chapter 21 - possession

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march 24th 2013

by 10 am everyone had regrouped in the kitchen the next morning all prepared to face the dream demon if anything bad were to happen.

Despite it being day time the sky was still stained black with the red clouds surrounding the edges of gravity falls, this time bill's wrath had stretched slightly outside of the natural law of weirdness magnetism with a visible stretch outlining the sky as if it was a child stretching bubble wrap just without the bubbles.

Ford was armed with an atom disfunctioner which caused anything it hit to melt instantly and a portal gun he borrowed from someone called rick sanchez that can take you to anywhere you want to go, stanley had a gold knuckle duster and a pair of nunchucks which, lets be honest, wouldn't do anything to bill, pacifica had a laser tag gun that shot actual lasers and could penetrate anything along with a typical sharp kitchen knife, soos had a specially made gun sword made by ford from soos' favourite anime monster slayer academia (if anyone can tell me what that's from I'll be very impressed), dipper had 3 grenades that can stick to anything and can't be removed along with a ray gun that shot what seemed to be nerf bullets but they would explode on impact, and finally, gideon had a laser sword and a portable tent of telepathy that when thrown down traps anything within a 2 meter radius of it expanding.
Somehow ford had enough time to equip the golf car with canons that shoot balls of gama radiation and nitrous thrusters on the back and sides, safe to say this was very serious.


2pm rolled around and Michael finally awoke still in the shack he found but something felt off, he felt like only half of him was there. Michael rushed into the bathroom and almost burst into tears, his face had a giant burn mark stretching from one corner of his face to another with a small black triangle marked on his forehead. Bill was free and almost at full power, michael ran back to the living room but ended up collapsing at the front door, he darted his eyes around the room and saw the dream demon standing right infront of him, cipher snapped his finger and just like that michael northwest, one of the last 2 good northwests still in the world, was turned inside out and torn apart atom by atom until he was dead.

Bill is seen outside by the surrounding wildlife burning the shack to ash, the first act of ciphers wrath was done, next, stan, ford, dipper, gideon, soos and pacifica, then, the universe.


3pm arrived and the main gang reached the centre of the town, everyone felt the same strange sensation, no one was around and they felt like they were being watched

"everyone keep your eyes peeled, bill could be anywhere at this point" ford said huddling everyone into a circle.

"well, i was wondering when I'd see you all again. Oh the northwest brat's here as well" a mysterious voice said from one of the dormant buildings, everyone immediately drew their weapons out when they heard it, the voice was one they all recognised but it wasn't who they expected, out from the shadows emerged... Wendy.

Stan ran over to Wendy and slapped her for almost getting herself killed by them, and not being in work for a week, everyone other than pacifica was relieved to see it was wendy -pacifica was annoyed because wendy called her a brat-.

Ford, Stan and Soos lead the others into an empty building where Ford and Dipper got to work on making a cipher wheel, Soos and Wendy started to catch up on things they had both missed and finally Stan regaled Pacifica and Gideon with very over dramatic stories from his glory days.

4 pm, the cipher wheel is complete, everyone got into a circle around the cipher wheel and started a chant "elcric, erauqs, elgnairt, elcric, erauqs, elgnairt, elcric, erauqs, elgnairt" The wheel lit up a bright blue and the dream demon appeared from it with a bright flash and a puff of smoke.

"heaven and earth become sky, it was always warned, fear the beast with just one eye. when my time came to burn I invoked the ancient power that I would return. I said I'd be back and here I am, so let's get down to buisness before you all get a slam" Bill said looming over everyone

"look Cipher, if you spare all of our friends and family from your universe takeover then we'll give you a body to pilot and you can go through with your plan, deal?" ford said sternly holding out his hand, without hesitation Bill placed his hand on to fords sealing the deal.

"well sixer, guess I'll be piloting you yet again" the dream demon said followed by his signature cackle.

Bill turned his body to stone, about to enter fords mind, when suddenly.

"Bill! use me, Ford won't be of use to you now with his age" dipper exclaimed charging over to the statue.
Everyone in the room gasped at what dipper had done.

"well what a turn of events, sure I'll use your body pine tree, if you don't mind a bit of pain" bill moved his attention over to dipper yet again about to enter his body.

"wait, can i just say a few words before you take me over?" dipper questioned in the nicest tone possible.

"UGH FINE, you're so boring" bill said brushing him away to do what he wanted.

Dipper walked over to pacifica and grabbed her hand tightly "I'm so sorry Paz, this was my plan from the start, it never would have worked out between us darling, again, I'm sorry" dipper said releasing her hand with a little wink and started to put on a fake cry.

Dipper raised his arms out as if he was nailed to a wall and cipher took over his body. Dipper fell to the floor in pain as markings of planets and constellations started to appear all over his body, his eyes turned yellow and in just a second the boy disappeared along with the cipher statue as if neither of them had ever been there.

Understandably everyone broke down into tears surrounding the place he disappeared from, dipper was gone, a lost soul, there was no more dipper, only a new stronger being known as decipher.

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