the Blond, but at the same time-his work is getting in his way every time.

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