chapter 18 - beginning of the end

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march 18th 2013

dipper awoke to mabel standing above him with his phone displaying the time 11:57AM.

"DIPPER" mabel exclaimed.

 The boy shot up snatching the phone out of her hands seeing he had 12 missed calls from an unknown number.

"mabel get out of here i need to make a call" dipper said getting up and physically pushing her out of his room.

dipper went on to his phone log and called the number hastily. After about 5 minutes someone on the other end finally answered

"hello" the voice on the other end said

Dipper recognised the voice and matched it to being pacifica.

"oh, hey paz, whatsup? why are you calling so much?" dipper said concerned.

"it's nothing important but i want to know if you know what a vortex rip is?" pacifica questioned.

Dipper fell silent and turned pale, his mind raced with thoughts of how she knew about the device until he finally came to a conclusion. Bill Cipher.

The silence was broken when dipper heard pacifica's voice again. "uhm hello?" the girl said confused.

"pacifica, meet me at the park in one hour, I'll be on the first bench closest to the main entrence, we can discuss this there" dipper responded.

"oh, ok, I'll see you in an hour then. they both hung up and rushed to get ready.


pacifica entered the park exactly on time, she spotted dipper and ran over to him excited yet concerned.

"hey dipper" pacifica said finally reaching him.

"pacifica" dipper responded "how do you know about the vortex rip!"

Pacifica backed up slightly until she reached the gates of the park. "m-my uncle told me to ask someone related to ford about it, i dont know why, I'm sorry" pacifica said scared out of her mind.

Dipper looked down at her overcome with a feeling of guilt "pacifica I'm sorry, i didnt mean to yell. what's your uncles name?" dipper said giving her a hug to try and comfort her.

pacifica blushed slightly and hugged him back "his name is bill northwest" the young girl said breaking the hug.

"thank you paz, I'll go tell ford now" dipper said dashing away to go find ford.

pacifica smiled as he ran off and decided to go back home herself.


Michael was sitting in the living room looking at the news on his phone, nothing interesting was happening except for one thing that caught his eye, the title read as followed 'scientist are saying that the once in a lifetime event of the solar system being in sync will happen sooner then expected'

Michael's eyes widened after reading that, he clicked onto the article and was devistated, it said that the event that could lead to bill cipher ending the world would happen on the 28th of march in only ten days time. as soon as Michael had read the entire article he burst into tears

"i can't believe it, eerything is going to disappear, this world is over and it's all my fault, i should have never trusted him" he said sobbing and sniffling between words.

Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his chest and fell unconcious on the sofa just as pacifica walked in. pacifica saw her uncle on the sofa but thought he was just sleeping so she put a blanket over him and went to her own room.


Dipper burst through the door of fiddlefords old home and rushed to the basement to find ford.

"FORD I HAVE BIG NEWS" dipper exclaimed.

At that moment Ford burst out of the selfmade bedroom he had down there.

"what is it dipper, what have you found?!?!?!?" ford asked picking dipper up and shaking him vigourosly.

"i know who has the vortex rip" dipper said "pacifica's uncle, bill northwest, she said he's worked with you before"

ford seemed confused "the only northwest I've worked with was Michael." ford said with a long pause "WAIT he might using an alias because he is being controlled by bill, he made a deal in order to save himself from something and in return bill would get the vortex rip and use it to take over the universe. knowing bill he'll probably go back to gravity falls"

Dipper looked up at ford scared "so what are we going to do?" he said.

ford knelt down to dipper's level and placed a hand on his shoulder "dipper, pack your bags, we're going back to gravity falls!"

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