chapter 23 - armed

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March 26th. 2 days until weirdmaggedon.

Stan and Ford brought everyone together into the kitchen with pancakes and tea for breakfast while Ford explained what he found last night. "I kept monitoring what decipher was doing and I found things that appeared to be an ancient transcript that perfectly matched the wordings for what the Mayan's said would be the end of the world" Ford said, placing all the pictures and transcripts he had collected onto the table. "So, we just need to fight him with everything we have?" Wendy said, slamming her fist into the side of the table. "Yes, but it's not that simple, I'll get to work on something now" Ford explained, leaping over the table and running to the basement, the rest of the room was left in silence as everyone finished their breakfast. "Well I don't know about all you but in the off chance I'm the last one alive in the apocalypse I'm coming back here to survive, now if you'll excuse me" Stan said moving a trolley full of canned brown meat over to a shelf "stacking meat for the apocalypse doo de le doo we're all gonna die" Stan continued as he carefully placed the meat on the shelf to fit as much as possible on there.


"Everyone get down here" Ford shouted from the basement, in mere seconds everyone flooded the room and were astonished by how much Ford had set up in such a short amount of time. The group were surrounded by six stations for each person there with a bucket of pure liquid tungsten and premade Molds on a table along with negative 100-degree freezers to secure and freeze the metal once the Mold was full. "Everyone, down here we can make our full arsenal of weapons. six stations for each of us that are fully fit to our preferences. Wendy has an axe, Soos has a sword, Stan has a knuckle duster, Gideon has a ball and chain, Pacifica has a pocket knife and I have a sharp ended shield. I'll explain what to do after" Ford said rapidly as he started making his own weapon, The rest rushed to where they were put and started the creation of their individual weapons. Half an hour later and all of their weapons were solidified "Now you should all see a plate on your table, place the weapon on the plate and you'll have unlimited customisation options to add to your weapon" Ford explained using his shield that could easily break apart into 50 pieces and electrocute what it's attached to then reconnect without a scratch. Another 15 minutes passed and Ford had brought everyone outside with some training dummies set up to test what they had made; Ford's dummy was burnt after its attack, Stan's dummy exploded on impact with the knuckleduster, Wendy's axe tied up the dummy in thick rope on impact, Soos's sword would light on fire leaving 3rd degree burns on anything without a doubt and accidentally caught the dummy on fire, Pacifica's pocket knife could track anything and hits its target every time without fail and finally Gideon's ball and chain could detach at will turning the spike ball into the size of a boulder and leaving the chain as a whip.


At dinner for the night Ford congratulated everyone saying that they should enjoy tomorrow and not bother about the future because it might be their last good day alive. Everyone spent the rest of that night training to fight a literal demon that's survived being erased, Ford knew they'd have no chance at winning but thought he could give everyone hope and so left that information secret from the rest.

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