chapter 14 - pines and cipher

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dipper walked through the front door of his home and rushed upstairs to tell mabel what had happened, he put his bag in his room and went into mabel's room which was right next door

"mabel, big news" he said barging through the door falling flat on his face

mabel went over and laid on the floor with him.

"what is it brobro? tell me tell me tell me!" mabel exclaimed smiling like hell, dipper swore she was glowing out of excitement.

"well, pacifica moved to piedmont and lives near us now, she also hugged me for no reason this time, she didn't make up an excuse for it" dipper said with a giant smile on his face slightly blushing.

"wait so pacifica is here in california and you think she likes you and she's not being mean!?" mabel said confused but still excited as hell

"yeah, i think she's changed for the better, you better be in school tomorrow so you can see her, also it's lonely without you, you know i have no friends!" he responded

they both got up and went over to mabel's bed as she pulled out a notebook to write everything down in

"don't worry diping sauce i'll be there, i need to see what you're talking about" mabel somehow seemed happier

little did dipper know she had been writing fanfiction about the 2 since the mansion incident.

dipper smiled and walked out of mabel's room going to his own and lying face first on his bed weirdly falling asleep instantly despite the time, probably to exhausted.


Later that same night pacifica's uncle is seen going down to the basement making sure no one is around, he arrives at the bottom and opens a book as he falls to the floor and a familiar triangular silhouette appears above his head with an iconic laugh.

"what's the deal for releasing me from your grasps" the dream demon said clearly aggravated.

bill (the human one (uncle)) looks up at him.

"look cipher, that's my niece and im scared you're going to hurt her, our deal's off!" he exclaimed.

the silhouette disappeared and formed fully right in front of his eyes

"ok then hot head, if that's the case you've helped me with everything I need, i'm out of gravity falls and i'm going to harm everyone close to you and your family, then i'll take over the galaxy, and i'll start by killing the little girl you hold so close to you" cipher said as he laughed maniacally, all that could be heard was bill screaming.

suddenly pacifica awoke with a small scream following, it was hot in her room to the point of the bed becoming a tiny bit moist due to sweat.

"oh thank god it was only a dream" she wiped the sweat off her face and checked her clock, it read 3:45.

pacifica wasn't able to get back to sleep but was reassured that it hadn't actually happened, or so she thought.

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