chapter 24 - fight for future

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March 28th; planets align

Multiple campsites were set up in the centre of town having 2 people at each fully equipped with every type of weapon known to humanity and all that would be needed to finally end Bill Cipher's reign. Decipher had already begun his move to gravity falls but with his newfound abilities it would be as if he had been there from the start, Ford started a countdown for the exact millisecond decipher would appear. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 just like that Decipher was going to start the world altering event of weirdmaggedon for the last time, standing right in the centre of the 3 camp sites was Dipper's battered, broken body with the dream demons cold, dead eyes and Michael Northwest's head lying right Infront of him. Pacifica almost burst into tears seeing that the only good family member she had left was dead and couldn't contain herself forgetting it was still Dipper's body and tossed an explosive right on to his chest created an eruption of blood and decipher being left with one large hole in the centre of his torso, it couldn't be that easy though, right? It didn't matter, everyone else charged at Decipher hitting him with every ounce of strength but he didn't move a muscle to anything, burning? just a tickle, stabbed? felt like a poke, electrocuted? not even a scratch. They all stood around Dipper's body paralyzed with fear until he finally moved, the gap in his torso filled up as his body was lifted into the air with the purple aura returning around him, the light being emitted by Decipher was getting brighter by the second until it all went dark with an audible crack coming from his direction. When light was returned to the surroundings Decipher had ascended further into the air and on the ground below was the vortex rip completely shattered. "Go ahead and try to beat me if you're able, I'm a mystery that you can't unravel, did your books tell you how you can defeat me? all along we know you're all weaklings." Bill said, his voice echoing through the abandoned houses of the town, Ford stepped out from his cover as a beacon shone down through Decipher. "Bill, you're clearly in control here so why do you need dipper anymore?" Ford yelled, doing random hand gestures to try and get Decipher's attention. "Oh, that's cute sixer, don't make me laugh. I need him so you don't kill me. It's funny how you think you could've won, I won't play nicer, I am Decipher... Come on Ford... Won't you strike one last deal with me!" Bill exclaimed, holding his hand out as it illuminated into a blue flame. Ford grabbed an explosive from his site and ran at Decipher throwing it perfectly at his head but as soon as it hit the entire thing disintegrated "We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when, but I know we'll meet again some sunny day. I said this at one point and it's going to stay true. maybe not to you though. if I know your attacks then they'lldo nothing, you physically can't beat me" Bill said holding his stomach due to laughing so hard, Ford didn't say anything and just nodded as Decipher surrounded him in a ring of fire. Just then Wendy, Pacifica and Soos all struck Decipher in the back, managing to make him lose focus and everything he had done up to that point other than destroying the vortex rip was undone and he fell to the ground in pain. Stan and Gideon walked over to the fallen body of Decipher and rolled it over revealing that his eyes were back to Dipper's normal eye colour. Decipher sat up scratching his head and Dipper's real voice was heard "Stan, I figured it out, if Bill takes enough damage then I take control, if you hurt him enough he'll retreat to his stone statue he left behind, when that happens destroy it and don't be scared to hurt my b-" before Dipper was done talking the dream demons eyes returned and sent the surroundings flying back in a shockwave. "Well, I guess I need to try harder now" Bill said as his body started rising again along with his hair standing up revealing the big dipper birthmark. "Everyone, as long as Bill has been in his body for more than 3 days, which he has, then his body will still regenerate for 30 minutes after Cipher leaves his body!" Ford screamed as he broke his shield apart and successfully shocked Decipher making sure Bill was still in control of the body. Ford set up an order for everyone to attack until it was done so he finally ordered that to take place, and everyone was attacking Decipher one by one until Decipher was completely out. With them all out of breath and Bill being taken care of all they had left to do was break the Cipher statue, so they started making their way over to the building it was left in until the body of Decipher's body started rising again followed by the dream demon's laugh and a spiked pillar appearing from his hand getting plunged right into Ford's stomach. "WOW you almost got me there, one more and I would have been out for good. Too bad you were all too weak to handle my power" Cipher exclaimed laughing maniacally. "It's all over, there's nothing to do. Wendy, go get the statue in case anything happens" Ford said as he fell to the floor dripping with blood, Wendy ran off to get the statue crying while everyone else stayed behind to bandage up ford.

"This is it; we're all going to die!" Pacifica and Gideon both somehow screamed in unison over Ford's body, throwing anything they could find at Decipher while he continued to deflect all of with his eyes closed. A little while later Wendy returned with the statue but decipher was still standing and all hope was lost. "Aw,what's the matter, do you all give up. Admit it! you can't do anything to me-" Bill was cut off halfway through his sentence as the body of Decipher fell to the floor and Bill's spirit floated back into the statue. Seeing the only chance, they'd get Wendy smashed the Cipher statue on the floor leaving the demon to rest and subsequently breaking the connection between planets, saving the universe. Everyone was left confused by how that happened but then heard a familiar scream from on top of the roof by Dipper's body "GRAPPLING HOOK. See Stan, I told you it would come in handy" Mabel said from the roof while riding waddles. "MABEL!!!" they all shouted in unison except for Stan. "I never doubted you for a second pumpkin, now get off the roof or your mother will kill me" Stan shouted running over to Dipper's body.

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